The Suit of Swords…

The traditional tarot is divided up into four suits: swords, cups, fire and earth. Each suit corresponds to a particular astrological grouping, and a specific type of energy.

The suit of Swords corresponds to air signs in western astrology – Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. And just like air individuals, this suit is about the mind. It’s about intellect and thoughts and communication.

The court cards are often read to be actual people. Although, sometimes, they can also represent the energies that these people may possess or exhibit. Read upright, these people are generally expressive and good communicators. They don’t mince words. They say what they mean and mean exactly what they say. They’re also intelligent.

Reversed, these individuals can use words to cut. To be mean, to harm. They may also speak before thinking. And can be prone to malicious gossip.

Just like we all have aspects of many astrological signs (you can see this in your birth chart), we also all exhibit aspects of all the suits. In this case, communicating effectively and intelligently.

Be open to what calls you….


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – August 5, 2018

The card of the recent past energy (that which we are leaving) is the Nine of Wands upright.  This is a card of suspicion and not trusting. It’s also a battle tested and battle weary card.  You may have recently gone through something that truly tested you. So you’re tired, but also defensive.

The card of the present energy (what is around you as you are reading this or that you will soon enter) is the Six of Wands reversed. A fall from grace.  If you once had the respect and admiration of those around you, something may have happened (or may soon happen) that will cause that admiration to fade. This is also a card of victory and winning (when upright). So reversed, it can indicate a block or delay to achieving that victory and the admiration of others.  Just because it’s blocked now, doesn’t mean it will stay blocked forever.  Energy is always shifting…

The future card is the Nine of Swords reversed. This card can indicate trauma or something that really has you worried. Up at night worried or “in your head” worried.  The reversed meaning is similar to the upright meaning – in that it’s all about significant distress and mental anguish. But when it’s reversed, as it is here, it can indicate a desire to change that.  When it’s upright you may be so caught up in it that you don’t see a way out or don’t realize there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  When the card is reversed…you do. You realize you don’t have to remain in this dark place forever and that you don’t want to. And that you’re going to take steps to get out.

I drew another card because, let’s be honest, these cards weren’t the best and brightest to get. And that card is the Eight of Wands upright.  A much better card, this can indicate communication and action. Positive action. Something moving in a positive direction.  It’s also sometimes called the “arrows of love” card. So it’s possible that the communication or thing that is moving in a good direction is related to a relationship in some way.  So now we know that all this suspicion and fall from grace and worry isn’t for nothing.  It may be what is needed to spur on the action and forward movement of something.

Be open to what calls you…


The Elements – Air

Another way to think of elements is in terms of energy.  There are typically four elements (or energies) we think of in terms of spiritual practice.  There is a fifth – that of “spirit.”  But four primary ones: air, water, earth and fire.

Air corresponds to the “air” signs in western astrology – Libra, Gemini and Aquarius.  The suit of swords in the traditional tarot also corresponds to the element (and the signs) of air.  It is about intellect and the mind.  Communication and words. Thinking and thoughts.

If you resonate with this element, you may find yourself drawn to wind.  Sensitive to subtle changes in wind direction or in breeze. Or you may just like the way the wind picks up before a storm. Incense is a typical representation of this element to have on your altar if you like to have all of them present.

Some say if you find yourself drawn to a particular element, it can represent an area or a dynamic you resonate with.  Or, a particular area you need to focus on. You may find that at certain times in your life, your attention or focus is drawn to one element over another.  Or that you always seem to resonate with one or two throughout your lifetime.

I’m a Libra sun (I also have Pluto in Libra, and Mercury in Libra).  So part of me has always been drawn to air. And wind. And the mind.  I also have a lot of water in my chart (Scorpio rising, North Node in Scorpio, Uranus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, Lilith in Pisces) – so I’m also drawn to water.

An easy way to work with the elements is to follow the signs the moon is in or the sign the sun is in. If it’s in an air sign, work with that element throughout the month (or moon cycle).  Meditate on it and see what it reveals. You may be surprised…

Be open to what calls you…


A Stone Blessing…

Sometimes, we are gifted stones or crystals. Sometimes we buy them. The reason for buying them can be for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes, you just feel drawn to a certain crystal.  And that’s reason enough to buy one.

But if somebody gives you one for a particular reason or if you buy one for a certain reason, a simple and easy way to “bless” or “activate” or “program” the stone is to simply say: I charge and empower you to….

Bring me happiness and good luck. Bring me love.  Help heal my grief. Bring me financial gain and prosperity.  Ease my worry and anxiety.  Protect my pet. Guard my home and property. Bring clients/patients to my business.

Whatever it is.  This can also be done with jewelry.  I have a citrine pendant and earrings I wear and I’ve charged and empowered to bring me happiness and good luck.

Some say that crystals already know what to do.  That rose quartz already knows to bring love and encourage self love.  That turquoise knows to bring protection and healing.  That black tourmaline already knows to bring protection and shield from negativity.  I think empowering your stones and crystals  yourself creates a bond with them. A connection between you and the stone that is special and unique to you. Like a friendship or any kind of relationship with a person (or a pet). And those bonds and connections serve to guide and help us.  So too can our bond and connection with crystals.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – July 29, 2018

The card in the recent past position is The Star reversed. This is the “wish fulfillment” card of the major arcana. So it could be a wish didn’t come true. Or hasn’t.  It can suggest a block to feeling happiness and feeling like a star.  That feeling of shining bright.

The card in the present energy is the Ace of Pentacles reversed.  Aces start a suit and the suit of pentacles is about money and finances. Also about career and job.  So there may be a delay or block to a new start with this in some way. Maybe a raise is delayed or a promotion. Or a financial gift doesn’t come. Or doesn’t come as quickly as you had hoped.  Just because it’s delayed or blocked right now doesn’t mean it will always be that way.  The timing may not be right and that’s why it isn’t happening.

The future card is the Seven of Pentacles upright.  Wondering if all the work and effort and energy is worth it.  What harvest has all your work yielded for you? Or how do you see it growing and developing?   So it’s a card of pondering the future.  The direction of your money or your job.

A little bit of stuck energy this week, perhaps. But we have a lot of planets retrograde (five), including Mercury which can cause all sorts of hiccups and delays.  There are times to act and do. And there are times to think and reflect. This may be a week of reflection instead of action.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – July 22, 2018

The card in the past energy (or the energy we are leaving as we begin the week) is the Page of Pentacles reversed. Pages can  be children under the age of 10-12 or people who act like children.  Pages are also messengers.  This can be an earth sign child (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus) or a message regarding money or finances or job or career.  It’s likely either not a good message. Or it’s about something not moving forward as you’d like.  It could also just be an irresponsible person around you somehow – perhaps at the workplace. Somebody not very grounded and stable, especially with money or their responsibilities.

The present energy is the Ace of Wands reversed. Aces start a suit and the suit of wands is about action and passion. Creative ventures.  Wands also correspond to fire sign energy – Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.  Which is interesting, because we just entered Leo season.  But this card can indicate a block or delay to the start of something new – something creative or something that you are passionate about. It doesn’t mean it can’t ever happen or won’t ever happen. Just that right now, for whatever reason, the path to start this new thing is blocked.  We have a lot of planets still retrograde right now – and Mercury is set to go retrograde this coming week as well. So astrologically speaking, it really isn’t  an ideal time to start or begin new things if you can help it.

The card in the position of the future is The Chariot upright. A major arcana card.  This is a card of moving forward and charging ahead.  Being in control of the direction of things.  As a major arcana card, it can speak to a significant area of your life or a specific endeavor that is important to you.  So what was a little stagnant or unmoving at the start of the week…seems to be taking off towards the end.  Or it could be that you just regain your footing and now know the direction you want to go in. Sometimes that’s half the battle. Once you figure out which way to go, then actually going that way is easy.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading for the Week – July 1, 2018

The card of the past energy (the energy you are leaving) is the Seven of Pentacles upright.  Waiting to see if hard work and energy is worth it. What sort of harvest it’s going to yield for you.  You’ve planted the seeds, done the work and put in the time. Now you’re waiting.

The card in the present energy is the Seven of Wands upright.  Two upright “seven” cards in a row, in one reading.  This card is about holding your ground. And that ground is the high ground, so you have the upper hand. Any struggle you are going through, is a struggle you can handle. So hang in there, you got this.

The future card is Strength reversed. A major arcana card – so it’s meaning and message is significant. Or can speak to significant events or energy. Not realizing your own inner power. This is not a card of brute, physical force. It’s about the inner perseverance and determination we associate with “inner strength.” We all have it.  Sometimes we lose sight of it or don’t call upon it. So you either have lost sight of it or you aren’t calling upon it.  Do both. You have this within you – you just need to dig deep and find it.

There’s a lot of intense energy out there. There are a lot of planets retrograde. Mercury will join the party a little later in July.  So go easy with yourself. And with others. We’re all going through it, in one way or another.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – June 24, 2018

The card in the past energy (that which you are leaving) is The Hanged Man upright.   This is NOT a card of action. It’s a card of inaction. Suspended action.  It’s a card of observing before acting.  It can also be a card of viewing something from a different perspective.  A different angle.

The card in the present energy is the Page of Pentacles reversed. Pages can be children under 10-12 or people who act like children. They can be earth sides (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn).  Pages are also messengers. So this is a slow moving energy.  Plodding.  It can be a message about money or career or resources or finances that isn’t a particularly good message. Something isn’t developing or moving along the way you’d like it to or fast enough for you.  Like a promised raise that never seems to really happen. Or a promotion that keeps being promised to you but is never truly given to you. It can also be an earth sign person being….slow and difficult.  Think of a moody child who is refusing to hurry up with anything.  And yes…adults can certainly behave like this.  Trust me.

The future card is the Seven of Wands reversed. Feeling overwhelmed by something.  Feeling like you aren’t “on top of it” or that you don’t have it under control. Or that you’re losing higher ground. This could be related to that pentacle issue above (with work, career or money) or something else entirely.

Mars goes retrograde in a few days.  So we are all going to be called on to count to ten and take a few slow deep breaths.  It’s also not an ideal time to charge ahead with new ideas. Or to charge ahead thinking forcing your way through things is going to make it happen. It likely won’t happen.

Be open to what calls you…



Just reading that word can make you uncomfortable.  It can manifest in physical pain or in emotional pain.  And it is one of the most power indicators and motivators of human behavior.  By our very nature, we want to avoid discomfort. Physical pain as well as emotional hurt. Just the memory of a certain event or words spoken can be enough to take us back to that moment in time…and we do anything to avoid it. To escape it.

And escape can take many forms.  Substance abuse is an all-too-common way people try to escape discomfort.  Self-medicting to numb physical pain or to help us escape our own minds and thoughts.  Some people over-spend, live beyond their means, thinking that surrounding themselves with things will distract them from their own thoughts. Their own surrounds and their own life.  Some people exercise too much. Breaking down their own bodies – the idea that if they can create a physical pain, it may distract them from the emotional pain they’re refusing to deal with.  Or just to literally “run away” from things.

Some people find themselves literally living their lives in endless circles.  They experience an uncomfortable thing, they do something to avoid it or not deal with it, it works for a little while, then another uncomfortable thing will happen (because in life, there are lots of uncomfortable things), and they go right back to the thing they were doing to avoid the first uncomfortable thing. It becomes a vicious cycle of escape and avoidance.

These things (and countless others) work. That’s what makes these things so dangerous.  But they only work in the short term.  Nothing will help the body or the soul or the mind heal faster and more effectively than by truly dealing with it.  Going through it. Not avoiding it.

One of our main purposes in this life (if not the only purpose) is for our soul to evolve.  Which means, grow. There are lessons to learn and life will keep pitching those fast balls until we learn the lesson. If you find yourself saying, why me?  Or why does this always happen to me? Why do I always meet these kinds of people…there’s a lesson the universe is trying to teach you that you aren’t learning. Once you learn it, those recurrences will stop.

So if you find yourself repeating the same cycle when it comes to how you cope with discomfort – you’re likely not learning the lesson.  In the traditional tarot, The Devil is a card associated with vice. That which controls us.  It can be drugs and alcohol, risky relationships, money, fame, attention from others, over-indulgence in any form.  Interestingly, this card is associated with Capricorn, ruled by Saturn.  I suppose that makes sense – Saturn is the task-master planet that is all about responsibility and restriction and life lessons.  What better energy to deal with vice.

If you can’t bear to be without it, or bear to stop it, if you can actually feel a palpable discomfort at the idea of not being able to reach for it or do it…it’s likely a vice.  What is controlling you.  And you can never be in control of yourself or your life or the fulfillment of your soul’s quest if something else is controlling you.  I’ve met people who get physically fidgety and edgy and angry if you take their phone away.  They’ve become so controlled by having their cell phone and by social media that they can barely manage to be without it for any stretch of time. Even mere minutes.

Want to know what controls you?  Give it up.  Stop doing it. Stop going back to it.  That old relationship you keep running back to, the bottle, the likes on Facebook.  Buying things you don’t need on Amazon. Be uncomfortable.  Feel discomfort. It probably won’t kill you. As the saying goes, if it doesn’t kill you, it will make you stronger. And that’s true. As a marathon runner, I can say that you don’t train to not feel pain during the marathon…you train to tolerate the pain.  So when it sneaks up on you, you know how to handle it and how to deal with it.  But you don’t train to avoid it altogether.  Because it’s the making it past the pain that makes the completion of the race so sweet and ultimately worth it. Conquering discomfort. Conquering your own mind and your own thoughts.

Discomfort is a helluva teacher.  One of the best you’ll ever have. If you allow it to teach you what it wants you to learn. If you allow yourself to feel discomfort.

Be open to what calls you…













Tarot Reading of the Week – June 17, 2018

The card in the past energy is the Ten of Pentacles reversed.  Concern over financial stability.  Maybe not feeling like you have it now and fearing that you never will. Upright, this is about finally having that freedom of having all your bills paid (or, being able to pay them with ease). Or having enough money saved for retirement and enjoying life. Reversed, as it is here, it’s a lack to it. It’s concern over it not being there now and perhaps never being there.  This can sometimes present if you’ve been let go from a job or if you’ve recently had a round of expansive bills that came out of nowhere that deplete your savings. Or just cause you some worry.

The card in the present energy is the Ace of Wands upright. Aces starts  suit so they’re all about a new beginning to something. The suit of wands is all about creative endeavors, and the things you’re passionate about.  Not in a romantic way, but in a “life’s calling” kind of way. So there could be a brand new start to something in your life that not only excites you but truly calls to you.  Maybe a hobby or pastime.  Or maybe something completely new to you that you find really engaging.   A great card that can suggest an exciting time ahead.

The future card is the Eight of Cups upright. Walking away from an emotional situation. Leaving an emotional situation behind. Most likely, a relationship of some sort. The suit of cups is all about relationships and emotions and feelings. We often think of walking away from something as negative or sad. But if we’re leaving something for something much better, it’s not that bad after all. So whatever it is that you’re walking away from, keep in mind that it’s for something better.  Something more fulfilling.  The card after this is the Nine of Cups upright – which is the “wish fulfillment” card. So you’re leaving this….for something that truly fulfills you.

The week may start with some financial concerns, but it ends with something exciting and dynamic. A new start to something because you walk away from something that no longer serves you.

Be open to what calls you…
