Switch up the order

An easy way to break up stagnation is to switch up the order you do things in. You’d be surprised how this can help stir creativity and ideas.

Walk the dog the same route, just in the opposite direction. Change the order of how you get ready in the morning, or at night. Change the way you run errands. Go to a different gas station or grocery store.

We get stuck repeating patterns in our lives. Then complain that things aren’t changing or shifting. Sometimes we need to do the shifting. Try it…

Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for a tarot reading…🔮

Your real mission…

Your real mission in this life is to be who you have been called to be.

Some people know what or who this is from a really early age. Some people spend their whole lives trying to figure it out. Some people pass from this life never knowing what or who they were meant to be.

Even if you don’t know right now…don’t stop trying to figure it out. Follow your passions and your bliss. Learn more about things that catch your interest or excite you. Talk with people who interest you.

You’ll know once you find it. There will be a moment of this…this is who I am called to be. This is what I am meant to do. And once that is figured out, spend the rest of your life being the best you that you can possibly be.

The world needs your gifts and your talent.

Readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

You need to believe in you…

You don’t need them to believe in you. You don’t need their approval. Or validation. Or their blessing.

You need to believe in yourself.

And to take inspired action.

Sometimes this means having to “politely ignore” friends and family. It may mean having to socially distance yourself from people who are quick to offer criticism and pessimism.

It’s okay. As long as you believe in what you are doing and your goals…keep moving forward.

Tarot and psychic readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

It’s not about perfection…

It’s about fulfillment. The job, the relationship, the goal weight…whatever it is. Striving for perfection is a sure-Fire way to get disappointed and frustrated. It’s fulfillment you are after.

Accepting that no job or person is going to be perfect will set you in the right path. Start asking yourself, does this make me happy? Am I fulfilled? Am I being challenged to grow and be a better version of myself?

Don’t ask if it checks off every single box. It won’t. You’re seeking fulfillment. If you are happier with it than without it. That’s the goal.

And don’t get spooked off by challenge. I’m constantly shocked by people who back off at anything or anyone who poses a bit of a challenge. Welcome it. That resistance is going to make you stronger and better. And coincidentally…more fulfilled.

Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for intuitive readings 🔮


Past the halfway point…

The month of July begins the second half of the calendar year. We’ve already gone through half of 2022. There are six months left to achieve goals you may have set for yourself at the beginning of 2022.

It’s also a good time to alter or change what needs to be changed. Or to come up with new (or more) goals for yourself.

This doesn’t have to be an epic thing. But it certainly can be. The “trick” is to set goals that are new and outside of your comfort zone, but not so unattainable that you’ll get discouraged.

Time is marching on. And it’s important for us to keep up with it. Keep growing, learning, doing.

Interested in a tarot card reading? Order one at OracleIndigo on Etsy or Hey Hero🔮

The end of a month…

The end of a month is an ideal time for a review. I may have mentioned that I set some goals for myself this year. I would read a book a month. And every month I would do something I’ve never done before. Or go somewhere I’ve never been before. It’s my aggressive approach to learning something new every month (you always learn something by reading) and to getting out of my comfort zone.

Did you learn anything this month? Did you do a new thing? Visit a new place? And by learn anything new, it can be something about yourself. A new talent you didn’t realize you had. Or realizing a fault or deficiency you want to work on.

Tomorrow is a new month. A new opportunity to learn, to grow, to evolve. It’s not always fun. But I can guarantee that it will be rewarding. Try to come up with a new thing to learn. Or something to work on. You won’t ever regret grown.

Tarot and intuitive readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

How to reclaim your power…

You do it by putting yourself first. By making yourself a priority. By making sure your needs and wants are met.

If you haven’t ever done this before, expect resistance. Other people probably liked you always putting yourself last. Because they came first. So this reversal won’t sit well with them.

That’s okay. Put yourself first anyway. You may yet. You count. Your wants and needs are important and valid. Life is too short to be shorting yourself for the sake of acceptance of others. You deserve a life of happiness, too.

Tarot readings always on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

When Saturn stations direct…

Right now, Saturn is retrograde. He will stay that way until October. It’s as if the teacher has left the classroom, and told the class to stay in their seats and do some class work until she returns.

I won’t go into my own personal views of what is happening in the United States right now with laws. But it will be interesting to see how this is all handled when Saturn stations direct in October.

It feels to me like things will be corrected. Made right. Because even though Saturn is about restriction and life lessons and responsibility, it’s not without purpose. It’s not restriction to control or to be used against people. It’s to serve a purpose. I fear we are failing to see that. But I also think Saturn (Lord of Karma) will right what has been wronged later this year. We’ll have to see how that works out.

Private readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

The importance of emotional maturity…

It has absolutely nothing to do with chronological age. And it can’t really be taught. If anything, it is like wisdom. You gain it through experience. And the experiences usually come in the form of challenging life lessons.

Your ability to handle conflict, criticism, defeat and loss will likely translate into emotional maturity. If you refuse to learn lessons, accept defeat, accept and handle criticism, it will only result in stunted emotional maturity.

This will later affect every relationship you enter into. And not just romantic ones. So you aren’t just quietly suffering alone. Far from it. Other people who you engage with will suffer, too. Because you refused to accept and learn hard life lessons.

And they will keep repeating. You will really serve yourself best by being able to admit when you are wrong. Or when you could have handled a situation better. Differently. Until you are able to do that…your relationships will be unfulfilling and you will hurt others.

Private readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

The Devil (tarot card)…

It is what controls you. It is vice. It can be addiction. It can be a bad habit. It can be a person you can’t seem to stay away from.

When this card presents it is telling you that this devil is in control. Not you. And you want it to be the other way around.

We all have a Devil in our lives. Most of us have more than one. You can probably list a few bad habits you’d like to change. So you aren’t weak or less than for having a bad habit. You aren’t weak or less than for fighting the fight your whole life…trying to conquer it.

Keep at it. The challenges given to you in this life were given to you for a reason. There’s a lesson there. And they were given to you because you are strong enough to handle them.

Private readings always available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮