Death and Judgement tarot cards…

As a Scorpio rising and someone who has my NN in Scorpio, I resonate with the Death card. It represents transformation. Significant transformation. It is the Phoenix rising from the ashes. It’s, I might be down, but I’m not out.

I also like Judgement. Rebirth and renewal. The come back after the set back. And the come back is stronger.

But you can’t have judgement without death. You can’t have rebirth without…death. So when things or people are leaving your life…when you feel like you are living the Death card…it’s likely a set up by the universe. Things had to fade away, people had to leave…so you could experiment the rebirth and renewal. Remember that.

Interested in a tarot reading? Order one today from OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

The things they don’t tell entrepreneurs…

So many. So many things nobody tells you. I’m talking to the people who jump off the cliff…without a parachute or without knowing what’s down there. Not the people who keep a 9-5 but start a business on the side. The 9-5 is your parachute. For those cliff jumpers…

It will take 2-3 years before you start making money regularly, consistently, constantly. Not six months. Two to three years. If you don’t have a second income to rely on (spouse) or that money saved up…re-think your plan.

You will never know if you are doing it right. Or headed in the right direction. You’re always just hoping this new thing will work. That it will pay off in time. But you’ll only know if it actually will pay off after time. In the meantime, you could be wasting your time and energy on something completely worthless. Settle in.

You will cry a lot. That goes for the guys in the back, too. Cry. You will cry more than you thought you would. And more than you wanted to. Because it’s scary. And it’s all unknown. And it can be exhausting.

Be careful who you talk yo because you’ll hear oh, you should just a lot. Quit. Get a real job. Get some help. Rethink all this. Fill in the blank. And it will come from people who don’t have the guts to even try what you are doing. Remember that.

Which leads me to…how lonely it all can be. People to talk to about what new place to eat at, what celebrity did what with who, how drunk they got last night…those people will be easy to find. But people to discuss ROI, your marketing budget (what marketing budget?), organizing things, finding ways to save money on everything, the tax implications of anything…you will soon realize how lonely it is. You have your own thoughts to deal with all the time….alone. It’s just the reality of it.

But….but….making a sale, getting a client, getting a good review, doing what you know you are called to do in this life and not just be another sheep….there’s no other feeling like it. You are brave and courageous. You are willing to take risk for your own happiness and fulfillment. You are disciplined and dedicated and motivated.

Be proud of yourself. If nobody tells you that, if you’re smiling through tears at the end of yet another month/quarter when things are still in the red…be proud of yourself. I am.

Tarot readings and intuitive readings are available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Your work is required…

There are some things in life that come already assembled. Already fixed and figured out and ready to go. It’s all convenient and it helps speed things along.

But there are some things in life that require our work. Nobody can do it for us. And nobody can fix it for us or understand it for us. We have to do those things for ourselves.

We have to put in the work.

Instead of always choosing the already put together thing or the thing that doesn’t take any effort or time on your part…I challenge you to go in the direction of the thing that requires a little work on your part. Maybe it’s learning something new, having to meet new people, a physically taxing event, an emotionally draining moment…walk towards it.

It’s the only way you will grow.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Mars, North Node and Uranus conjunction in Taurus

There’s been a slow build up to this energy…and it might be tense. Earth sign people will feel it more than others. This need to change structures. Or to shift our belief in old structures. Things we might have depended on…well, there may be some question around that.

The best thing to do with difficult aspects and tense energy (in my opinion) is to flow with it. Don’t try to fight it. You won’t win. And don’t try to somehow rush it. Energy is on its own time. Just flow with it.

You might find yourself questioning old paradigms. And things you thought you could count on…you might realize you can’t. That’s okay. It’s change. It’s necessary. Flow…

Private readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Tarot of Mystical Moments

It takes a lot for me to buy a new tarot deck. For one, I have enough already. And I’m a stickler for the art work and images. If the court cards look…”weird” I won’t buy the deck. And don’t ask me to clarify what “weird” means. I know it when I see it.

But this deck is really stunning. I have her Oracle deck and I love it, too. So if you are looking for a new tarot deck to buy, I encourage the Tarot of Mystical Moments by Catrin Welz-Stein. It will be an amazing addition to your collection.

The beginning of a new month is a good time to get a tarot reading. It can shed some light on what to expect for the month ahead. Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy to see what I offer🔮

Jealousy is related to insecurity

Often when people are jealous of someone else, it’s a reflection of insecurity. They feel they can’t compete or match up. Often…they’re wrong. But the fear of failing or of being laughed at stops them from trying.

Stop letting the fear of failing…or of other people laughing at you stop you from trying. Don’t let that stop you from stepping into your greatness.

They’re laughing today. Tomorrow…they’ll be trying to copy you.

Readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

What I love about cooking…

Alchemy. Creation. The artistic aspect to it. I love that it’s literally putting this with that, mixing this into that, sprinkling a little of this on top…and voilà….it’s like magic.

It actually is alchemy. It’s creating a new thing from all these other things. And hopefully it’s something really good. Bonus points if it’s also healthy.

I woke up the other Sunday morning and the idea of baking cake to me. Dark chocolate chip pistachio cookies. And I made them. Without a recipe. Which is a baking no-no…I am aware. But I thought…I’ll try it. I know what any basic cookie recipe calls for. I controlled how much sugar I put in them (to make them not quite so super sweet)….and they came out wonderfully.

I encourage all of you to become your own kitchen alchemist. You might just surprise yourself.

I offer psychic/intuitive readings at OracleIndigo on Etsy. Check the shop out and order one today 🔮

Follow the impulse…

I’m talking about healthy impulses…not reckless or irresponsible ones. When you get that sudden idea, that nudge, that impulse, follow it. Or at least start it and see where it goes.

Creativity can come at any time. It’s not on a schedule and it really doesn’t care about yours. While you’re driving, eating, in the middle of the night…write the ideas down (not while you’re driving…wait until you’re done). See where they lead.

Over the past few weeks I’ve experienced a few of the moments of impulse. And I’ve followed every one. Sometimes the most random thought can lead to a massive break through.

Tarot reading? I specialize in them. Order yours at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Celebrate your wins…

I pat myself on the back after every long run I do when I’m training for the marathon in the fall. It’s hard work to get up early (sometimes I’m running at 5 am) and put in miles when everyone else is sleeping. And I do it all alone.

I find peace in running alone. I know not everyone does. You have to find what works for you.

But I celebrate my wins with myself every time. Because it’s not about needing outside validation. It’s about me validating myself.

It’s about me making myself proud.

There won’t always be a crowd cheering you on or even someone significant in your life to share your victories with. That’s okay. Cheer yourself on…

Private readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Procrastinating will kill your goals…

It’s not the right time. Not now. Later. The timing couldn’t be worse. But I don’t have enough money/time/space/ideas/experience. Let me wait until I talk to so-and-so first. I’ll get started on it next month. Let’s see where things are at the end of the week. It’s already the end of the year, I’ll just start it next year.

I could keep going. You get the idea. Allllll those excuses are just that. Excuses. Putting off your goals and dreams because it’s not the right time or money is an issue or what will they say, whatever the excuse is, it’s killing your goals.




Stop putting it off. The perfect time? The right time?

It’s right now.

Order a tarot reading today at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮