
Be mindful of who you take advice from.

Sometimes you can’t help who offers it. People love offering their two cents. Or two dollars. It’s okay to listen. You can even thank them when they’re finished.

But that doesn’t mean you have to do as they sat. Or do as they did. You are under no obligation to live someone else’s life. Or to organize your life the way they did. Or the way they want you to.

So listen. Think about it. Say thank you. Then take your own action. Make your own decisions. Your life, right?

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Stop comparing yourself to others…

A couple of years ago I was close friends with someone I worked with. She was fun and funny and high energy. But she was also constantly comparing herself to everyone. Including me. Everything became a competition. It was exhausting, unattractive and something I wasn’t interested in.

At the core of that competition with others is a lack of self-love. She didn’t love (or maybe even like) who she was. So she was always setting herself up against others.

She didn’t set a goal for herself to out do herself. It was never her versus her. She set out to outdo other people.

Goals are good. Necessary, in fact. Just make sure you aren’t constantly competing with everyone else around you. Learn to set goals for yourself against yourself. And learn to be happy with who and what you are.

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Mars squaring Neptune

Things might be a little hazy today. Mars (currently retrograde in Gemini) is squaring Neptune. So reality might be….we’ll, not as real as you think it is.

Today isn’t a day to push forward and ahead. It’s a day to rest. And to make sure the reality you’re experiencing is in fact, real.

Not all days are days to move. Some days are meant to stay still.

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What makes you feel powerless?

Or…who makes you feel powerless?

Is it a limiting belief? Is it a relative or significant other? Is it past experiences that didn’t go well?

If you know who it is (if it’s a person) consider spending less time with them. That might mean a break up or divorce. Our partners and spouses are supposed to raise us up. Not keep us down.

If it’s a limiting belief, nix it. What good is having that? How is having that belief helping you?

If you’re serious about being the person you want to be, it might involve cutting ties with people. And with creating a new (limitless) belief system in and of yourself.

The change you want has to begin with change.

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Your hero…

Who is your hero? Why are they your hero?

It’s perfectly fine if you named another person, dead or alive. But consider this: you in 5 years will be your hero. Because you’re going to accomplish all the goals you’ve set out for yourself. Because you’re going to push through pain and ignore other people’s opinions and stay on course for what you want.

If five years is too far out, just make it one year. And in the meantime, if you have already accomplished something you set out to accomplish years ago this year, then you are your own hero now. Because you told yourself you would do/be/have XYZ, and now…you do.

The power to create worlds is within you. The power to set goals and meet them is within you. Your power and strength is beyond measure. It’s time you start believing that. And believing in yourself. You are your own hero.

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What’s one thing that happened this year that made you happy?

What was it? And if you have more than one, write it out, too. But you should be able to come up with at least one.

If you couldn’t…ask yourself why. Even if you lost a job, got divorced, lost a parent (the list is endless)…I’m sure at least one thing happened that made you happy. It doesn’t have to be a big thing, either.

So the idea here is to replicate more of these next year. To cultivate and experience more happy moments. And if you can’t think of one thing, think of what you can do to create one happy experience for yourself next year.

Life should be a lot of happy moments. With a few challenging ones thrown in for growth. You deserve many happy moments.

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What do you need today?

If you’ve ever woken up or going through a day and it’s felt off…you’ve felt off…consider asking yourself what it is you need today.

Yes, $10 million dollars, a long deep sleep, and no responsibility sounds ideal. But beyond that, what do you really need today. What does your body need? Your soul or your spirit? Your mind?

Every day isn’t always the right day to work yourself to pieces or to deny your body good, healthy, nourishing food for the sake of weight loss or the day to be critical of others (or yourself).

Ask yourself what you need today. Then see if you can find a way to give it. This exercise helps you turn your focus inward, to yourself, and to listen to your body and your spirit.

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Your assumptions

Take out a piece of paper and a pen and write down 10 things you believe to be true. Anything. About yourself. About other people. About experiences or about life. Start each statement with I believe it is true that.

Now read each one loud.

Are they really true? Did you hesitate to finish any of the statements? Or did you find yourself outright disagreeing with what you just wrote?

This exercise can teach you that not all of your assumptions are true. And if those aren’t true, then the ones you’ve probably been telling yourself about yourself or about your ability to succeed…they’re probably not true either.

Be careful what beliefs and assumptions you hold dear and believe are true. They’re probably not.

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You are not stuck…

You aren’t. It feels that way. And it might look that way. But you aren’t stuck. You always have a choice. And there’s always a choice to change things.

Sometimes that means yourself. Sometimes it means your mindset. Sometimes it means your habits.

You’re free to change yourself, your mind, your life at any time. And you are allow to get yourself unstuck. Other people might not like it or approve or even appreciate what you’re doing.

It’s your life. It’s time to get unstuck.

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Limiting beliefs…

What is holding you back from living your dream life?

Or, phrased a different way, what have you told yourself is holding you back from living your dream life? List all the things. Money. Education. Time. Geographical location. Kids. Your spouse. Your parents. Physical features you need but don’t have. Age. List them all out.

Now next to each one, write a possible solution. For some, there may not be an actual solution. It’s more of how to better accept it. Or how to spin it so it’s actually an asset.

You can’t change your age. Let’s say you’re too old for something. But with age comes wisdom. And experience. How can you use your age as an asset?

I’m not saying it will be easy. Or even really fun at times. But I’m willing to bet that most of these limits you think are keeping you back from living your dream life…are actually excuses you’ve been telling yourself so you won’t even try.

And it’s time to stop that and turn your life around. You’re literally wasting your life and your potential.

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