Use your weekend well…

The weekend. Time to sleep in. Get some things around the house done. Run errands. Maybe catch up with friends.

But the other thing you can do with your weekend is to work towards your goals, whatever they may be. You can use the extra time to read up on things that interest you. Or…just read in general. You can use it to formulate a plan for yourself. A timeline.

It doesn’t have to be the entire weekend. You can start with 30 minutes just on Saturday or Sunday. Then maybe 30 minutes both days. And if this new endeavor or goal is something you are passionate about…you will genuinely want to spend hours on it. Because it drives you and motivates you. And genuinely excites you.

Use your time well. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Make them count.

Tarot and intuitive readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

The struggle is a blessing…

You may not see it now. Especially if you are in the middle of it all. The pain and frustration and confusion. But later, you will see that it’s a blessing.

Without that resistance, you would have never grown stronger. That’s how muscles grow. With heavier and heavier weight. If you keep listing the same 5 pounds…you aren’t going to see any muscle growth. It needs to be hard so you grow.

And the other thing is that you can use your struggle (and your blessing) to help others. Your story can inspire others. It can let them know that if you made it through…so can they.

So don’t run from the struggle. You don’t have to like it. Or even welcome it. It will come no matter what you do. Just accept it. And know that it’s there to make you stronger and better.

A private reading is always available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Stop looking back…

You’ve probably heard the saying, your past has nothing new to say. Or, your past doesn’t need you, your future does.

It’s true. Whatever is in the past…leave it there. You can’t change it. You can’t erase it. But you do have power over your future.

So ask yourself what you want for yourself going forward. Set goals. Have dreams. Aspire to be more or have more. And then put a plan in place to make it happen.

Forget about what worked or didn’t work before. This is a new attempt. A fresh attempt. Your future self needs your focus and your determination.

Readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Be an independent thinker…

If you want to be successful in any area of life, you have to learn to be an independent thinker. You have to learn to think for yourself.

It’s okay to get other opinions. Or to listen to what other people have to say or suggest. But ultimately, you get to decide what happens next. What your next step is.

This will likely come with criticism. And with people making fun of you or trying to discredit your plans and ideas. It’s because they wish they were strong enough to think for themselves like you. They wish they could shed the insecurity they’ve been carrying for years and just go after life like you.

Let them talk. Just keep it moving forward.

Private readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Use your non-dominant hand…

A simple thing you can do to create neural pathways in your brain is to start doing things with your non-dominant hand.

From a metaphysical perspective, your right hand is the hand you command with. What you use to put energy out into the world. Your left hand is the hand you receive with. It’s the side of intuition.

If you’re interested in encouraging intuition, start using your left hand. Be smart about it. Don’t start off lighting candles with your left hand. But…small things. Instead of reaching for something on a shelf with your right hand, reach for it with your left.

If you’re a reader yourself, turn the cards with your left hand. Cut the tarot deck with your left hand. You might be surprised at how your intuition becomes more clear.

Find me at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for readings🔮

Your Calling…

Your calling will keep calling you until you answer.

It’s the truth. If you’re wondering what you should be doing with your life…the answer is in what calls you. What interests you. What you’re drawn to. What you could talk about for days and not get tired.

And the longer you put it off, the louder the call will become. You can take jobs that offer a lot of money, choose a career path that is respectable, work someplace that impresses people. But if all of that isn’t your true calling, you won’t know fulfillment.

Answer the call.

Readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🤣

Staying grounded…

The importance of staying grounded during uncertain times (or any time) cannot be underestimated. It really is what can keep you from making rash decisions. Or from be stuck and paralyzed in fear.

One of the best ways to do this is to go outside and walk on the ground barefoot. Your feet in the grass. And it also feels surprisingly good, too. You can also stick your hands in some dirt. Even an indoor plant.

The intention to stay connected to the earth, to the very (stable) ground beneath us can help us to feel stable.

And these days…stability is everything.

Readings always available on Etsy and hey hero at OracleIndigo🔮

Solstice energy coming…

The solstice represents the sun transiting into cancer. Which also welcomes in sinner in the northern hemisphere. Winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

A time of change. A time of shift. A time to welcome in a new beginning. And not just of a season. If spring is a time of planting seeds, summer is a time of full bloom. Energy at full bloom.

What area of your life is in bloom? What area do you want to be in bloom?

Readings always available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero 🔮

The Emperor reversed…

It’s probably because I’ve been doing this a long time, but I will often meet or see people and equate them with a tarot card.

Awww…a sweet Knight of Cups moment. Oh, she’s definitely a Queen Of Pentacles with how she runs that business. On and on.

The Emperor reversed can be a tyrant. Drunk on his own power. And yet controlling others and everything around him. Slamming doors, yelling and screaming, never reaching a place of peace.

We all have the positive and negative of all the tarot cards within us. We all have Emperor reversed moments. We just want to keep them at a minimum if we can.

Readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

It’s your story…

You are the author of your story. You’ve probably heard that. But it’s true. You hold the pen. Circumstances may happen and you will wish you were given a better plot line to work with, but you still hold the pen.

Stop giving other people the power to write your narrative. Stop allowing them to tell you how your story should go. They have their own story to write.

And so do you. Make it a good one.

Readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero 🔮