Cosmic Correspondence – Neptune Goes Retrograde

From June 16 until November 22, 2017 Neptune will be retrograde in the sign of Pisces. Neptune rules the sign of Pisces – dreamy and nebulous.  Very creative and imaginative, yet prone to delusion.

This retrograde transit may force you to leave the world of imagination and face reality. Whatever illusion you may have surrounding a particular area (or areas) of your life…this is the wake up call.  And the more illusion or delusion you’ve placed around these things…the more harsh the wake up call is going to be.

Pisces can be prone to substance abuse, a way of escaping reality. So be mindful not to delve into this form of escapism.  Remember that whatever you resist, persists.  Better to face things head on than to avoid them in a flurry of intoxication.

And because Neptune is internally focused, this may be a time when you find yourself….well….focused on yourself.  Be careful you don’t get consumed with your own worries and preoccupations or self-pity.  Having said that, this is a wonderful time for spiritual growth and development. Meditation, and “going within” for solace and greater understanding is ideal.

If you are a Pisces, or a Pisces rising or moon, you’re going to be feeling this the most. Whenever your signs ruling planet is involved in a transit, you tend to be affected by it more than others.   Again, try not to lose yourself in chemical substances or get too caught up in self-pity.  All planets go retrograde at some point, and they all go direct. So, this too shall pass.

Try to use the energy as best you can. Confront what needs to be confronted head on and in a direct way.  Retrograde transits are a good time for “re” everything.  Reviewing, revising, recalling.  Review what needs to be addressed…and address it. You’ll be stronger and wiser for doing so.

Be open to what calls you…
