Pluto in Aquarius…

This transit happens approximately every 10 years. And the last time Pluto changed signs was in 2008. Remember 2008? The financial crisis? Pluto doesn’t play around. He’s about death and rebirth of structures and ideas and progress.

Aquarius is a very collective, innovative, community oriented sign. So the changes will be felt on a personal level for all of us as well as a collective one.

So this could bring about pretty significant changes with technology. With our financial systems (the banks?). And the important thing is that “the people” will have the power.

This won’t happen in a few months or even a year. Those big changes need time (years) to change. But things will likely be very different for all of us in 20 years.

This shift will also bring its share of tension and challenge. So be prepared for it.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy. There’s a link here in the blog site🔮

Cups, not Pentacles

If you’ve been living life by the pentacle (money, status, job, career), the universe might knock you back a peg or two and remind you to live by the cup. Fulfillment, true happiness, love (including self-love).

Pentacles are necessary, no question. But constantly chasing them, chasing more of them, probably won’t bring you the real happiness you’re searching for. That comes from within. And it comes from living your truth and purpose.

Shift your focus from the material to the spiritual and emotional. Watch your life change for the better.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy. Link in my blog site🔮

What if…

Start saying this before you take on any new thing. But don’t follow it up the way you’ve always done. Follow it up with success and positivity.

What is it works out? What if it’s easier than I thought? What if I really enjoy this? What if I make more money than I thought was possible? What if I end up really ridiculously happy?

Stop stopping yourself with all the “what if” BS you tell yourself. Sure, those things could happen. But so could the opposite. It could work. It could flourish. It could be really lucrative. On and on.

This is manifesting. And it’s easy to do. You can spend your whole day doing it if you want. And you should. Because life is meant to be lived and loved. If you aren’t loving it, it’s time to change something. Like the words you say to yourself.

Interested in a tarot reading? Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy. There’s a link on the website here🔮

Hello Aries season! Hello spring!!!

Spring in the northern hemisphere anyway. Fall for those in the south. A shift of seasons is here. Which also brings with it a shift of fresh energy.

And the start of the astrological new year. Aries starts the zodiac. A cardinal fire sign known for aggression and bravery. It’s a sign that gets things done. It’s a sign that isn’t afraid to run into battle. It’s a sign that is high energy.

AND….all of the planets are still direct right now until the middle of April.

If you needed a “reason” to get on it and start the new thing, this is it. A new season, a new astrological sign, and all planets direct.

As an Aries would say: stop talking about it. Start doing it.

Order your intuitive reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy. Link is on the blog page🔮

Dragging yourself out of bed is a scream for self-care…

Not a call or a whisper. It’s a scream. Full throttle, hear it echo within the room you’re in. You should feel this one in your chest.

Simply stated, that’s not a way to live. As a morning person, I understand (kinda) that not everybody is chomping at the bit to spring into action every morning. I get it. But…life is something you should be excited about. Something you look forward to living and experiencing. Dragging yourself to start the day isn’t it.

At all.

And it will start to take a toll on you if it hasn’t already. Your sleep and diet will be affected. Which could affect your relationships. It’s all connected.

It might be time to take a real like look at how you’re living. What you’re doing (or not doing). And how to change it so you are excited for a new day. Stop wasting time just going through the paces.

Order a phone or FaceTime reading from OracleIndigo – my shop is on Etsy🔮

Mercury in Aries…

The planet of communication moves into Aries today. Aries is a fire sign – the first sign of the zodiac. A cardinal sign (it starts a new season) and full of energy and drive.

Communication may take on a bit of this energy as well. This can be good or bad, depending on what the conversation is about. And who it’s with.

If things have felt stagnant and you really want to push something forward, this can be a good time to do it. Just be careful that your assertive approach doesn’t cross over into aggression.

Having said that, some people might cross this line with you. Remember that you don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to. Put a pin in it until calmer heads prevail.

But a lot of fast moving dialogue. Messages to respond to and to send. It can be exciting for sure.

Click the link to my Etsy shop OracleIndigo and order a reading today🔮

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Irish or not (I certainly am not) I hope this day is lucky for you. Or fun. Or happy. Or just easy.

If you’re Catholic you will be happy to know that the Church offers a dispensation for today. Whatever you gave up for lent…you can enjoy today. Or…that’s how it used to be. Wink wink.

It’s on a Friday this year, a day ruled by Venus. Love might be in the air. And who can’t use a little luck and love?

Order a phone reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy today. Link here on the blog to the shop🔮

The call to create…

I know I’ve talked about this before…how important creation is. Creativity. Making something yourself. A good, a skirt, a book case, a sketch, whatever it is.

Creating really engages the brain in a way that is unique. The task of the actual construction or building and then the artistic ability required for it. And it’s remarkably rewarding. To stand back and look at this thing you made.

And creating one thing or one type of thing can lead to other things. And new options and possibilities. I don’t care if it’s cookies or a house…you need to create.

Journaling is a way to create. And you don’t have to share it with anyone. So nobody will judge if it’s good or not. Who cares anyway. But your thoughts put on paper (or a computer screen)…that’s creating.

TD Jakes likes to say that God never made a chair. He made a tree. He made the raw materials and it was up to man to create a chair. We are all meant to create.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy. Order a reading today🔮


Don’t let how “busy” people are fool you. A lot of people find nonsense to “do” so they can appear busy. So they can appear worthy and important.

That’s not to say that some people aren’t legitimately busy and working on things. But a lot of them aren’t as busy as they appear.

They use this to cover up insecurity. And they use it to escape their own thoughts and feelings. If they can be engaged in something else (anything else) then they don’t have to confront themselves. Which might appear all well and good…but it really isn’t.

Don’t fall into this trap. Your feelings and thoughts will still be there when you’re done wi the thing you’re doing. And all you’ll do is exhaust yourself needlessly. Take the time to address what needs to be addressed. The quickest way out…really is through.

Click the link to my Etsy shop OracleIndigo and order a reading today🔮

It doesn’t have to be perfect…

Don’t get stuck on the idea that it has to be perfect. And if it’s not, it’s a reflection on you. That you aren’t good enough.

Do you know how many people never try because they let the fear of perfection paralyze them? Do you know how much courage and bravery it takes to put yourself or your product or idea out there to begin with?

You can “perfect” and work at it later. Just put it out there. Do the thing. Sell the product. Whatever it is. And stop thinking it has to be perfect. It doesn’t. You aren’t and you’re magnificent. The world needs your creativity and your creation.

Order a tarot reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy today. Link here on my blog page🔮