Time away…

I’m a big believer in taking time off. Coming in late to work. Leaving early on a Friday. Long weekends. Outright legit vacations. Life is meant to be lived and if we’re working all the time and not enjoying travel and time with friends and family…what’s it all for.

Or just time for and with yourself. I do a lot of solo travel. Not just in the United States but abroad. I love it. But I know it’s not for everyone. But if more people could just find peace with themselves…they’d probably really be able to embrace traveling solo.

It’s good for the soul. It’s good for the spirit. And I strongly encourage all of you to take some time off here and there. An afternoon, a long weekend…a real legit vacation. Your soul will thank you.

Tarot and intuitive readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero đź”®

Mercury direct and Saturn retrograde…

It’s a trade off with the universe, isn’t it? A good thing and a challenging thing. Or “aspect.”

Mercury stationed direct on June 3. So things should slowly start to feel like they’re returning to normal. Communication should improve or happen if it hasn’t been happening. And tech things should miraculously start working again.

But Saturn starts his retrograde the very next day. Saturn is all about karma and time and restriction and life lessons. A time to review boundaries. With yourself and with others. This transit will last for a few months. So there will be plenty of time to look into all of this.

And I encourage you all to reevaluate your boundaries. Maybe they need to be changed or shifted. Or…put in place to begin with.

Private readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Herođź”®

Always have something to look forward to…

It doesn’t have to be something big and expensive. Although, those things are nice to look forward to. They can be small things. But you need something in the not-so-distant future to look forward to.

A weekend trip or even a day trip. A vacation. A purchase of something you’ve always wanted and been saving for. Eating something new or at some place new. Making or creating something new.

All of this is part of living life. Working for 40+ years (probably doing something you don’t enjoy) to “live” out the next…5 or 10 years…that’s not it. I’m not encouraging anybody to be reckless with their money or responsibilities. But create things for yourself to look forward to. Not just retirement.

Interested in a tarot reading? I’m at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Become who it is you want…

I’m talking about romantic relationships. Become the person you want to attract. If you want someone athletic and educated and who likes to do new things…within reason, YOU need to become athletic, educated (this doesn’t just mean a formal degree) and do new things.

Think about it: why would someone with those quantities (I kept it at three to make my point) want someone who is lazy and unmotivated, who never reads or wants to learn and who never wants to go anywhere different?

So list out all the things you want in another person. Then ask yourself how many of those traits or qualities you have. Now get to work…

Readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero đź”®

New month…new intentions…

Did you come up with something new you want to accomplish this month? It can be in any area of your life. Maybe going somewhere new. Or accomplishing a new personal goal (doing more pull-ups in a row?).

Life is meant to be lived. And experiencing the same day over and over again, week after week, month after month, year after year…isn’t it.

And expecting other people to bring those experiences to us isn’t taking responsibility for our own life experiences. It’s not your kid’s job to make you go somewhere you’ve never gone. Or your employer’s job. Or your partner’s job. It’s your job. Because it’s your life.

So create new intentions for yourself. New personal goals for yourself. Separate from anybody else. It’s time to stop living through offers and to start creating the life you want for yourself…

Need some guidance? A tarot or intuitive reading may help. Both are on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Herođź”®

Last day of the month…

A good time to go over the month. Think of it as a “month in review” for yourself. What are you reviewing, exactly?

What did you set forth to accomplish for yourself? Did you accomplish it? If you did, what did you learn? If you didn’t, what happened?

I made an intention for this year to do something I’ve never done before or go somewhere I’ve never gone before every month. I don’t want my life to be months and years of the same thing at the same time. If that means I have to set forth a deliberate intention to try new things (even if they are a little scary), so be it.

And so far, I’ve accomplished this. And I’m proud of myself for doing it. A couple things were outside of my comfort zone, too. Which makes them even that more special.

So review the month. In a journal or just sitting and thinking about it for a few minutes. Then think about the next month ahead. Remember to say “rabbit rabbit” as your first words spoken on the first of a new month for good luck.

A new month is perfect for a month ahead tarot reading. I offer them at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Herođź”®


You’ve probably heard the saying, if you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done. And it’s true. I’m pretty much every area of life. Relationships, work, career, manifesting, losing weight, learning a new skill…the list is endless.

Too often, we let fear get in the way, though. Because it’s something new. And it’s something different. But I don’t know what I’m doing? I don’t know if I’m doing this right? What if it fails? What if people laugh? What if it doesn’t work out?

All (somewhat) valid concerns. But I can guarantee you this…nothing is going to change until you change something. Gather up some courage and start. Try. If it doesn’t work, you try again. If people laugh, laugh back at them. If you aren’t doing it right, you’ll figure it out along the way.

Learn to pivot. Learn to welcome in change if you are serious about your life changing…

Private readings always available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero đź”®

New Moon in Gemini…

On May 30 there will be a new moon in Gemini. Ideal for new beginnings. It’s the second new moon during this month, which is a little rare.

Interestingly, Mercury is also retrograde in Gemini right now. He will station direct on June 3-4. So there may be some issues around communication.

And literally the next day, Saturn will begin his retrograde. Right now he’s in Aquarius. This will be a time to evaluate boundaries. Any time Saturn is involved, you can bet there are going to be some lessons involved. The heavy, serious, grow up lessons. So get ready for that.

But welcome in this new moon energy. A restart…

Private readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero…🔮

Ask and you shall receive…

It is very true. Ask and you shall receive. But you have to ask. You have to get clear on what you want and you have to ask for it.

Stop expecting people to know what you’re thinking. Stop expecting people to know what you want or need. Start speaking up and asking for what you want and what you need.

And then expect to receive it.

Private readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero…🔮

Quick Daily Astrology…

The moon is squaring Pluto. A square is a position of tension. The moon represents our feelings and emotions. Pluto is all about death and rebirth. Transformation.

There may be a conflict between knowing something needs to change…but feeling at odds with it. Feeling scared or feeling apprehensive.

Keep in mind that whatever needs to change will keep coming up. The universe will make you so uncomfortable, you don’t have a choice.

Readings available at OracleIndigo at Etsy and Hey Hero…🔮