Don’t fall back…

You may be presented with something or someone who is asking you to go backwards. To stop your progress.


Keep the focus forward. Keep the progress forward..not backwards. Make them meet you where you are, not the other way around.

You don’t have to be mean about this, either. A simple, no thanks, I’m doing good, is all that’s needed. You’ve worked too hard to make the progress you already have. Don’t let someone kick you back.

Tarot and intuitive readings available on Etsy and Hey Hero at OracleIndigo 🔮

Full moon completion…

There is a full moon in Sagittarius today. A fire sign known for higher learning and travel. But as with all full moons, something may be coming to an end. A sense of completion or closure.

This doesn’t have to be bad. Not at all. Graduation is an ending but likely a happy one. Becoming married can mark the end of being single. Which, is arguably a happy end as well.

You have to see where Sagittarius falls in your natal chart. In what house, to determine what area of your life this might be affecting. But it’s going to affect all of us in some way.

Endings always lead to new beginnings. That’s something to be excited about.

Tarot and intuitive readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Constructive Ghosting

Sometimes we need to do this…ghost. I know it’s not a super cool term and it implies disappearing. But if you have a goal you want to achieve, this is just simply a necessity.

People will distract you. They will mislead you. Knock you off our path. And that’s the last thing you need.

You need your focus and drive. You need discipline and motivation. And you have to learn how to create those within yourself. Once you do that, you’ll be unstoppable.

But it will also often require you to disappear and ghost others. Maybe not forever. But for a while. Your goals are waiting.

I am available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for private readings🔮

Your spiritual journey…

It probably won’t be linear. Or even easy. You may not understand it at times. You will probably question if you’re on the right path. Or start to wonder where the path is going. Is there even a path at all?

Here’s the thing to keep in mind: it’s your spiritual journey. So allow it to happen for you. Be open to guidance and to new direction. Those sudden moments of insight or just an idea that comes out of nowhere…that’s often the universe speaking to us. Through ideas, inspiration and creativity.

It’s your journey. Be open to learning new things. And to being guided by your angels and guides.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo at Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

The ease of flow…

Flow don’t force. Let go and let God. Jesus take the wheel. What will he will be. It is what it is.

However it’s said, those words carry a certain amount of release and surrender in them. A calm admittance of not having control and allowing God, the universe, your guides, angels, ancestors to help you.

It’s a way of saying, this is bigger than me and I can’t handle it all on my own. I am asking for help.

Sometimes just admitting that, just saying that aloud, can bring about a tremendous amount of peace. There is peace and ease in flow. In allowing and in being ready to receive.

So don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it. And you certainly shouldn’t be afraid to just allow. To let go and to let the universe step in. Then the real magic can begin.

I can be found at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for private readings🔮


Those of you who read tarot know you should periodically cleanse your cards. You can wave them in sage or palo santo smoke, rest a selenite or clear quartz crystal on them.

You should occasionally do the same with any pendulums you work with, too. All your tools should be cleansed.

And so should you. I don’t mean a bath or shower, although that’s a good (necessary) daily practice. But also your spirit. Some people do this with salt baths. Putting sea salt, epsom salt, pink salt in a bath. Salt naturally draws out toxins and impurities.

Some people do a shower meditation. As the water is falling on you, imagine it literally pulling with it any negativity from you. Washing it away…down the drain. A

And even simple meditation in general. Or asking your guides and angels. However you choose to do this, it’s important to make it a regular practice. Every day or a special day a week. Some people do it every new and/or full moon. Whatever works for you.

Clearing away negativity is necessary even on a spiritual level.

Find me at OracleIndigo at Etsy and Hey Hero for a tarot and/or intuitive reading.

Whole astrology chart…

I know just enough astrology to, well, know enough. And one of the super important things to know is your entire birth chart.

You need to know your exact birth time and location. There are a lot of online sites that will then compose your chart based on that information.

One of the most important things to remember is that you are not just one part of your chart. A lot of people focus on their sun sign, which is fine, but there’s so much more to your chart (and yourself) than just that.

Knowing your rising sign (or ascendant) and your moon sign are probably a good starting point. Each planetary placement. Each sign. Each literal degree placement is important. So don’t just focus on your sun sign…learn your whole chart.

Private readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Stop trying to control it all…

I think as human beings, we want to control our environment. Our personal lives, our careers, our health, our relationships. Sometimes, even other people. And yet the universe will show us time and again what a waste of time and energy it is.

I believe each of us has free will. The stars can be aligned, the road can be clear and all the people and moments set up for something to happen . But if a person decides they want to go left instead of right, that’s what’s going to happen.

The interesting thing is that the universe will step in at some point later on and either present the same situation or opportunity, or one almost exactly like it.

What’s meant for you, is yours. You can’t mess it up. Stop trying to control it all. Once you decide you want something, the universe really does conspire to make it happen.

So relax. It’s on its way…

Personal readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero…🔮

Perfect timing…

I’m a big believer in perfect timing. The events of our life. When we meet certain people, when opportunities are offered to us…it’s all divine timing. And it can be downright magical when you take a step back and see it.

The universe will bring people into your life and across your path when you need them. To teach you something. Or maybe you are supposed to teach them something. Trust that.

And when you meet these teachers and guides in human form, say thank you. Thank the universe. And thank them. We learn the most about ourselves through our relationships with others. Be grateful that the universe brought you together. And trust that they’re in your life for a reason.

Tarot readings are available on Etsy and Hey Hero 🔮

Where to find creativity…

If you’re stuck or feeling completely absent of inspiration and creativity…getting away might be what you need. I listened to a YouTube video where someone was talking about this and it resonated. Deeply. Because I’ve experienced this myself.

Sometimes just getting away can help stimulate creativity and inspiration. Being exposed to new things and places and people. Doing new things. Having your daily schedule switched up. All of those things, no matter how simple or small, can work wonders.

Think of it as a reset. Different place, different people, different schedule of events….different way of thinking. Try it. Even if it’s just going somewhere different for lunch. You’ll be surprised at the amazing difference it can make.

Private readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero 🔮