If you want growth…

…you have to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Not forever. But at least at first. This is why so many people never attempt growth or change to begin with. They don’t like the idea of being uncomfortable.

And if that’s the case, you won’t ever grow. And nothing will ever change for you. Unless a force outside of yourself ushers in the change for you. Sometimes that will happen no matter what. But that’s not a very assertive approach to living your life.

Make peace with discomfort. Or as the saying goes, get comfortable being uncomfortable. It’s time to get strong.

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Stand up…tall.

Standing up tall is important. Not just for your posture and digestion, but for your spirit. If you don’t believe me, sit or stand and slouch. Hunch your shoulders forward, look down.

Now sit or stand straight. Eyes ahead. Gaze forward. You can even stick your chest out a little bit.

Notice the difference?

You just feel different. And that feeling can be a part of everything you do. And people will notice it. A sense of pride and confidence. Assertiveness.

Stand tall.

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Venus in Gemini…

Venus starts her transit through Gemini today. A time for chatty, flirty, curious energy. Especially with your approach to love.

Personally, this isn’t a placement I like. A person with their Venus in Gemini always needs constant stimulation. They get bored easily and are always looking for the next best thing. So they have a hard time completely committing. They can be prone to cheating or just going from “relationship” to “relationship.”

But it can be good energy for switching things up – however that might resonate with you. And expect a lot of chatty talk.

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You deserve rest. We’ve found a way to glorify being busy all the time. And while there’s some good in that, it also comes with consequences. Like exhaustion and burn out. Nothing good ever came from deprivation. And not getting enough sleep will cause an avalanche of bad things to happen to your body.

Aside of simply being tired and it getting under eye circles, it interferes with your appetite, with your body’s way of literally healing itself. It raises your blood pressure and can make you easily angered.

It’s not good.

So rest. Every night make a commitment to get real, quality sleep. You deserve it. And your body and spirit literally need it.

Phone readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

One healthy thing…

You can do this every day or week or month. Pick a thing, just one, and commit to doing it every day. Drink an extra glass of water, not add sugar to your coffee or tea, take the stairs, park far away from the door/entrance, eat one extra fruit or vegetable today…whatever it is. Just one healthy thing.

When people try to overhaul their diets and their lives, it gets overwhelming. It’s easier to do it one thing at a time. It might take longer but you’re more likely to stick with the change you’re making.

If you do this for each month starting now, by the end of 2023 you’ll have changed nine things. Given up nine bad habits and/or incorporated nine good ones. That’s a lot. Why not start that right now?

Intuitive readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Work on your moods…

Of course, if it’s a diagnosable mood disorder, please see a medical doctor who can help you. But we’ve all probably known that person who is perpetually in a bad mood. Unhappy because it is Tuesday or because there’s too much sunshine. And they’re miserable. To be around, to work with, to be near.

If this is you or if you feel like it’s been you for a while you can change it. You can decide that you’re going to smile more today. That you’re going to find something to laugh at. That you’ll express an act of random kindness. You can decide that you aren’t going to be angry and I happy all day, every day.

Try just saying it to yourself in the mirror every morning: I am deciding to be happy today.

Sometimes that’s all it takes. It might not “take” the first time you do it. Tell yourself you’re going to do that every morning for a week or a month. Watch how things change…

Zoom and FaceTime readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Outgrow yourself…

This will happen naturally with time. And I don’t just mean waist size. You will be (or should be) capable of doing more and taking on more and surviving more in a year than you are today. Even in a week or month if you put in the effort.

But a lot of people don’t allow this to happen. Why do ten pull ups if I can just do two? Because you’re capable of doing it and that’s how you get stronger, that’s why. And it’s that way with a lot of things.

This is what people are referring to when they say you’ve changed and you’ve grown (if they haven’t seen you in a while). We’re supposed to! I am more worried about the people who stay the same year after year after year.

Don’t do that. Don’t repeat weeks and months and years and think that’s living. It’s not. It’s letting time pass by. Be a bigger better version of yourself.

Phone readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Full moon in Libra

Don’t be surprised if a relationship or a dynamic in an already existing relationship ends. Full moons are times of releasing and ending. Libra is the air sign that rules the seventh house of the zodiac – committed partnerships and marriage.

If you have been waiting for a time to end something, this might be it. Go ahead and blame it on the moon. If it’s not making you happy and fulfilled and if there isn’t a sense of ease and flow to it…why are you in it?

This doesn’t just apply to romantic connections, it can be friends and business partners. Neighbors. If it’s draining you, it’s probably not encouraging growth. Which will lead to a lot of unhappiness and guilt and resentment later on.

Have the courage to end it if that’s what needs to be done. Hanging on just prolongs the suffering. And we all deserve to be with people who make us happy.

Relationship readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Fix what can be fixed…

Learn to tell the difference between what can be fixed and what can’t. Then start fixing the things that can be fixed and leaving the other ones just be.

You’ll only be wasting your time trying to fix the other stuff. Examples of things you can’t fix are people, corporate structure in an office, your past. There are too many to count probably. But it doesn’t matter.

Focus and fix the things you can. You can start with yourself. Your thoughts. Your daily habits. How you treat people. How you react to things. What you eat. What you consume (watch on TV, listen to, the energy you are around).

Start with one of those things. Watch your life change for the better.

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Learn a new thing this month…

There’s still plenty of april left to use it to learn something new. Start learning a new language (or just a few key phrases), a new skill, a new recipe.

If you aren’t using part of your days/weeks/months to learn, you’re wasting your time here. And learning shouldn’t be something imposed on you from someone else. You’re an adult now. You can decide what you want to learn. Which makes it more fun.

Even if April is the only month all year you do this, you’ll be happy you did. But you’ll also probably become a little addicted to it and want to continue it throughout the year.

Tarot readings for relationships on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮