What do you need today?

If you’ve ever woken up or going through a day and it’s felt off…you’ve felt off…consider asking yourself what it is you need today.

Yes, $10 million dollars, a long deep sleep, and no responsibility sounds ideal. But beyond that, what do you really need today. What does your body need? Your soul or your spirit? Your mind?

Every day isn’t always the right day to work yourself to pieces or to deny your body good, healthy, nourishing food for the sake of weight loss or the day to be critical of others (or yourself).

Ask yourself what you need today. Then see if you can find a way to give it. This exercise helps you turn your focus inward, to yourself, and to listen to your body and your spirit.

Order a tarot reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy today🔮

Your assumptions

Take out a piece of paper and a pen and write down 10 things you believe to be true. Anything. About yourself. About other people. About experiences or about life. Start each statement with I believe it is true that.

Now read each one loud.

Are they really true? Did you hesitate to finish any of the statements? Or did you find yourself outright disagreeing with what you just wrote?

This exercise can teach you that not all of your assumptions are true. And if those aren’t true, then the ones you’ve probably been telling yourself about yourself or about your ability to succeed…they’re probably not true either.

Be careful what beliefs and assumptions you hold dear and believe are true. They’re probably not.

Tarot and Oracle card readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

You are not stuck…

You aren’t. It feels that way. And it might look that way. But you aren’t stuck. You always have a choice. And there’s always a choice to change things.

Sometimes that means yourself. Sometimes it means your mindset. Sometimes it means your habits.

You’re free to change yourself, your mind, your life at any time. And you are allow to get yourself unstuck. Other people might not like it or approve or even appreciate what you’re doing.

It’s your life. It’s time to get unstuck.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Limiting beliefs…

What is holding you back from living your dream life?

Or, phrased a different way, what have you told yourself is holding you back from living your dream life? List all the things. Money. Education. Time. Geographical location. Kids. Your spouse. Your parents. Physical features you need but don’t have. Age. List them all out.

Now next to each one, write a possible solution. For some, there may not be an actual solution. It’s more of how to better accept it. Or how to spin it so it’s actually an asset.

You can’t change your age. Let’s say you’re too old for something. But with age comes wisdom. And experience. How can you use your age as an asset?

I’m not saying it will be easy. Or even really fun at times. But I’m willing to bet that most of these limits you think are keeping you back from living your dream life…are actually excuses you’ve been telling yourself so you won’t even try.

And it’s time to stop that and turn your life around. You’re literally wasting your life and your potential.

Order an intuitive reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy today🔮

11-11 Portal

Today, November 11, is a prime day for manifesting. 11-11 is a good day to ask your guides, angels, ancestors for help with whatever it is you want in your life.

Don’t let this day get away without using it. And you don’t need to perform a significant ritual. Simply asking is all you have to do. Speak your wishes out and ask for help. Ask to be guided to what can help you. Or who can help you.

It’s a powerful day to waste.

Interested in a tarot reading? Order one from my shop OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮


It’s easy to focus on the negative. On what you want that isn’t there. On something you’re waiting for that doesn’t seem like it will ever get to you. On things and people lost and gone.

The hard part is to refocus your attention on what is good. On the things around you now that make you happy. Things that you enjoy doing.

Worrying won’t make it happen any faster. All you’re doing is wasting energy and time. Refocus your attention to what is around you right now that brings you love and happiness. That’s a better way to spend your energy.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Be careful who you share with…

The other day I was telling someone that I set a goal for myself for 2022 to read a book a month. And I’ve done it. And I’ve gotten used to it. And I intend to do it next year. And how happy I was that I found an online site that sells used books for $4-6.

This person, who probably hasn’t read an actual book in years (maybe decades) said, you can read books for free online.

I said, yes, I can, but that would mean sitting in front of a computer all day. And I like being able to hold a book in my hands and flip pages. And you can take a book with you anywhere – the beach, the train, the plane, a restaurant, your nightstand. It’s harder to do that with a laptop.

But the comment really made me…angry. Why would anybody have anything negative to say to someone who is trying to better their mind? To learn more? I can’t imagine saying anything other than, that’s great, good on you, getting caught up in a good story is amazing isn’t it, what types of books do you read, on and on.

The lesson: be careful who you share your goals with. Especially if it’s someone who doesn’t have similar goals. Or any goals at all. They’ll make you question your own or feel bad about what you’re trying to do.

And for anyone who wants to know, ThriftBooks is the online seller.

Tarot readings help to bring clarity to situations that are foggy. Order a reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy 🔮

Choose peace

Sometimes, having peace in your life or being at peace with yourself means making a very intentional decision. You have to actually choose peace.

This can mean that something will have to be let go. A way of thinking, a habit, a relationship…a person. If they aren’t bringing you peace…I hope they’re bringing you something else that’s positive and useful. Because without peace…what’s the point?

Making this choice will seem difficult in the beginning. People pleasers want to make sure everyone is happy and everyone else approves of their decisions. But once you realize and live with the priceless gift of peace…choosing it becomes easier.

Psychic readings are offered at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus

The last eclipse of 2022 is upon us today. It’s a full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus. Ruler of the second house of money and material goods, Taurus likes luxury and to be and feel comfortable. It can be what makes them appealing and also what holds them back in life. The idea of being uncomfortable is something they can’t tolerate. They’ll often stay in jobs and relationships and living situations they don’t like (and can openly admit they don’t like) but will also admit that it is comfortable. They can be stubborn to their own detriment. But also stable and responsible.

Full moons are times of completion. Endings and accomplishments. Not all endings are bad, either. But it can be a time when we get rid of things we don’t need in our lives. Things that aren’t helping us be a better version of ourselves. And if we don’t get rid of them, the universe will sometimes take them away for us. A way of clearing space for something better to take its place.

Eclipse energy is like new/full moon energy on steroids. So the changes can be significant and transformative. And they can feel fated. So the best we can do is flow with them. Always remember that we are where we are suppose to be. And we are going through what we’re going through because we’re supposed to. Even if it doesn’t feel like it or if we don’t like it.

I wish you all happy conclusions and endings and amazing brand new beginnings.

Order a reading from my shop OracleIndigo on Etsy today.

You can always make a different choice…

A lot of people are stuck in their lives. Or in a specific area of their life. Their marriage or significant relationship. Their job. The relationship they have with family members. Where they live. Their weight. But in reality, significant change could be made if they would just start making different choices. If it sounds that simple, it is.

But it’s not necessarily easy.

You don’t need me to tell you that you can always get out of a marriage or end a relationship. Simple, yes. Easy, probably not. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Or you shouldn’t consider it. I’m not pro divorce…but I am pro happiness and pro living the life you deserve. If you aren’t there with your current spouse or partner, it might be time to really think about making a different choice.

If you don’t like your job, you can always quit. Literally. If you are reading this at work, you can put your phone down and type out an email to your boss and start collecting your things and be done with it. I don’t necessarily advocate rash moves without thinking them through…but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. If you are seriously unhappy where you work or doing what you do, it’s time to decide to do something else. Or to work somewhere else.

If you want to weigh less or want to weight more, you need to start making different choices and decisions with your food intake. And with your activity level. It doesn’t have to be epic. It can be eating one less “bad thing” a day. Or adding one protein shake a day. Or walking five or ten minutes outside every day. Keep it realistic and you’re more likely to stick with it.

Again, I’m not saying any of these things are easy. Making big changes usually aren’t. But they’re worth it if they make you happier. You just need to decide.

Order a phone or zoom reading from OracleIndigo (my shop) on Etsy today.