Tuesday is Mars day…

Each day of the week is ruled by a planet. And Tuesday is ruled by Mars. Fiery, masculine, assertive (or aggressive) energy. This is energy to get things done with.

You can use this to your advantage. If you do any sort of strength training, Tuesdays might be the day of the week to go hard. Heavier weight, more reps, more sets.

Or you can use it if you have to be particularly assertive in a way. Notice I said assertive and not aggressive. Improperly channeled mars energy can turn aggressive real fast. A time to make a difficult phone call where you have to defend your position or stand up for yourself? Tuesday might be the day to do it.

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Decrease inflammation naturally…

Taking Aleve or ibuprofen is easier, but you can also significantly reduce inflammation by watching what you eat. Limiting highly inflammatory foods that you eat can literally help reduce inflammation in your body. And this can alleviate pain.

What foods are highly inflammatory? Sugar for one. Yes, it’s in everything. But cutting out added sugars is an easy place to start. This means pulling back on candy and alcohol and ice cream and pastries. Pop/soda, fruit juice and fruit drinks.

Try cutting back your consumption of these things. You’ll probably start to feel less pain.

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Remember what your destination is…

Not just with driving or walking but in a broad sense. Be very clear on where you want to end up with something or someone. And stay focused on it. It might help to write it down and put it on post-it’s around your work or living space. It might sound ridiculous…how can I forget what my goal is?

You’d be surprised.

If it’s to lose weight and some friends ask you to go out to a buffet for lunch….is that where you want to end up? If you want to go to France next summer, and some friends want you to spend money on trivial things…is that where you want to end up?

If you have that destination point In sharp focus, you won’t be tempted to stray off course. I’m not saying it will be fun…but you will thank yourself later.

Stay focused.

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Mercury retrograde in Taurus…

Here we go. Mercury retrograde begins in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. All fixed signs are going to feel this more than others – Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius. But we’ll all feel it.

As always be mindful of messaging and of travel. Don’t buy expensive things or tech things. Don’t sign important contracts. And in Taurus, watch your spending in general. If you feel the need to make a big purchase…see if you can put it off until the retrograde is over. If you still want it, buy it then.

Remember that Mercury retrograde is a time to re in your life. Review, revise, reconsider, regroup. Take the time to do that where it needs to be done.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse and Su in Taurus

Big day today. There’s a new moon solar eclipse in Aries. At 29 degrees Aries – karmic degree. This is your wake-up call to do the new thing. To start it, to begin it to make it happen. Expect new beginnings in your life.

The sun also lived into Taurus. So we leave the fiery, assertive energy of Aries and slow way down into fixed earth energy. Taurus is heavy energy. Right up there with Capricorn. A focus on being comfortable might take over. As well as a focus on money. Taurus likes nice things. And nice things cost money.

Expect some changes to take place in the next few days, even months.

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If it triggers you, it’s showing you where you still need to heal. I had this experience twice in the past week. It wasn’t fun or comfortable or even easy to confront. But I’m grateful for it.

I was reminded of how much work I have yet to do. And I was reminded how two different people have simply run their course in my life. Not everyone who starts on our journey is meant to be with us at the destination. These two people aren’t headed in the direction I want to go for myself. And they aren’t living lives I energetically want to be connected with. If I’m completely honest…it’s just not energy I want to be around or near.

But I still have a lot of healing yet to do. So I’m grateful for those moments of insight. They hurt at the time, but it put the spotlight back on me. I realized I had to take responsibility for my role and my behavior.

Sometimes it’s not about forgiving other people as much as it is about forgiving ourselves. For being triggered, for being reactive (when we know better), for being unhealed.

Then the real work of healing can begin.

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Around and around and around…

People who spend their lives going in circles never get anywhere. They never really accomplish anything. Other than a lot of wasted time and energy. A lot of the time, they’re always thinking there’s something better. So they leave to go find it. Then they realize the thing they had wasn’t that bad to begin with. So they go back to it.

Jobs. Relationships. Neighborhoods. They live their lives literally just moving in circles.

An easy way to stop this is to figure out what you really want for yourself. And why. And then to admit that there is always going to be a better thing out there. Always. But progress isn’t about going in circles. It’s about moving forward. However slowly it might take you. Forward movement is still forward movement.

Once you’re clear on what you really want…and once you know what fulfills you…your life will start to progress forward. It’s time to stop living your life in circles.

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Peppermint oil for pests…

If you are looking for a natural alternative to keeping bugs and spiders away, consider peppermint oil. Pretty much all pests hate the smell.

Peppermint oil is easy to find and it’s inexpensive. Just sprinkle it along the door/entry way to your living space. Or among windowsills. Anywhere you think pests are using to get inside.

Bonus: it smells good when the breeze blows the scent through your home.

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Healing is hard…

Healing is hard. Really. It’s probably one of the hardest endeavors you will undertake. Not just the physical kind…but the emotional kind. Healing from grief and loss. Either because someone literally passed away or because they left your life emotionally.

Truth be told, I’ve been struggling with a loss for two years now. Two years. And I keep waiting for the day when I will realize I didn’t think about this person and the situation once. And when one day will turn into two in a row. But I haven’t even experienced one.

There are times when I feel stronger. More “in my power.” More in control and confident of the direction I’m going in. And then says like a few days ago that set me back. Way back. Into a crying mess. And I thought, it’s been two years…how much longer is this going to last?

Why am I not healing?! Why am I not healed?!

Well. I am healing. It’s a process. And it’s not linear. At all. But don’t think that because there are set backs that the healing isn’t happening. It is. The back and forth is part of it.

Give yourself credit. It’s not easy. And it’s not quick. The more emotional or empathetic you are, the longer it’s going to take. But you are healing. Just keep going. And be patient with yourself and with the process…

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Strong center…

You’ve probably read that having a strong core can prevent a lot of injuries. It helps with back and hip pain, it helps you maintain your balance (so it wards off falls). And it will help you in pretty much any athletic endeavor.

But a strong center is also important in an emotional and spiritual sense. The strength you get from knowing who you are and what you’re about will see you through a lot of challenging situations. And it will also help prevent you falling…in with a bad crowd or with ideas and a lifestyle that isn’t meant for you.

So go do some planks and also get very secure with yourself. It will help you in ways you cant even imagine….

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