Cosmic Correspondence – Summer Solstice and Neptune Retrograde

June 18 is the day of the summer solstice (in the northern hemisphere).  The official start of summer.  A shift in seasons and a shift in energy.  It’s also the time of Gemini which is an intellectual, flirty, chatty air sign.  Light and easy energy.  Exactly what we associate with summer.

There are ways we usher in the shift in seasons – probably without even thinking about it.  We wear certain things (lighter fabrics, certain colors), our skin and hair routines may change to accommodate the high humidity and heat, we may put our indoor plants outside to enjoy the sunshine.  And the list of “spiritual” things you can do to herald this new season is endless.  You can buy a white pillar candle and light it for an hour every evening during the summer season. You can make your own summer solstice incense for the season. Or buy a specific fragrance that you only burn during the summer months.  If there are certain crystals you associate with summer, you can bring them out of hiding and display them. Or buy some jewelry (it doesn’t all have to expensive) and wear it more often in the summer.

Likewise, Neptune is going to be going retrograde on this date until November 24.  It’s forming a trine (a good aspect) with Jupiter and Mercury.  This can bring to our attention the thing (or things, plural) we are trying to escape from in our lives. Or in our heads.  Neptune is associated with the underworld, and it’s all about escapism.  Not really dealing head-on with uncomfortable dynamics or issues in our lives or in ourselves.  So those things for us could be brought to our attention.  And, as always, the fastest way out is through. So instead of trying to run from issues or escape from things….it’s always best to deal with it.  Then and only then can you really conquer it and progress forward.

This is also a good time to get in touch with your own spirituality. Or your spiritual path. This can be as simple as starting a new ritual you incorporate into your life. On a daily basis or a weekly basis or monthly. Perhaps synced up with the moon cycles.  Or it can also be you just figuring out what spirituality means for you. How that word “spirituality” resonates.

We also have Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio and Mars is soon to go retrograde at the end of June as well.  Some shifting energy ahead for all of us.  Find some time to get quiet and centered and figure out how the upcoming changes will manifest for you.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Reading of the Week – June 10, 2018

The card in the past position is the Page of Cups reversed.  Possibly a water sign energy here (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), possibly a child under 10 or 12.  Also a messenger because pages are messengers. This can be an emotionally immature energy.  Lots of crying and guilting.  It can also be a message that broke your heart or emotionally hurt you.  A good energy to be leaving.

The card in the present energy is the Five of Pentacles upright. Feeling abandoned or left out in the cold.  Alone and possibly lacking resources – like money.   So this can be a card of poverty – either with regard to finances or emotions.

The future card is the Queen of Swords upright.  She can be an air sign female over 35 (Libra, Gemini or Aquarius), but she doesn’t have to be.  So if this isn’t an actual person around you, it’s the energy of the card. She is a straight shooter. She says what she means and means what she says.  You don’t walk away from a conversation or an interaction with her wondering what she really meant. You know what she meant because she came out and told you. In no uncertain terms.  So if you’ve been struggling with communication or expressing yourself, this card indicates that may be a thing of the past. Finding your voice and not being afraid to express yourself. Now this is an energy that is nice to move into.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – June 3, 2018

The card in the past position is the Nine of Pentacles upright. This is an independent energy. It’s about being financially stable all by yourself. If you’ve started a new business, it’s going well. Or it will begin to go well if this is something you recently started.  It’s a card about standing on your own and being perfectly okay with it. Not just in an emotional way, but also in a financial way.  You can finance yourself, and you’re very comfortable doing so.

In the present energy is the King of Cups reversed.  This can be a water sign male (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) over 35. But it doesn’t have to be.  When water people present reversed, it’s about emotional manipulation.  So if it’s not a person that you are dealing with directly, it’s just an energy around you.  A manipulative energy.  Be mindful of this.

The future card is the Five of Swords upright. It’s about winning…but at a cost. I like to think of this like you and your friends all applying for a promotion at work and you get it.  Which is great, more money, a better position, on and on. But in the process of getting the promotion, you lose some friends over it.   So it’s winning and also losing something by winning.  Sometimes this is just part of the package when it comes to attaining certain things or evolving.  Don’t let it get to you. What is meant for you (friendships, promotions, money, tangible material things…whatever) will never pass you by.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – May 27, 2018

The card in the past position is the Knight of Swords upright. Knights are about movement and action and this knight is a fast moving one. He’s about communication and words and the mind. So some communication may have come your way. You also could have realized that you want to take a different spin on things intellectually.  A different way of thinking about something.

The card in the present position is the Queen of Pentacles upright.  Perhaps an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) female over 35, but not necessarily. This energy is about being financially savvy and a good homemaker. A very grounded and stable energy.

The future card is the Page of Wands reversed. Pages can be children or people who act like children.  They are also messengers.  Because the wands correspond to fire signs (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo), this card reversed can indicate an actual child (or adult acting like a child) who has a temper.  Anger and angry outbursts.  Or it could be some message of some sort that is either received or given in an angry way.

Every card that presented or this weeks reading is a court card – so it could be that there are a lot of people around you or events directly related and concerning people.  With a full moon on May 29, 2018 which can usher in a lot of high emotional energy. So be mindful of this going forward.

Be open to what calls you…


“Jumper” Cards…

When I do tarot and oracle card readings, I read on cards that may jump out during shuffling. Sometimes they’ll just flip over during shuffling. Sometimes they literally fly out of the deck and onto the floor.   I believe those cards are messages spirit wants us to pay attention to.  Or, to put it another way, if you can imagine each card having a little personality of its own (an energy of its own), it’s like the card wants you to notice it. “Pick me!! Pick me!! Over here!!! Pay attention to me!”

And if the same card or cards repeatedly jump out, that’s almost definitely a message that you need to pay attention to.  It’s the same with things we may encounter in our everyday lives. Things we may see or hear. If you start noticing a certain thing, pay attention. The universe (God, source, spirit, your angels/guides) is trying to get your attention.  These things can be anything. If you start noticing a certain bird or a certain type or color of vehicle.  If you hear a song everywhere you go all the time or find yourself drawn to something constantly and consistently…that’s not a mistake or a coincidence. That’s the universe speaking to you.

So what does it mean? Well…that’s up to you to figure out.  That’s also the fun part.  Spirit talks to us in a form of charades and it’s up to us to figure out what the symbols and messages mean. You may start to notice that if you see Cardinals and hear Cardinals everywhere you go, you receive a message from somebody you haven’t heard from in a long time. Or if you hear a song constantly, it may mean some unexpected good luck. You’ll start to make the connection – and that’s when the “conversation” starts.  Your own language with your guides and the universe.  Which is pretty cool if nothing else.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Reading of the Week – May 20, 2018

The card in the past position is the Ten of Swords reversed.  This card shows a man face down in a pool of his own blood with ten swords piercing his back.  So betrayal, pain, suffering, being stabbed in the back.  The good news is that the number ten is the last number in a suit in the traditional tarot. So it can’t get worse, it can only get better.  Even better still is that this card is reversed, so the swords fall out and the wounds can heal.   So there is some regeneration and some healing ahead.

The card in the present is the Three of Swords upright.  Another “pain and suffering” card. This is about emotional heart ache.  Something piercing the heart and causing pain.  So a breakup perhaps.  It’s also a “3” card, so it could mean three people in a relationship or the pain caused by a third party.

The outcome card is the Two of Swords upright.  A choice needs to be made. A decision.  And whatever it is, it’s something “close to your heart.” A woman sits blindfolded with two swords crossed, but the exact place where the swords cross in front of her is where her heart is. So she’s protecting her heart in some way. But a choice needs to be made.

I drew an oracle card from the Wisdom of the Oracle and it is Regeneration.  So rebirth, renewal.  Growth.  All of this pain or this emotional suffering is leading towards rebirth. Perhaps a second chance.  It’s not all for nothing that you’re going through this. And keep in mind that this is a very general reading – it’s not going to resonate with all of you reading this. But for those that it does resonate with – something better is going to come from all of this.

Be open to what calls you…



Book Recommendation: The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall

One of the best, in my opinion, books out there about crystals and stones.  There are pictures of the stones (and sometimes the variations of the stones, rough, tumbled, a certain color variation), and pictures of different shapes of the stones. Their meanings, what they can be used for, what they can help with.

Anybody starting their journey with crystals and “rocks” and gemstones will use this book as a reference. I know I do.  In paperback and available on Amazon.  A great resource.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Reading of the Week – May 6, 2018

The energy of the past (or the energy we are leaving) is The Lovers reversed.  Not taking responsibility for something.  For our role in a relationship or union. Or, simply not seeing eye-to-eye. Discord and disagreement.  Or a relationship ending.

The card in the present energy is the Knight of Cups reversed.  The suit of cups is all about relationships and feelings and emotions. The suit of cups also corresponds to water signs – Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.  When water people present as reversed, there can be emotional manipulation at play.  Or somebody who is just emotionally immature and unstable.

The card for the future is the Knight of Swords upright.  Knights generally speak to action and movement.  This is one of the faster moving knights (along with the Knight of Wands).  Swords are about thoughts and communication and words.  And the suit also corresponds to air sign people – Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. So this could be an air sign individual in your life or around your environment. But it’s also about quick communication and words.  Fast moment, something fast paced.

The week may start off a little rocky with respect to a certain relationship or a dynamic within a relationship but then ends with some fast paced energy and a flurry of communication.

Be open to what calls you…


What Your Daily Prayer Should Always Be…

Don’t worry – this won’t be “religious.”  It won’t be preachy. At least that’s not my intent.  This is about prayer, though.  Or whatever you call it. It can be meditation for you, it can be “quiet time.” It can be talking to your family and friends who have passed over.

They say that prayer is asking. And most of us don’t have a problem asking for help or certain things.  Or even “making deals” with God/Source and angels (“Oh, please, if you give me this, I promise I will never do that again…”).  But it’s in meditation that we listen for the answer. There has to be both for a proper conversation.  But so many of us are slow to quiet down and “listen.”   I can’t encourage you all enough to try to build into your day at least one minute of just being quiet and listening.

Having said that, the one prayer we should all be saying every day, if not throughout the day,  is thank you.  Thank you. There is never a bad time for reverence and gratitude. So try to say this throughout the day.  If you are walking outside from your car to a store, and the sun is shining and it’s a pretty day, say thank you. If you go to your sink and clean water comes out, say thank you. If you flip the light switch and the light turns on, say thank you.   So many things we take for granted every day millions of people don’t have. And yet we don’t even think to whisper a “thank you” for all of these things.

If going throughout your day mumbling thank you doesn’t seem practical to you, then make a point of saying aloud ten things every evening before you go to sleep that you are thankful for.  Not only does this small act of gratitude literally thank God/Source/Spirit/Angels/Guides (whoever you resonate with), it encourages the universe to give you more.  If a child comes to you and wants some candy and you give them some candy. And they look up at you with a face and start to whine, “That’s all? That’s it? I want more!!”  You’re probably not going to want to give them more because they aren’t thankful for what you just gave them.   If a child asks you for some candy and you give them some and they give you a huge smile and say thank you and give you a hug and then come back a few moments later and ask if they can have some more (and throw in a “please”)…you’re more likely to give them some more.  Even if it’s just a little bit.

Whisper thank you throughout the day for all the gifts and miracles you receive and encounter.  Say aloud the ten things you are most thankful for that day at the end of the day. I bet you can’t say them without smiling at some point.  Gratitude has a way of making you happy, as well.  And watch more blessings come into your life.  A little like….magic.

Be open to what calls you…


Uranus Changing Signs – Big Shifts Ahead

On May 15, 2018 Uranus will move from the sign of Aries into the sign of Taurus.  This transit lasts about seven years.  Uranus is one of the outer, slower moving planets.  Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto move slower and spend over one year in each sign during a typical transit. The inner planets move faster, Venus, Mercury, Mars.   So when an outer planet is involved, the transit will not only last longer, but the effects can be more profound.

Uranus is the planet of surprise and revolution and freedom.  It rules Aquarius. Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus.  Libra is also ruled by Venus,  but Venus in Libra is more of the romantic-love aspect. In Taurus, she’s about luxury and money.  And to some degree, love.  Some people would argue that love and money go hand-in-hand as well.   It always depends on your specific birth chart when it comes down to determining exactly how a particular transit is going to affect you.  What house you may have Taurus in, what sign you are, on and on. But even in a mundane way, this transit is going to affect all of us somehow. And it may very well involve money and our relationship to money. And to luxury. They are intertwined in that aspect.

We could also see a global shift when it comes to money and the economy.  This doesn’t have to be bad. It’s just a shift.  Things can’t remain the same all the time or else there would be no growth.

On this same day, May 15, 2018, there’s going to be a new moon in Taurus.  There’s always a lot of energy with full and new moons. But when you add a planet transiting a sign on that day, there’s more power behind the punch.  I think all transits should be welcomed, not feared.  If there’s one thing we can always count on, it’s change. What is good won’t be good forever. And what is bad won’t be bad forever. But it’s the change and the shift that demand our attention and oftentimes our growth and evolution.  And if part of the reason why we’re all here is to grow and evolve, this can’t be a bad thing.

Be open to what calls you…
