Recurrent feeling…

What is the most recurrent feeling you experience? The one that’s always there, lingering in the background?

It can be a good feeling. One of being lucky or blessed. Surrounded by kindness. Or maybe it’s one of constant worry and lack. Not having enough fill in the blank In your life.

Whatever it is for you, it’s time to figure out why it’s recurring. And if it’s not positive, what are you going to do about it.

Is this something from childhood? From a career or job struggle? Is it from a past relationship? Get to the bottom of it. And tackle it. Recurring good feelings is what we’re after.

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Full moon in Pisces

There’s a full moon in Pisces going on. And it’s right behind Mercury stationing retrograde. That’s a lot of energy in two days.

Full moons are generally times of accomplishment and completion. Of letting go. Pisces is an emotional water sign. Known for being creative, peace loving, but prone to escapism.

So the idea isn’t to merely escape from something. If it needs to end, end it. I see this a lot with relationships. People just let them fade away. While starting to date other people. That’s one way to do it, but it would be better to end it. THEN start the new one.

That’s just an example. Let go of what needs to go. It frees up time and space in your life for what matters.

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You should do this if you don’t already. Purists will tell you to put pen to paper. But I have an ongoing journal on a laptop.

Some days I write about what happened that day. Some days I write about what I hope to have in my life. I write about worries and concerns. I write about moments I’m proud of and accomplishments. I write about things I want to manifest for myself.

I don’t do it every day…probably 3-4 times a week. And it helps. It’s a type of release and a type of manifesting tool all in one. I encourage you to do this. Try it for a month. I bet you keep it up.

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Mercury retrograde

That time. Again. It feels like once we get out of a Mercury retrograde, another one is set to begin.

This will last from September 9 through October 2/3. There’s always a shadow period before and after those dates. This retrograde involve Virgo and Libra. Mercury rules Virgo. Virgo rules the sixth house of daily routine and health. Libra rules the seventh house of committed partnerships (even business partners) and marriage.

All the usual Mercury retrograde “rules” apply. Try to avoid travel if you can. It will be a mess. Don’t sign any important documents or contracts if you can help it. Don’t buy expensive things especially tech things. They’ll break.

But what you should do is take the time to review and revise. To revisit. That’s what retrogrades ask is to do. To “re.” Take the time to do that.

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Don’t volunteer your life to mediocrity…

Read this sentence 100 times if you have to: you are not here to live a mediocre life. You are not here to do what others tell you to do. You are not meant to be average. You are meant for extraordinary things and experiences.

Did you read that a few times? And before you just roll your eyes and say, I know, I know….ask yourself what you’re going to start doing (or stop doing) to attain that extraordinary life. I’ll give you a hint: it’s going to require you taking a risk. At least one risk one time. Probably many risks many times.

If you want to do what nobody is doing, if you want what you’ve never had….you have to start doing things you’ve never done. That includes taking risks.

Not risks without some calculation or planning. And not risks that are outright reckless. But you have to take some risks. Sound scary? It is. It absolutely is. But it will lead you to experiences and things you never even dreamed of.

It’s time.

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Pay attention to what people value…

This will usually tell you all you need to know about their intentions. And, obviously, their values. People put their time and energy in things or people they value. Period. They can say whatever they want. They might tell you that you come first. But if they’re making time for someone else let before you….they’re not putting you first. Because they value the other person more.

Employers do this, too. They can tell you they value your opinion, but if they don’t create a space that welcomes input and open discussion…if they don’t make themselves available to hear your opinion…they don’t really value it. They’re just saying they do. Because it’s the trendy thing to say.

Actions will always speak louder than words ever will. Pay attention to behavior. Especially repeated behavior. That’s who they are. That’s what they value. That’s what you can expect (or continue to expect). Act accordingly.

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Your mind is where your power is…

The ability to change your mind, to focus on a goal, to set forth a plan…that’s where your power lies. And it’s time you recognize that and start utilizing it.

People like to play victim and they get stuck thinking all these things are happening to them. Well, flip that narrative and start thinking that things are happening for you. Then use your mind to figure out what you’re going to do about it.

Be intentional with your thoughts. Be intentional with your behavior and actions. Set your mind on a goal or objective for yourself and keep it fixed and constant. Change and shift and alter plans to get there. You owe that to yourself.

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Gift yourself peace…

Being peaceful and extending peace to others is needed in the world today. Really needed. But it has to start with you first. Meaning, you have to grant yourself peace before you can give it to others.

You have to forgive yourself for bad decisions or behaviors in the past. You have to admit to failure and be willing to learn from it instead of just wallowing in the feeling of being unsuccessful. You have to be okay with having made some people unhappy.

You have to first be at peace within and grant yourself peace before you can extend it to anyone else. You deserve it.

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Working with the wind…

Wind. The breeze. The movement of air outside. You can work with this element in your magical life.

You can scatter the remains of spell workings with the wind. Provided it’s just some random ashes or something small. You don’t want to litter trash in the wind. You can also use wind to bring to you change.

You can sit or stand outside on a windy day (so the wind is coming towards you, not at your back) and visualize what you want coming towards you. Rushing towards you. Wealth, love, ideas, clients/customers, peace and calm, good health…whatever it is.

Visualize the wind bringing it all towards you. And give thanks to the universe for its gifts.

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The problem with a lot of Oracle decks…

A lot of Oracle decks can be super positive. And happy. And optimistic. There aren’t any challenging cards. Or cards that might suggest tension, even.

As much as I wish that’s how life was and I wish every answer to every question would have a positive, happy answer, it’s not realistic.

There are some Oracle decks that have challenging cards and I encourage you to read with those. If you want an objective reading, that’s the only way to do it. One of my favorite decks to work with is the Wisdom of the Oracle. By Collette Baron-Reid. Positive and happy? Yes. Not also with challenge and tension. Just like life.

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