Llamas – A Harvest Festival

July 31/August 1 marks the celebration of Lammas.  If you follow the Wheel of the Year, it’s a festival that marks the first harvest.  It also has some roots in the Christian faith – people would attend mass and put loaves of bread on the altar.

This is when we can see some “fruits of the harvest.” Certain fruits and vegetables are in season and ready to be picked and enjoyed. For me, it makes the middle of summer, and the reminder that autumn is on its way.

Traditional ways of celebrating this day are to make corn dollies (from corn husk) and for baking bread.   Other, perhaps less common ways to celebrate this day, are to simply give thanks for the harvest in your own life.  All that you have and all that has been given to you.  And all the things that are on their way…

Be open to what calls you…
