Nodes shifting in July…

This is the last full month where the nodes of the moon will be in Taurus/Scorpio. They’re going to shift into Aries/Libra in July and stay there for about 18 months.

So the focus has been on what we value, and why. What we consider valuable. When the nodes shift to Aries/Libra, the focus will be on our relationships. Aries is “me.” Libra is “we.”

This applies to all our relationships. Not just romantic ones. You might find yourself focused more on your needs and expectations with the north node in Aries. Just know that everyone else will, too.

Relationship tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy 🔮

Change one daily habit.

Just one. ONE. Add something, stop something. Change something. Just one thing.

You’d be surprised how much this can change iiur life. Your life is a sum of how you spend your days. Change how you spend your day…you’re changing your life. Not a bad idea to do this for the second half of the year, either.

A new health or exercise thing. A new spiritual practice. A new route to work or that you walk the dog. A new or different hobby.

Just change one thing.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy 🔮

Half way…

Rabbit rabbit! Happy new month! And…this marks the halfway part of the year. We’re halfway through 2023. Already.

How has it been? What have you accomplished? What have you let slide or not been as disciplined about? What do you want to do with the next 6 months?

It’s not too late to get started (or re-started) on your intention or resolution for the year. You can also come up with a new one.

Nagging worry? A tarot reading might help. Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy for readings🔮

MOVE (your body) if you feel stuck.

Go outside for a walk. It can be 2-5 minutes. Walk up and down a flight of stairs. Do some air squats or push ups.

If you feel stuck and stagnant in your life, moving your body is a great place to start to shift the energy.

Don’t underestimate this. People who are in the habit of exercising daily still have periods of feeling stuck…but not nearly as often as people who never move at all. Ideas come to you, you’ll expose yourself to natural light and fresh air (if you walk outside). You can meet someone new – literally.

MOVE YOURSELF PHYSICALLY to shift the energy around (and within) you.

Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy for tarot readings🔮

Get rid of something old…

It can be anything. Clothes, an appliance that doesn’t work, things that are cracked or chipped or torn. If it’s old and you aren’t using it and it doesn’t serve a practical purpose, let it go.

Donate it if you can. But it’s okay to throw things away.

This is a way to clear old, stale energy. And it makes room for new things. If you do this once a month, that’s 12 things that you got rid of that aren’t serving you. Literally.

Clear the space.

OracleIndigo on Etsy for tarot readings…order one today🔮

If it matters to you, it matters.

Whatever it is for you, relationships, job, money, housing, material possessions, spirituality…if it matters to you, then it matters. Period.

A lot of people think that everybody needs to be just like them. Their ideas or values have to be the same. That’s not realistic. And it’s incredibly short sighted and selfish. Other people are going to value different things. You don’t have to agree with it or understand it.

I can’t tell you how many times people have told me how important something is to them. I don’t see the importance (and often the relevance) of it…but they do. And it’s their value and their opinion and it’s their life.

Learn to say, well, I don’t value that the same way you do…and move on. If it’s something you can live with, great. If not, don’t try to change the person. Just move on.

Intuitive readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

You don’t know? Learn.

There isn’t an excuse for “not knowing” these days. Not if it’s something you want to know more about or learn. Information is easily and readily available for free. The only excuse is that you’re too lazy to try. Or to take the time to read and learn.

That might sound harsh. But it’s true. All it takes is time and a willingness to read. Articles and books (yes, books) and read interviews and journals.

When you think about it, maybe the reason why more people aren’t naturally curious is because the information is so readily available. Which is unfortunate. It’s a gift (and a bit of a curse) that there’s so much available online. Take the time to learn…

Visit OracleIndigo at Etsy for a reading. There’s a link here on the website🔮

How you treat others is real beauty…

It’s not about retinol or Botox or any serum or procedure…that only affects the surface level. Literally.

Real beauty comes from within. It comes from how you treat others and how you interact with the world. It comes from how you teach, give, share. And all of these things are free and don’t need an appointment.

Want to be more beautiful? Want to be irresistible? Be kind and generous and loving.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy 🔮

Breathe, breathe, exhale…

I read about this the other day. It’s to help calm anxiety and nervousness. Or just to incorporate a little peace and calm into your day.

Take a deep breathe, then take another quick breath in…then exhale. Big deep inhale, shorter inhale, exhale completely. Do that three times.

Feel better?

Oracle card readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy. Order yours today🔮

Name 3 things you like about yourself…

If they didn’t come easily to you…you might be struggling with your sense of self. You might be struggling with liking who you are. And if you don’t like who you are…how can you expect anybody else to?

The three things can change over time. Or maybe they’ll stay the same. They can be physical attributes (I like my freckles, or my naturally wavy hair…) or aspects of your personality. That you’re disciplined and don’t need outside motivation. That you enjoy doing new and different things. That you’re introverted and find strength and energy in solitude.

But you need to like yourself. And know what you like about yourself.

Order a tarot reading today at OracleIndigo on Etsy 🔮