Day one of month 12…

There are 31 days in this month. Today is day one. It is the last month of the year. It’s time to do an accounting of the past year. Did you accomplish what you wanted to? Would you consider it a good year? A challenging year? What did you learn? What would you have done differently? What are you grateful for?

Now…what about 2023? Have you thought about what you want to do? Accomplish? Learn? Let go of? End or quit? Walk away from?

It’s time to seriously think about this. Put it down on paper. Set a time line for yourself. Promise yourself that you will hold yourself accountable.

Private readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

One month left…

Today is the last day of November 2022. There’s one calendar month left of this year. Time to reflect.

What did you do this year?

What did you not get to?

What do you want to continue to carry into next year?

What did you learn?

Who played a pivotal role in your life this year?

What do you want for yourself next year?

This is a good thing to write in your journal about. You can refer to it next year at this time. Or at the end of every month.

Your life deserves your attention. Not just on your birthday or January 1. But every day. Or at least every month. It’s time to be who you have been called to be…

Give the gift of a tarot reading to a friend. Order my shop OracleIndigo on Etsy today🔮


That sounds better than “writing in a diary.” But it’s essentially the same thing. And it doesn’t matter what you call it. It’s writing. And it can be absolutely transformational for you.

The good thing about this is that you can wrote about anything. In any way you want. I keep a journal on my laptop. Sometimes it’s written in letter form. Like I’m writing to a friend about my day or my thoughts. Sometimes it’s a list. Goals, accomplishments, things to do. You can experiment with poetry if that speaks to you. But the act of writing…can really be magical.

It’s a good way to manifest. It’s a good way to express anger or frustration. It’s a good way to list out goals for yourself. It’s a nice way to pat yourself on the back for accomplishments.

Consider this. Either with a spiral notebook you can buy at the drugstore or grocery store. Or online. Insight and expression is waiting.

My shop OracleIndigo on Etsy is a good place to look for a reading. Visit my shop and order one today🔮

Seasonal depression…

I’ve never been diagnosed with this, but I know people who have. And I think to some degree, a lot of us experience this on some level around this time. The days are remarkably shorter and the weather can be dangerous and not conducive to outdoor activity.

Having said all this, if you can, within reason, try to spend a few minutes outside every day. This is in addition to the walk from your car to the office door or grocery store. This is a very intentional act on your part. If you can go for a walk, even just 5 minutes, even better. Again, ice and snow can make that difficult.

But just being exposed to natural light helps. And it might not be bright, blue sky sunshine. The key here is natural light.

Try it. You might not feel 100% better after doing this for one day…but it will make a difference.

Interactive phone and zoom readings are available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Jupiter is now direct on Pisces…

All done with his retrograde, the great benefic is now direct in the super creative sign of Pisces. A time to grow anything creative in your life. Or within yourself.

Pisces sun and rising will feel this transit the most. In a very powerful and wonderful way. Expansion, gifts, abundance are on offer. Watch your weight, though. Expansion is expansion.

We all have Pisces somewhere in our chart. Look up your natal chart and find the house it’s in. This house and the energy it exudes will show you where you can expect to experience some gifts from the universe. Don’t forget to say thank you!

Tarot and Oracle card readings can help give a little insight…order one from OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Rest when you need to…

The holiday season has begun. This can be incredibly stressful for some people. Shopping, spending money they don’t have, attending “mandatory” office parties they don’t want to attend (you don’t have to go, by the way), trying to meet deadlines before the end of the year, crappy weather, on and on.

Rest when you need to. You can bow out of parties. You can turn down invitations. You can NOT spend every weekend shopping. You can decide to say “no thanks” to sweets and treats. People get frustrated by holiday weight gain. That’s always confounded me. I never gain any weight around the holidays because I either choose not to attend every party or I eat before I go. Don’t he afraid to set boundaries for yourself. People don’t need to understand or approve.

And rest when you need to. Consider it your gift to yourself…

My shop OracleIndigo on Etsy has a lot of readings to choose from. Gift yourself with a reading today 🔮

Thank you…

Yesterday was Thanksgiving in the United States. A time to eat a lot of food, watch (mediocre) football…be with family and friends.

It’s also a time of thanks. Of gratitude. A time to thank the universe for the gifts you’ve been given (tangible and intangible) this year. Tangible gifts and intangible gifts. People’s help or time or wisdom, opportunities, the gift of insight and intuition.

There’s never an improper time for gratitude and reverence. We don’t need a date on the calendar to say thank you. You can (and should) do this every day. Get in the habit of listing off 1 or 3 or 10 things you’re grateful for that day. This forces you to focus on the good that happened to you and that’s in your life. Not just once a year, but every day.

Tarot readings can offer insight and clarity. Order one today from OracleIndigo on Etsy 🔮

New moon in Sagittarius…

This will take place today (or yesterday) depending on where you are in the world. New moons are ideal for new beginnings. And as I explained in a post a couple of days ago Sagittarius is all about advanced learning and travel.

You might be ready to apply something new you’ve learned into something practical and real. Or advance your knowledge on it.

Sag is a fire sign. So it’s known for being dynamic and high energy. Very goal oriented. And they don’t set goals for nothing. They set them to accomplish them. Even exceed them. So if this new moon is just calling for you to set an new goal for yourself, do that. Because setting and meeting new goals…teaches you something.

Order an intuitive reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy today🔮

That same old lesson…

Learn to apply what you learn. Those lessons the universe taught you? The ones you learned invaluable lessons from…it’s time to apply them.

What good is experience and learning lessons if we don’t apply them? Sometimes the universe will try to “trick” you…it will present you with a similar or even the same situation to see how you will respond. To see if you really learned the lesson.

This can frustrate people who have motives that are not in your best interest. They’ll tell you that this is different, they are different, it won’t be like that. All tempting you to go back on what you learned.

If you learned the lesson you’ll recognize the devil here, trying to tempt you, fool you, find your weakness to take advantage of you. Don’t let it happen again. Apply the lesson you learned.

Phone and zoom readings always on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Sun in Sagittarius…

The sun begins its transit through the fire sign of Sagittarius today. Sag is all about learning new things. Higher education, even. And Sagittarius is also about travel. Interesting that people might be making or thinking about their spring break trips during Sag season.

If there’s something you want to learn, this is an ideal time to do it. Order a book (ThriftBooks is a great discount online shop) or start really making an effort to read more and learn more online. Subscribe and listen to podcasts. Listen to audio books if reading a book-in-hand is too challenging. There’s never a wrong time to learn. But this time it’s ripe for knowledge.

Interested in a reading? Order one from OracleIndigo. You can find my shop on Etsy🔮