Tarot Card Reading of the Week – April 29, 2018

The card in the past position is the Ace of Pentacles reversed.  Aces start a suit and the suit of pentacles are about money, finances, career, resources. Or something (or things, plural) you value as much as money.  So reversed, it can suggest a block or delay to something with money. A new job. A new position or promotion at work.  Or if you’ve been expecting money through inheritance or a payback from a friend, it may be delayed.  It’s easy to be frustrated with this. We generally want the Ace cards to be upright because they usher in fresh new energy in a specific area. Reversed, they’re about delay and block.  Just keep in mind that sometimes when things aren’t happening when you’d like them to, it’s the universe (God, source, spirit, your guides or angels) putting things on pause because something better is on its way.

The card in the present position is the Eight of Cups reversed.  Not walking away from something emotional. Or from a relationship. Being unable to move forward from something that was connected to your heart in some way (usually, this card speaks to a relationship of some sort).

The card in the future position is the Seven of Pentacles reversed.  Getting frustrated with things not developing. Or you feel like they aren’t developing or growing the way you’d like them to. Or at the speed or rate you’d like them to. It can also be wondering if it’s all worth it.  It’s like putting in the work, and the time and the energy…and things just aren’t happening.  So why are you bothering with it at all?

All of these cards are reversed.  Not all reversals are bad – there are actually some cards you’d prefer to present in the reversed position.  But in a very broad, general way, they can suggest blockages and delays.  I’m doing this reading right before the full moon in Scorpio – so the moon is likely void of course.  The full moon tomorrow will be a good time to release whatever may be holding you back. Blockages, if you know what they are or where they are.  For example, maybe letting go of that emotional situation or relationship.  You can’t move forward in something new (or better) if you haven’t let go of something in the past. It’s like wanting the car to move forward while it’s still in park. It’s just not going to happen.

So take a deep breath and “sit with it” for a moment or two.  That was such good advice given to me by a friend. When emotions or situations seem overwhelming or stagnant and you’re frustrated…sit with it.  Don’t try to fight it or go around it (that never works). Sit with it.  Feel through it. Then you’ll be ready to move forward.

Be open to what calls you…


A Time To Go Within – Pluto and Saturn Retrograde

There’s a lot going on in the next week or two astrologically.  Today, there’s a New Moon in Aries. Venus will go into Gemini.  Mercury stations direct today.  Those transits involve inner planets, which move fast. Mercury typically goes retrograde 3-4 times a year.  Venus moves from planet to planet every few weeks. And the moon enters a new sign every month.  The outer planets are slower moving planets – Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, typically.  And because they move slower, their energy is heavier and often more profound.

Saturn will go retrograde  for approximately five months starting April 17.  He’s in Capricorn right now. Saturn is all about karma.  So when he goes retrograde, it can sometimes indicate a double dose of karma. Good or bad.  It’s also a time of shifting our focus from the outside or the external to the internal. Not the outside stuff that is affecting us or causing change in our lives, but how we’re handling it on the inside. Or the shifts going on internally that are creating larger changes in our lives.

It can also be a time of “letting up” a bit. A little more freedom perhaps. Or the feeling of not being quite so restricted. Of course, it depends on which house this transit is happening for you – that will indicate the area of your life where you may be experiencing the most change.

Pluto also goes retrograde for about five months starting April 22.  Pluto is about death and rebirth. It’s also about control and power. So we are all going to be asked to go within and really look at our relationship with power and control.  And fear. Fear is often what precedes control.  What area (or areas, plural) are we trying to control in our lives? Or what people? Why?  What are we afraid of? If we don’t have control over these things, what are we afraid will happen? How will that affect us?

For the next five months, we may all be going through some experiences that are going to highlight karma in our lives and power and control.  These aren’t really spaces we want to investigate. We’d much rather focus on Venus in Gemini and flirty conversation. That’s light and easy and fun.  But karma and power and control…those are a lot heavier. A lot more serious. A lot more profound.  And they should be.  Life is always about duality.  Light and dark. Good and bad. Male and female. Yin and yang. It all can’t be flirty banter. We need the deeper, darker aspects of ourselves to balance that out.

Don’t be afraid to spend some time with these aspects of yourself.  Growth and evolution of your soul mandate it.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – April 15, 2018

The card in the recent past (the energy we are leaving or that is soon going to be behind us) is The Hierophant reversed. He’s a major arcana card and when he’s reversed, it an speak to things unconventional or untraditional. Not in a bad way, just not the typical way. This card is also sometimes viewed as a marriage card or a card of blessing. Reversed, it can indicate a block or delay to that – if that’s how this card resonates with you.

The card in the present is the Four of Pentacles reversed. Instead of holding on to what you have, and holding on to your “stuff” (this card can be viewed as the miser card), you’re letting some of it go. Maybe giving a little more. Or just not being quite so possessive.  The suit of pentacles generally refers to money, finances, resources. But it can also be things you value as much as money.

The future card is the Knight of Cups upright.  Ahhh….the knight in shining armor.  Knights are about action and movement. And the suit of cups is about love and relationships and feelings.  So this can be a love offer coming to you. A new relationship perhaps. He’s also a blessing of some sort from the universe.

A wonderful way to end the week…with an offer of love.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Reading of the Week – April 2, 2018

Intersting energies this week.  The first card is The Magician reversed. Which can indicate a manipulative energy. Or, somebody with an immense amount of talent that squanders it.  But be mindful of somebody who is a bit manipulative.

The second card is The World upright.  Completion. Accomplishment.  The major arcana portion of the traditional tarot starts at zero with The Fool. It’s his journey through life. It ends with card twenty one – The World.  Having it all. Having received what you came for and found success with completion.

The last card is the Eight of Cups upright.  Walking away from an emotional situation.  Leaving it behind. I view this as leaving something that is probably not good for you to begin with.  Perhaps an abusive relationship, or just a relationship that was no longer serving you. If it isn’t making you better or happy, it’s probably not serving your higher good.

It could be that we realize we already have it all and we don’t need a relationship or person we’re clinging to. And we make a decision to walk away towards better things.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Reading of the Week – March 26, 2018

The first card is The Emperor.  A major arcana card. This could be an Aries male since this is the major arcana card that corresponds to Aries.  But not necessarily. An emperor outranks a king.  This is a very commanding, in control energy. He’s not somebody you mess with or push boundaries with.  He commands respect and he gets it.

The next card is the Queen of Cups reversed. She can be a water sign (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) woman over 35, but not necessarily.  When the water signs present reversed, they can be manipulative. Especially when it comes to emotions.  She can also just be a woman who isn’t in control fo her emotions. Not in an angry way – more of a crying, whining sort of way.  In any case, be mindful of emotional manipulation.  Perhaps coming from or around a woman.

The last card is the Seven of Swords upright. You’re on top of this…you got this.  A bit of a struggle, but you’re standing your ground.  So if something in your life feels a little daunting or exhausting (maybe dealing with that emotional manipulation around you), don’t worry – you can handle it.  And as with all energy, good or bad, it’s temporary and will shift.

Be open to what calls you…


The Spring Equinox

The spring equinox is upon us (in the northern hemisphere). March 20, 2018, we have the spring equinox  and the Sun entering Aries. Which also brings the astrological new year.

This is an ideal time set forth intentions. I always say that the universe gives us lots of opportunities to start anew. Not just with each new day, but the beginning of every week, of every month, with each full and/or new moon. And when there is an equinox.  If there are ideas you thought to put into motion on January 1, but never got around to doing or truly fulfilling, this is a good time to do it.  The season changes, the amount of light and dark changes and if you can herald that energy to change something within yourself or for yourself, all the better.

I welcome the shift in energy.  We move from the watery, sensitive, emotional sign of Pisces to the dynamic, cardinal fire sign of Aries.  It’s about action and doing things.  Pushing forward.  And doing so fearlessly.  So don’t be afraid to start something new or to change your perspective on something.  Sometimes, just changing one thing in a small way can lead to significant, positive change.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Reading of the Week – March 18, 2018

The card in the recent past, or the energy we are leaving is the Two of Cups reversed. A lack of union.  This can represent the breakup of a relationship or just this energy of not coming together in some way.  A block or delay to love, perhaps.

The card in the present energy is the Queen of Wands reversed. She can be a fire sign female (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo) over 35. Reversed, as she is here, she’s…..not a nice woman. Difficult. Demanding. Moody. Prone to angry outbursts.  If this isn’t a  person, it can just be an energy around you.  Difficult energy, lots of tension and anger.  It’s the “walking on egg shells” energy.

The card in the future is The Star. It’s a major arcana card, so it speaks louder than the other cards. This is a card of blessings. It is the “wish fulfillment” card of the major arcana (the Nine of Cups is the minor arcana wish fulfillment card).  It’s about balance and peace and…wishes coming true.

So we may be coming into the week off the heels of a failed or tense relationship.  But the  future seems to hold a wish fulfilled.  Just be mindful of the tension that may present at some point this week as well.

We’re about to enter the sign of Aries, astrologically speaking. Any time we’re at the end of a sign (or a particular planet’s energy) and about to enter another, there can be some tension.   Just the shift in energy. So in this case, it’s moving from the sensitive, watery sign of Pisces into the dynamic, motivated fire sign of Aries. We may all feel that shift in some are of our lives.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Reading of the Week – March 11, 2018

The card in the past position is the Seven of Wands reversed.  Feeling overwhelmed by something.  Not in control or in command of it.

The card in the present position is the Knight of Swords upright. Knights are about movement and action.  The suit of swords corresponds to air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) and to the mind, thinking, thoughts, communication. So this is a fast moving knight and he’s all about a quickness of thought and quick communication. He’s upright, so it’s positive.  But fast paced.

The future card is The Lovers reversed. A major arcana card that corresponds to lovers or a love relationship and also to not taking responsibility for a relationship or a certain dynamic within a relationship.   It’s reversed, so it can be a lack of love or union. If your values or ideas for the relationship are not in alignment.  Not coming together.

This week there could be a focus on relationships because the energy from The Lovers card is prominent.  But given that this is a general reading, it doesn’t have to be that way. Expect quick paced action and communication around something, though.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Reading of the Week – March 4, 2018

In the past position we have The Hermit reversed.  So an energy we are leaving or have already left is one of being a little isolated. Perhaps a bit of a recluse.  Upright, this card is about seeking solitude to gain wisdom and insight. It’s about learning and studying, but with a hint of withdrawing to gain more knowledge. Reversed, this card is about being a little too isolated.

The card in the present position is the Two of Wands reversed.  Perhaps not planning ahead very well. Or having over-looked something.  Or some necessary details. This may have been due to impatience.  So it’s almost like there was a sense of excitement and a real desire and push to move forward. But in the process of all of that, some important details and elements were left out.

The card in the position of the future is the Queen of Pentacles upright. She can be an earth sign female (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) over 35. But she doesn’t have to be.  It doesn’t even have to be an actual person, just the energy of the card.  So this is about having your money in order. She’s a woman who is good with her resources and good with making everything run smoothly.  Perhaps a homemaker, or somebody with a family – but she’s able to juggle her family and running the household.  And it’s all done with a nurturing and caring attitude. So she’s not ruthless about it. She’s just very organized and practical and money and time savvy.  So a good energy to end the week with.

Perhaps we learn through our lack of planning or impatience with the Two of Wands reversed how to become better organized and structured.  Or, a woman (or person) comes to our aid who is really skilled at organization and planning (and even money) and she helps us make it all work.

Be open to what calls you…


Three Witchy Wishes…

March 2018 has two full moons. Just like January of this year.  There’s a full moon in Virgo on March 1 and then a full moon in Libra on March 31. A new moon in Pisces on March 15.  That’s a lot of lunar energy in one month.

One of my ways to celebrate moon cycles is to have wishes for each full moon.  Because March is the third month, I will have three wishes for the full moon. In this case,  on March 1. For the month of April, there will be four. So on and so forth.

Write them down and meditate on them every evening for a few moments.  And see how they manifest by the completion of that moon cycle.

Be open to what calls you…
