How you treat others is real beauty…

It’s not about retinol or Botox or any serum or procedure…that only affects the surface level. Literally.

Real beauty comes from within. It comes from how you treat others and how you interact with the world. It comes from how you teach, give, share. And all of these things are free and don’t need an appointment.

Want to be more beautiful? Want to be irresistible? Be kind and generous and loving.

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Breathe, breathe, exhale…

I read about this the other day. It’s to help calm anxiety and nervousness. Or just to incorporate a little peace and calm into your day.

Take a deep breathe, then take another quick breath in…then exhale. Big deep inhale, shorter inhale, exhale completely. Do that three times.

Feel better?

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Name 3 things you like about yourself…

If they didn’t come easily to you…you might be struggling with your sense of self. You might be struggling with liking who you are. And if you don’t like who you are…how can you expect anybody else to?

The three things can change over time. Or maybe they’ll stay the same. They can be physical attributes (I like my freckles, or my naturally wavy hair…) or aspects of your personality. That you’re disciplined and don’t need outside motivation. That you enjoy doing new and different things. That you’re introverted and find strength and energy in solitude.

But you need to like yourself. And know what you like about yourself.

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Believe it.

A lot of successful people will tell you that they knew very early on in their lives that they were called to something. To do, be, create something. A lot of them will say they knew they’d be successful. They didn’t know when bit they never doubted it.

Those are easy things to say when you are successful. When money isn’t an issue, when you’ve established a name for yourself, when things are good. It’s a whole different ball game when you’re struggling. When absolutely nothing is happening. When the money isn’t coming in. When nobody knows who you are…and nobody cares.

When people are doubting you. Telling you to quit. Telling you that maybe you bit off more than you can chew.

Those are the times when it’s hard to believe in what you believe in. It’s hard to see it happening and even harder to convince others that it’s going to happen….when nothing is happening.

But you really have to believe in it with such conviction that it intimidates yourself. Because once you believe that it will happen for you…the universe will conspire to make it happen. But you first have to believe.

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What do you do really well?

There are a lot of people who never really learn to master anything in life. They flit from thing to think and never stick with it long enough to master it.

Key word is master. I’m not talking about “getting good at.” Or even “knowing how to.” I’m talking about mastery.

I’ve heard that 10 years or 10,000 hours will make you an expert at something. So what have you done actively and consistently for 10 years? What have you spent 10,000 on? Anything? Be honest.

Had do you want to master? What skill or activity? What do you want people to know you for? Oh, talk to (your name). They know all about that. Or they’ve been doing that for years.

What are you waiting for? The time is going to pass anyway…why not spend it learning how to master something.

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3 power words…

If you had to pick 3 power words to live by, what would they be? Words you can repeat to yourself when you’re going through something challenging. Or when you’re depressed or anxious.


Those are some good ones to pick from. But if you feel called to pick your own, you should. Repeat as often as necessary.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy 🔮

Sun in Gemini….

So long heavy fixed earth energy (Taurus). Hello air sign energy…communication and lots of fast moving ideas and thoughts.

Things will likely start to feel a little lighter with this transit. Gemini is chatty and fun. But can be prone to duality. Two faces, indeed. Now with Mercury direct, communication might flow. It might flow a little too quickly at times…but the blocks and delays of the retrograde will subside.

This is airy, exciting energy. In time for summer. Enjoy this transit.

Order a reading from OracleIndigo today. The link is here on the website🔮

Fixed T-square…

Mars, Jupiter and Pluto will be in a square today, when it’s exact.

Mars is about action and aggression and doing. Jupiter is the planet of abundance and growth and expansion and gifts. Forming a awaited to the planet of death and rebirth…expect some tension in the air today. Power struggles.

Sometimes those power struggles are within ourselves…not with other people. What you want versus what you need. What you want to do versus what you need to do. Responsibility versus pleasure.

Order a reading from OracleIndigo for clarity and insight today🔮

New moon in Taurus!

There’s a new moon today in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. A brand new beginning with finances and/or love. Also a time to revitalize and review what you value and why.

Taurus is notoriously stubborn. Almost to their own detriment at times. Don’t let that stop you from reevaluating the concept of value in your life. And recognize that this can change. Recognize that change isn’t bad and it doesn’t mean you were wrong. It’s allowing for shift to occur in your life.

Maybe this will usher in a new approach to your money or investments. Or maybe…love. Taurus (and Libra) are ruled by Venus. Beauty and luxury and a little romance. Welcome it all in.

Phone readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Find the calm…

If you are able to find calm in chaos and calamity, you’re winning at life. At least, in a large part. This isn’t easy to do and some people never learn to do this. We all have triggers and those issues or topics or people can often bring out the worst in us. The goal is to rise above it.

Or to simply remain still and calm in the center of it all.

One way to do this is to heal your wound. The thing that gets triggered. That can take a lifetime. An easier thing to do is just to remain still and breathe. Imagine being dressed in a gown of mirrors, and they reflect back whatever negativity might be thrown your way. Imagine yourself in a disco ball. Take a few deep breaths. Find that calm in the center of it all.

Intuitive readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮