What Your Daily Prayer Should Always Be…

Don’t worry – this won’t be “religious.”  It won’t be preachy. At least that’s not my intent.  This is about prayer, though.  Or whatever you call it. It can be meditation for you, it can be “quiet time.” It can be talking to your family and friends who have passed over.

They say that prayer is asking. And most of us don’t have a problem asking for help or certain things.  Or even “making deals” with God/Source and angels (“Oh, please, if you give me this, I promise I will never do that again…”).  But it’s in meditation that we listen for the answer. There has to be both for a proper conversation.  But so many of us are slow to quiet down and “listen.”   I can’t encourage you all enough to try to build into your day at least one minute of just being quiet and listening.

Having said that, the one prayer we should all be saying every day, if not throughout the day,  is thank you.  Thank you. There is never a bad time for reverence and gratitude. So try to say this throughout the day.  If you are walking outside from your car to a store, and the sun is shining and it’s a pretty day, say thank you. If you go to your sink and clean water comes out, say thank you. If you flip the light switch and the light turns on, say thank you.   So many things we take for granted every day millions of people don’t have. And yet we don’t even think to whisper a “thank you” for all of these things.

If going throughout your day mumbling thank you doesn’t seem practical to you, then make a point of saying aloud ten things every evening before you go to sleep that you are thankful for.  Not only does this small act of gratitude literally thank God/Source/Spirit/Angels/Guides (whoever you resonate with), it encourages the universe to give you more.  If a child comes to you and wants some candy and you give them some candy. And they look up at you with a face and start to whine, “That’s all? That’s it? I want more!!”  You’re probably not going to want to give them more because they aren’t thankful for what you just gave them.   If a child asks you for some candy and you give them some and they give you a huge smile and say thank you and give you a hug and then come back a few moments later and ask if they can have some more (and throw in a “please”)…you’re more likely to give them some more.  Even if it’s just a little bit.

Whisper thank you throughout the day for all the gifts and miracles you receive and encounter.  Say aloud the ten things you are most thankful for that day at the end of the day. I bet you can’t say them without smiling at some point.  Gratitude has a way of making you happy, as well.  And watch more blessings come into your life.  A little like….magic.

Be open to what calls you…


Llamas – A Harvest Festival

July 31/August 1 marks the celebration of Lammas.  If you follow the Wheel of the Year, it’s a festival that marks the first harvest.  It also has some roots in the Christian faith – people would attend mass and put loaves of bread on the altar.

This is when we can see some “fruits of the harvest.” Certain fruits and vegetables are in season and ready to be picked and enjoyed. For me, it makes the middle of summer, and the reminder that autumn is on its way.

Traditional ways of celebrating this day are to make corn dollies (from corn husk) and for baking bread.   Other, perhaps less common ways to celebrate this day, are to simply give thanks for the harvest in your own life.  All that you have and all that has been given to you.  And all the things that are on their way…

Be open to what calls you…



The Magic of Gratitude

As children, we were taught to say “thank you” when we received something.  On our birthday, during holidays, from adults around us.  So, for the most part, we grow up  saying thank you (or “thanks”) when somebody gives something to us.

But what about all the other things around us that we take for granted every day. Clean water to drink and to bathe in and to wash our clothes in.   Clean air to breathe. Sleeping in a bed. Having food to eat. The chair you’re sitting in. The table you are writing on. The book you are reading.  Not to mention all the other things we just “assume” should be ours – our clothes, our vehicles, our proximity to grocery stores and clothing stores, medical care if we need it…the list is endless.  There are a lot of people in the world who don’t have these things.

Who do we thank?  Well, that depends on what spiritual practice you identify with. But you don’t have to even have a formal spiritual practice or religion to say thank you. Yes, but WHO am I thanking?  I just say “thank you” to the air?  Yep, you can just start by saying thank you to the air.  We all have spirit guides, angels, spirits around us all the time.  They’re everywhere.  And many of them are just waiting for a directive from us.  Something to do. Something to help with.  Everybody likes to hear thank you.  Everybody. I imagine my dog likes it when I thank him for going outside and going to the bathroom.

So say thank you. Your guides and angels will hear you.

And….when you say thank you, you get more of what you are thankful for.  The universe is a bit like a parent. If you keep giving and giving to a child.  And they never say thank you. And then they come to you whining and crying for more of this or that new thing…you’re probably not very likely to give it to them.  You may think, I’ve given you all these things and you’ve never said thank you once. Why would I go out and get this other thing….you probably won’t be thankful for that, either.

But the child who says thank you when you give them anything….even a toy they may not especially want or even like….you’re going to be more apt to give that child more things.

If you want more money in your life, start being thankful for the money you have.  But that’s the problem, I don’t have enough money.  You may not have as much as you want, but you need to start viewing it as being thankful for what you have. You have a house or an apartment…money paid for that. Be thankful for the money to pay for that. If you ate food today, money paid for that. Be thankful for the money you had to pay for the food you ate.

If you want a new romantic relationship in your life, start by being thankful for the other relationships in your life that bring you happiness and love and joy. Your friends. Your family. They may not be romantic relationships, but they also bring you happiness.

Get in the practice of writing out 10 things you are thankful for every day.  Before you go to sleep.  Ten things. And if you can’t think of ten specific things on that particular day, then go general. Thank you for clean drinking water. Thank you for my office mate being in a good mood. Thank you for getting to work on time. Thank you for how good lunch tasted.

You can also write a short list of things you would like to see happen that day at the beginning of your day.  Start by being thankful for them….before they’ve even happened. I do this after I meditate and read (tarot) for myself.  I just write out two or three things I’m thankful for that day…that I’d like to see happen.

The list may look like this: Thank you for not having to wait in line at lunch today, thank you for a wonderful unexpected surprise, thank you for feeling strong during my run after work.

Thankfulness. It’s magic all on its own.  Our guides and angels hear us and the universe then conspires to bring more of what we are thankful for to us.

Be open to what calls you…



There’s also a wonderful book on this subject, The Magic by Rhonda Byrne.  A great read I highly recommend.