The days getting longer…

The winter solstice was in December 21. The amount of daylight is slowly increasing now. By about a minute a day. Which doesn’t seem like much, but this is a time of year when literally every minute counts.

And even though there are still about two and a half months of winter left (in the northern hemisphere), you can start thinking about spring.

I do. After the solstice, I’m still wearing a coat and hat and gloves but I’m focused on the renewal that spring ushers in. Not just of the weather but of spirit. Of goals. Of new focus.

Don’t put away your coat yet…but go ahead and start thinking about the next change of seasons. And all the beautiful rebirth and renewal spring brings.

Order a year ahead tarot reading at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮


Uncomfortable? Yes. Necessary to growth? Absolutely.

Learn what and who triggers you. A behavior, topic or conversation, a family member, someone at work? Figure out what triggers you.

Now ask yourself why.

Because simply being able to identify it (a good start) isn’t enough. You need to really examine why it triggers you. Be honest with yourself. Often, the behaviors we see in others are behaviors we regularly exhibit ourselves. That’s why it’s so easy for us to notice them.

This isn’t easy work. And it can dredge up childhood trauma and core conditioning you’ve probably been living with for decades. But if you want to grow and if you want to be a better you, it’s necessary.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Sun in Capricorn

The sun begins its transit through Capricorn today. This is a time to get serious. About….everything. Especially job/career and money. It’s time to get serious about plans. So the dreams and lofty ideas from Sagittarius season…it’s time to get serious about those plans.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. The planet of restriction and responsibility and duties and hard work and life lessons. Doesn’t sound like fun, does it? Well, it usually isn’t. But it’s still necessary. So use this energy to get serious about your plans and goals.

Plans. Details. And figure in the set backs, too. What if it doesn’t go as planned, then what? What will you as a Plan B? You get the idea. Dream your little dream. Then put it all on a spread sheet .

Order an intuitive reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy today🔮

Jupiter in Aries!

Today Jupiter begins his transit through Aries. Where ever Jupiter is in your chart (the house), expect blessings and gifts. Expect abundance and expansion.

It’s an ideal time to take that benefic energy and spin it into what you want. It’s time to manifest and to create. And to dream BIG.

Welcome the push from the universe. And don’t let it down. Always express gratitude. Then the universe will reward you with more.

Tarot readings at OracleIndigo on Etsy. Order one today 🔮

The interest you haven’t tried…

What are you interested in that you haven’t tried? What hobby or creation? Why haven’t you started it or tried it? Is it time? Let’s be honest, the height of the pandemic provided a lot of us a lot of time. If you didn’t use the time then, the excuse shouldn’t be time.

Is it money? Is it that you don’t know how? Or is it that you’re worried about it not working out? Or what people will think?

If you’re worried about other people, stop. Seriously. Stop. Life is too short to care about them. Whoever “they” are anyway. If they’re friends or family they should be supportive. If they aren’t and they’re critical, what do you care?

So do that thing. Begin it. Start it. At the very least, learn more about it. And then…begin. Just make up your mind to begin.

Private readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy 🔮

Major arcana card of 2023

I started doing this a few years ago…picking out a major arcana card to be the “theme” for the next year. I put it where I can see it every day so it’s literally a visual of how I want the year to go and what I’m trying to manifest for myself.

I’m torn between Death and The Sun for 2023. The Death card is one of my favorites, the transformation and metamorphosis it speaks go. All towards something beautiful.

But The Sun…after a challenging 2020 and 2021 for me personally, I am ready for happiness and joy.

This is an easy manifestation method. And it also helps me become more aware of the arcana card and it’s meaning.

Interested in a tarot reading? Visit my OracleIndigo shop on Etsy for a private reading 🔮

Rotate your tarot decks…

If you have more than one tarot deck, they need to be used. Rotated. I rotate like every 15 days. There’s a deck for the first part of a month, then the second. And I rotate through them. I have 6 desks I use. And one deck I don’t. The Tarot Marseille that I actually bought in Marseille France in 2019.

But your tarot and Oracle decks need to be used. It keeps the energy fresh. And that’s what they’re meant for. I think of them like working dogs…they want a job to do. They want to be of service.

You’ll also start to notice which decks are better for what type of reading. I know some readers use certain decks for love readings, others for job or career readings, etc. It’s like forming a friendship or bond with the deck. Certain friends you go to for boyfriend or girlfriend guidance. Some for career advice. So too with tarot and Oracle decks.

Order a tarot or Oracle reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy 🔮

Content creators like you…

I’m going to use content creation (of any kind) as an example. But this goes for any area of interest. Find people who do what you do. Either to admire and aspire to be like and/or to bounce ideas off of. These people can be mentors and they can give you ideas. They will also help motivate you to be and do more. To try new things.

They will also keep you focused on your craft and your goals. The idea is to form relationships and friendships with like-minded people who can help you grow. Who can encourage you. And be a cheerleader when you need one.

I’ve met some of these people over the past 2-3 years and I am ridiculously grateful for them. Engage with people on social media. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask for ideas or even help. You might be surprised by the friendships you’ll form simply by putting yourself out there.

Tarot readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy 🔮

Flowers in winter…

Don’t underestimate the power flowers and plants have on a living space. There’s a certain life presence when you walk into a home or room with a lot of plants. They are living things, after all. They help purify the air, too.

And a small bunch of flowers on a table can bring a burst of color and happiness during the cold, dreary winter. Flowers aren’t just for Hallmark holidays or summer. Most grocery stores sell then. And some even have a small section where they’ll put them on sale. Carnations and certain Daisys can last a long time, too.

For those who suffer from SADD or just a mild slump in the winter, a $6 bunch of bright flowers might help. Add a house plant and you’re on your way to becoming a plant parent.

Intuitive readings are available at OracleIndigo on Etsy 🔮

Cinnamon milk…

I love tea. I drink a cup or two every morning with milk. I also like coffee…but tea has my heart. I can’t really have too much caffeine at night, though. So a drink I like to have in the winter is cinnamon milk. It’s literally just milk and cinnamon whisked in. You can add a bit of honey or sugar for sweetness if you want to.

Cinnamon is a warming herb. And it’s also used in spell work to “speed up” things. You can make your cinnamon milk magical by stirring it in clockwise (to bring something towards you). Whatever it is – money, love, good health, peace.

It tastes good and can usher in manifestations. What’s not to like about that?

Want some insight into a troubling issue? Order a reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy 🔮