Lavender for sleep…

You can dab lavender oil on the edges of your pillow to help sleep. You can also dab it on the edge of your sheets/blanket/comforter, too. It may leave an oil mark, so be mindful.

You can also dab it on your dogs cloth collar or the edges of their bed to help them calm down. Check with your vet if you’re concerned about the safety of it. But I’ve been doing it for years.

Chamomile can also be used. Sleep is so elusive for so many of us. A little help couldn’t hurt…

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Wear red for bravery and courage…

I read about this in a book of Roma folklore. It can be seen or unseen (underwear and socks count!). Red as a color for bravery and courage.

I wear red every time I run a marathon. I’ve finished every single one I’ve signed up for. And I wear red if I know I’m going to go through a difficult or challenging situation. Including difficult or challenging conversations with people.

Own your power. And wear some red while you’re at it.

Tarot readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Herođź”®

Walking as meditation.

Meditation doesn’t have to be sitting cross-legged with your eyes closed for hours. Or humming things you don’t understand in a quest for enlightenment. If you’re called to do those things, have at it.

But something as simple and seemingly mundane as walking in silence can be meditative. If you live on land, you can do this. And it doesn’t have to be for hours, either. Start with 5 minutes. Weather permitting, of course. Don’t listen to any podcasts, audio books, YouTube videos or music. Just walk. In silence. For five minutes. Try this for one week. I bet you’ll start to notice a positive difference in yourself.

Visit OracleIndigo at Etsy and Hey Hero for a reading today…🔮

If it triggers you, it probably needs healing…

If someone says something to you with it triggers you…it’s probably something that needs to be healed. Don’t blame the other person for saying it. Instead, ask yourself why it bothers you so much.

It may be a part of yourself that you aren’t proud of. That you can’t admit even to yourself. Or maybe it’s a past hurt you haven’t taken the time to heal.

If it triggers you, it needs your attention. When you’re secure with who you are and what you are about, nothing should have that power over you. Don’t let fear of confronting a demon or two keep your from living your best life.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Herođź”®

Access denied.

Not everyone deserves access to you. In fact, a lot of people probably don’t. A lot of people want to coast off your energy. They haven’t put in the time, effort or energy to figure out what they want for themselves, so they want you to figure it out for them. Expect victim mentality to play a role here. Or they want to be a part of your energy. Your excitement, zest for life, fearlessness, courage, bravery…

Be careful who you grant this to. If someone wronged you or hurt you…do they really need to know what’s going on with you? They aren’t entitled…even if they lead you to believe you are.

Your energy is rare and precious. Treat it as such. Only people who deserve to be a part of your life and who are there to make you a better person deserve that kind of access. Don’t be afraid to take an “access denied” approach.

Tarot readings are a wonderful way to gain insight and clarity. Find me at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for one todayđź”®

Enchant your morning coffee or tea…

An easy way to set intentions for your day is to speak it into your morning beverage. Coffee or tea (or juice, milk or water).

Hold your hands over it, close your eyes, and speak what you’d like to experience or receive that day. Thank your guides and angels and ancestors for blessing you with whatever you’re asking for.

If you stir in something (cream, milk, sugar), stir clockwise to bring in what you would like. You stir counter clockwise to remove things.

Magic is all around and you can be an active part of it in your life. It’s as simple as speaking your wish into your morning coffee/tea.

Readings always available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Herođź”®

Sit with the silence…

One of the things that always strikes me the most after a breakup is the silence. The exceedingly loud and inescapable silence. It’s seemingly all around. Most people will do anything and everything to fill it. With anything. With other people, with substances so they don’t have to think about it, with reckless activity. Sometimes they fill it with constrictive things. New hobbies, getting in touch with friends or family, exercise.

But when then…it’s still an attempt at avoidance. Anything to drown out that deafening silence.

I want to encourage you to sit with it. And to listen to it. To listen to the silence. Accept that it will be uncomfortable. Accept that you may hate it. At least at first. Accept that it might make you cry. But sit with it.

The silence has answers for you. Answers you need to hear. Don’t try to drown it out…try to tune into it and hear what it’s saying to you.

I would love to read for you. Find me at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Herođź”®

Yes. You. Can.

So now that you’ve figured out what you want for yourself and in your life…you have to believe that you can have it. And be it.

Unless and until you start believing it is yours…you’re delaying your ability to have it. You’re literally blocking it from coming in. It’s like asking the universe for something and then refusing to accept the gift.

You have to start believing it. Really believing it’s possible for you. That signals to the universe that you’re ready to receive what you’ve asked for.

Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for a reading…🔮

What do YOU want?

Don’t say happiness or love. Because that’s a cop out. What do you really want in your life? For yourself? I didn’t ask if it was possible or feasible or affordable. I asked what you want.

If you can’t answer this…I guarantee that you won’t find happiness or love. If you don’t know exactly what you want you won’t go in the right direction towards it. You can’t. Because you don’t know what you want.

Sit with this. And as some warning – be leery of people who don’t know what they want. They will likely try to just coast along in your dreams or goals or lead you on while they figure out what they’re after.

Intuitive and tarot readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Herođź”®

Gossip as an energy drainer…

Have you ever noticed that gossip is never positive? It’s never about how successful someone is. Or what amazing gift they received. It’s usually centered around someone else’s failure or struggle. And it’s usually about jealousy.

In order to fail or struggle at something, you have to try. Attempt it. And a lot of people are too afraid to even try. Because they fear what other people will say about them. Ironic, isn’t it?

While you can’t control other people, you can control your reaction to it. When someone gossips to you, don’t respond. Don’t reply if it’s text. If it’s conversation, smile and change the topic of conversation.

If they’re gossiping to you, they’re also gossiping about you. Don’t be a part of it.

Readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Herođź”®