Pulling cards for yourself

For anyone out there looking to learn to read tarot or just looking to give themselves guidance, an easy way to start is to pull one card for yourself a day. You can pull in the morning for guidance for the day ahead. Or at night for insight into lessons the day held for you.

If tarot is too intimidating, you can start with an Oracle deck. Most Oracle cards are pretty intuitive. Or, obvious in their meaning. One of my favorite decks is The Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron Reid.

We all have intuition. Reading tarot and Oracle cards helps you work with yours and strengthen it. Once you’re comfortable reading for yourself, you can practice with friends.

Tarot and Oracle readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Charge your water

Did you know that you can charge/infuse your water with intention before you drink it?

All you need to do is speak out loud what it is you want for yourself. Let’s say a new or better job, or a promotion. Say it out loud. Express gratitude for it. I am so happy and grateful for this amazing new job. It feels fun and exciting and I feel more stable financially. And I’m grateful for it.

Now drink your water. And as you feel it going down your throat, and you feel the coolness of it, imagine that being the feeling the manifestation will bring you. The coolness of the water is the excitement you feel and the financial freedom you now feel and live.

Happy manifesting.

Readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Rest…but don’t quit

A lot of things in life are hard. The statement of the year, right? We will question what we were thinking. Who we thought we were to undertake such a thing. How were going to chew what we bit off.

But here’s the thing…learning to take a break, to rest…is crucial. It doesn’t mean quit and give up. It means pause. It means catch your breath. It means recalculate what the goal is and what the timeline is.

It’s a pause. It’s not a quit. I encourage you all to start viewing difficult situations this way. And to view challenge this way. It’s okay that it’s hard. That means you’re learning and growing. But it’s not an excuse to quit. It might be a reason to rest for a second…and then keep on going…

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Full moon in Aquarius…

A super full moon is taking place today in the air sign of Aquarius. Known for being very independent in how they think, very intelligent, a little “out there,” and very community oriented…it’s time to let fall away…what needs to fall away.

All full moons are times of completion and accomplishment. Endings. Not all endings are bad. Graduating from a certain level of school or training is an ending. But probably a good one.

And then the cycle begins again. So let go of baggage and what isn’t serving you. Let go if anything weighing you down. Thank the universe for the lessons it might have taught you, and let it go.

Private phone and zoom readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy 🔮


My heart aches for people who feel like they can’t be who they really are in this world. To their friends and family. At work. In life. They might be worried about what their friends or family might say or think. And the idea of them thinking anything remotely negative just terrified them into silence. And into being this other version of themselves.

The world needs you. It needs the you that you that you were called to be. Not a watered down version. Or a quieter version. Or a more traditional or conventional version.


I know it may not be easy to speak your truth and live life authentically right away. I get that. But…try. Take steps. Little moments where you reveal who you are. Where you say what you really think instead of just going along to get along. Where your actions match up with your words and your own thoughts.

Try it. It’s liberating. You were created for a reason. So the world is counting on you to be yourself to carry out your mission. Step into your authentic self. Step into your power.

Intuitive and tarot readings can be purchased at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Working WITH energy…

It’s a little like flowing with the current and not against it. It will be a lot easier if you let the energetic forces already in motion essentially do the work for you.

Not just with swimming but also with life. There are times you have to swim against the current, yes. But if you learn how to flow with the energy, a lot of things will be a lot easier for you.

If you are being called to do something else right now…pay attention to that. Flow with that. Yesterday was Lion’s Gate. That energy is going to be around for a while. So if you didn’t start the new thing yesterday, you still have time.

That push you feel, that nagging idea or spark…that’s energy. And it’s trying to propel you forward. Flow with it. Stop doubting yourself and using fear and time and worry and whatever else to keep you from this. Stop holding yourself back. It’s time to get out of your own way.

Tarot readings always available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Lion’s Gate…

Today, 8-8, is Lion’s Gate. I didn’t intend for that to rhyme. But it is. We are in Leo season and this date is a portal into some really potent energy.

BIG shirts, BIG goals, BIG dreams. It’s time for you you to get started on this now. The universe is going to be giving you a big push, too. Because your big dreams are going to require big energy and a lot of work on your part.

When it’s something you truly love and are passionate about, it won’t matter. The effort and energy won’t seem painful or dreadful.

So use this energy today to really go after it.

Private readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Goals for the week…

I’m not talking about a “to do” list. I’m talking about goals you set for yourself. Maybe physical goals or emotional milestones or anything personal. It’s Sunday…it’s a good day to list out some goals for yourself for the upcoming week.

Maybe you set a small one for each day. Really going to sleep at a certain time. Not drinking coffee after noon. Eating at least one vegetable or fruit with your lunch.

Or maybe you set two or three goals to get done by the end of the week. To make it to the gym three times. To write in your journal twice this week. To call up either two friends or two relatives this week.

You get the idea. Thinking about things and doing things are two very different things. If you don’t set out small, do-able goals for yourself, you’ll never change or alter your habits. It’s gotta start somewhere. And sometime. Right now is the perfect time.

Intuitive readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

What do you want your days to look like?

What would a perfect day be for you? A perfect week? Month? I’m not talking about on vacation or if you didn’t have to have a job. I mean with your job. The job you really want for yourself.

What time do you wake up? What do you wear? Do you work from home or go to an office? What’s the commute like? What do you eat for lunch? How long do you get for lunch? What do you do? Who do you do it for? How much are you paid? When are you paid? Weekly? By the job? Daily?

Sit with this. If your days, weeks, months aren’t fitting into what you listed out for yourself, ask yourself why. Then tell yourself it doesn’t have to be that way. And start writing out how you can make those days and weeks and months the way you want them.

Then try to do something every day to get yourself to that place. It doesn’t matter how small. It’s what you do daily that sets the stage for how your life will be. And for how your life is. You deserve to be happy and fulfilled. Don’t stop until you find a way to give that to yourself.

Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy for private readings…🔮

Stopping…to move forward

It sounds counter intuitive, but sometimes you have to come to a complete stop to really move forward. Because you’re not really moving forward. You’re going in circles. Or zigzagging all over the place. The movement has you convinced that it’s forward. But it’s really not.

So stop. Reassess where you are. Where you want to be. Take a few deep breaths. You need to get really clear on the direction you’re going in. And you need to get really clear on why you want to go in that direction.

That why only needs to make sense to you. You don’t even have to discuss it with anybody. As long as it makes sense to you.

You will be surprised how quickly you’ll make up any time you might have lost stopping. Because now you’re clear. And the rest will help propel you forward.

Tarot readings always on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮