New month….new energy.

We are now officially in November. There’s two months left of this calendar year. And as I always say, any new month is a good time to set new goals for yourself. And (or) to think about what goals you accomplished last month.

It takes 21 days to start a new habit. So a month provides ample time to begin something new or end a bad habit. We all have a new habit we should start or that would be good for us. And we all have bad habits we should stop. If you need some ideas, consider drinking one extra glass of water a day, eating one extra piece of fruit or a vegetable a day, going for a five minute walk once a day (not if there’s ice on the ground, be smart), doing 10 pushups or 25 (or more) sit ups a day, reading a book a month, contributing to a savings count every week or pay period, even if it’s just $5…the list goes on an on.

But don’t let the passage of time just…pass. You can use any given day, any given moment, to better yourself and to better your life. It just takes a decision to do so and 21 days of diligence and discipline.

Intuitive (psychic) readings are on offer at my shop, OracleIndigo, on Etsy. Order one today.

Day of the Dead and All Saint’s Day

In Mexico and Latin American Culture, yesterday and even today can be days to celebrate and acknowledge your ancestors. In Mexico, cookies and candies are brought to the final resting place of ancestors and left there. Liquor is brought and candles are lit.

The Catholic Church uses November 1 to celebrate All Saint’s Day. Think of it as a less Latin version of the Day of the Dead. The Litany of the Saints will often be said at mass on this day. And it’s an ideal time to give special thanks and attention to any favorite saints you pray to or work with. You don’t have to be hispanic or Catholic to honor your ancestors who have gone before you.

You can light a candle at any time. You can always whisper a “thank you” when you have moments where you just know someone was watching out for you, helping to make something happen. You can keep a running list (literally, a list of names on paper) of saints and of loved ones you always want to especially remember and keep it on your ancestor altar.

And anybody can create an ancestor altar. You just need a surface. You can use any table or the top of a dresser or even a nightstand you don’t use. You can decorate it any way you want to – it’s your ancestor altar for your ancestors. You can have things there that remind you of them, or that they once owned or that you know they would have liked. It’s common for people to leave a small amount of liquor and a glass of water. You can leave candies or any sort of food you think they would have liked (just throw it out after a few hours). You can have candles there, plants, perfume, jewelry…the list goes on and on. Pictures of loved ones who have recently passed too are often on ancestor altars. It’s a simple way to venerate the deceased and to remind them that you haven’t forgotten about them.

I light some incense that I keep on my altar every morning and say good morning to some special saints I pray to (I have prayer cards and some small statutes of them) and to my ancestors. I ask them to watch over me as I go through my day and I thank them for their guidance and protection.

If thing are confusing for you, a tarot reading or an intuitive reading might help bring some clarity to the situation. You can order a reading at my shop OracleIndigo on Etsy.

Witch’s New Year and a Dumb Supper

Today is Halloween. Or Samhain in the Celtic tradition. It marks the end of summer and the end of harvest season. It marks a new year…. it’s the Witch’s New Year. It is also a time to honor those who have gone before you – your ancestors. In Mexico and in parts of Latin America (and South America) they celebrate Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). And they bring treats and light candles at the final resting places of their ancestors.

One way to celebrate this is to have a Dumb Supper. It’s a way to celebrate and honor your ancestors. You set a place at the table (plate, napkin, fork, knife, glass, etc) and eat your meal in silence. You invite your ancestors to join you. The “dumb” part is simply about being silent and not speaking.

Feel free to light a candle for your ancestors, too. You can do that at any time (any day of the year). Thank them for watching over you. Ask them for help and protection going forward.

Order a reading from my shop on Etsy, OracleIndigo today….

Extend kindness….

When was the last time you extended kindness to someone? When was the last time you smiled at a stranger just to smile? When did you offer someone help expecting absolutely nothing in return?

They say if you do something nice for someone expecting something in return, you’re doing business. Not kindness.

Why not do something nice for someone today? Unexpectedly or unprovoked. Unasked for. If you struggle with depression, one of the simplest ways to help yourself (even if it is only for a few moments) is to do something nice for someone. Making others happy makes us happy. Making others smile, makes us smile. It’s an easy way to pay it forward.

The world needs more kindness. Why not start today?

Tarot readings available on my shop OracleIndigo on Etsy.

Mars retrograde in Gemini

Tomorrow (October 30), Mars will start his retrograde through Gemini. Mars doesn’t retrograde all that often. But when he does, it can be noticeable and felt. Mars is about action and movement. Aggression. War. Goals and passion.

Retrograde…he’s not as powerful and “forward moving” as he is when he’s moving direct. So it’s not an ideal time to start anything new. Of course, you still can, it might just not progress as quickly as you’d like. Or, it might seems like it’s stagnant.

In Gemini, watch your words. And expect thoughts to just be all over the place. But words and communication could be strained. Pause before you speak.

Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy (the platform is Etsy) for readings.

Do you like what you do for a living?

This is going to be my new question to ask people right after they ask me what I do for a living. I’m going to ask them what they do and then I’m going to ask them how long they’ve been doing that. And then I’m going to ask them if they like what they do for a living.

I read somewhere that people will often ask you what you do for a living to determine how much respect to give you. If they find out I’m a waitress or elementary school teacher, they might not give me the same kind of respect as an attorney or doctor. I can’t help people asking me what I do.

But I’ve become more curious not so much about what they do (or who they work for), but if they’re really happy doing that. If you’ve ever done this, you might get some surprising reactions. Some people get a little angry that you would even think to ask them that. And that usually tells me that they aren’t happy doing what they do. Maybe they went that way out of obligation. It was a family business and they were next in line to run it. Or maybe they did that because that big company or corporation hires a lot of people in that area so that’s where they started out of college and they just stayed. Maybe they do what they do because a parent pushed them to do that. Or they just feel stuck.

The idea here is that you don’t want to be one of these people. When someone asks you what you do for a living or where you work, you want to answer (truthfully) and be genuinely excited about it. You want to be excited to talk about it, how you got there, what you do, how it’s going, what your new plans or goals are for yourself.

Life is too short to be doing anything short of what you are put on this earth to do. It’s time to get excited about it.

I offer phone readings and zoom readings at OracleIndigo. You can find me on Etsy and Hey Hero for readings.

It doesn’t have to be drudgery

It is a very antiquated idea that your job should be work. That it shouldn’t be fun or something you enjoy doing. Sure, you might enjoy aspects of it (when you get to eat lunch or go home) but the job it self isn’t meant to be something engaging and enjoyable.

It’s called “work” for a reason, right?

Let’s just say you enter the work force around age 23 (assuming you have an undergraduate degree, it could be later if you get an advanced degree, but for the sake of a number, I’ll just use 23). And you retire at 65. Again, it could be sooner or later depending on a lot of factors. That is 42 years (between 23 and 65).

If you re reading this right now and you aren’t 42 yet, it will have been your whole life so far. If you are 42 or over, you can also calculate how much of your life (so far) would have been spent doing this job.

And I understand that you can change jobs. You might not work at the same company or business for all 42 years. But let’s assume you stay in the same field. Or general area. Maybe in another city or state. Maybe a higher paying position. But it’s the same general area of work.

Forty two years. Are you okay with that?

Are you okay looking back on your life and confronting the fact that you spent 42 years of it (give or take) doing something you didn’t enjoy doing? Waking up to go to a job you didn’t even like? Worrying about work related issues when it isn’t something you’re even passionate about?

Forty two years.

You should be doing what you love. You should be doing what excites you. What you are passionate about. If you are doing anything less than that…you’re wasting your life. Or, at least approximately 42 years of it. It’s time to love the life you’re living. Every day. You deserve that.

Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for private readings.

Beware people who don’t share your joy…

It probably sounds cliche to mention that people who don’t clap for you when you win…probably aren’t your friends. Yes, true enough. But it’s really important that you pay attention to the people who are always trying to talk you out of your dreams. These people can be friends and/or family. And often the reason why they do it is fear and jealousy. They are afraid your movement up will be movement away from them. They’re afraid they’ll lose you in some way.

And jealousy. You are holding up a mirror to them and they are forced to ask themselves why they aren’t going after their dreams or setting goals for themselves. If you can do it, so can they, right? But they aren’t. There could be a whole host of reasons why. They’re afraid it won’t work, they’re afraid people will laugh, they’re afraid it/they will fail, they’re worried about how long it will take, what will their parents or friends say or think…on and on.

But all of those reasons are their reasons. They aren’t yours. And you shouldn’t ever let somebody else’s fears and worries and jealousy keep you from pursuing something you really want to do.

A lot of the time, this will come in the form of little snide comments. Passive aggressive statements. If you tell them that you’re going to not drink (alcohol) for the next month or two, they might tease you. And then try to coax you to go out, “one last time, come on, it’s not going to kill you.” Or, “oh, someone thinks they’re too cool to go out and have a beer with us now, huh?” Those comments saying a lot more than what they’re saying. They are laced with insecurity. And with jealousy.

Let them be insecure. Let them be jealous. We all have demons to slay in this lifetime. If you have found a new goal you want to achieve or a dream you want to pursue, go after it. And don’t let anybody’s bruised ego stop you.

Tarot readings are always on offer at OracleIndigo. I’m on Etsy (the platform) and Hey Hero.

Eclipse in Scorpio

There’s a new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio today. Prepare for some intensity.

Scorpio rules the eighth house of “sex, death and taxes.” Or, sex, transformation and money. A new moon can usher in new energy. And eclipse means it might be sudden and feel fated.

The energy from an eclipse can last 6 months. So from now until Taurus season (April), this energy can be at work. Just expect change. Expect transformation. In your own life and with others. Keep in mind that if you’re handling changes in your life on a positive way, others might be struggling.

Scorpio is intense. It dives deep and isn’t afraid of what is hidden or what is secret. Use this energy to uncover shadow aspects of yourself so you can confront them. You can’t confront what you refuse to acknowledge. It has to be brought to light. Welcome in the change.

Tarot readings available on my shop OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

The calm before the storm…

We’re about to have eclipses again. The second set of this calendar year. A new moon solar eclipse in the early degrees of Scorpio will kick things off on October 25.

If you have any fixed signs at 0-2 degrees in your birth chart, this might impact you more. Fixed signs are Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius. This is an opportunity for a new beginning. And it might be pretty profound and intense.

Eclipses bring fated events. So welcome in what is coming in. It’s for your growth. Y

The next eclipse is on November 8, a full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus. More on that one later.

Just know that these few days might seem kind of calm. Enjoy them. Because eclipse energy can be sudden and full of change.

Tarot readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮