A healthier year, people edition…

Just like we have to scale back the amount of unhealthy food to eat better, we need to scale back the time we spend with people who are unhealthy for us if we want to really make positive changes in our life.

You are and will become like the five people you spend the most time with. Who are your five closest friends? Or work/office friends? If you didn’t work with them…would you still be fro new with them? Can you be objective and list why you like them? Really like them?

If they are prone to malicious gossip, engaging in bad lifestyle habits you’re trying to get rid of in your own life, if they’re constantly complaining and are never happy….are those people you really want to be spending a significant amount of time with?

I’m not saying you should stop seeing them completely. Although, sometimes it has to be they extreme. But you want to start surrounding yourself with people you admire and with people you want to be more like.

Start now.

Confused? Something unclear? Can’t decide? Or a tarot reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

A healthier year, diet edition…

Maybe one if your friends resolutions was to lose weight. Or get fit. Maybe you’re already dreading all the food you have to give up. And all the activity you will have to find the energy to do. That’s certainly one way to look at all of it. But it’s pretty cynical.

Try thinking about getting healthier. If being healthier is the only long game, then eating better and moving more will happen on their own. It’s not a “diet.” It’s just being more mindful and intentional about what you’re eating. It’s not “working out.” It’s moving my body more and in ways I didn’t think I could.

Spin the narrative just a little so it’s not so stuck in the cynical part of things. Spin it so it’s about being and feeling (and yes, looking), healthier.

Phone and zoom readings are available at OracleIndigo on Etsy. Order a reading today🔮

Happy New Year!

I hope you said rabbit rabbit. If you didn’t, you can say it right now. Why not?

I hope this year brings you happiness and peace. I hope you experience wonderful new things and meet amazing people to help you along you journey.

Stay open and ready to receive. Always give thanks. And have faith that you are always exactly where you are supposed to be in life…

New year, new tarot reading! Order one today at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

It’s time to get excited…

We’re on the brink of a new calendar year…it’s time to get excited! It’s a new year full of possibilities and potential. It’s an entire year for you to create the life you want for yourself. It’s a year to be open to meeting new people, going to new places, experiencing new things. It’s a year to set a goal and crush it. It’s a year to exceed expectations.

So make a plan. You can change it as time goes on. And start to get excited.

I offer year ahead tarot readings at OracleIndigo on Etsy. It’s not too late to order one for 2023🔮

What to do in January 1…

First a short list of things not to do.

-take out the garbage. We don’t want things going out we want things coming in. Take it out on December 31.

-pay any bills. Or buy anything. That’s money going out. We want it coming in.

-do anything you don’t want to be doing a lot of throughout the year. Cleaning, doing work, arguing with family members. Don’t do it.

What to do on January 1…

-Spend the day doing things you want to do in the in the next year. If you are active or athletic, engage in that activity. Even if it’s just for 20 minutes.

-be mindful of who is the first person to step foot in your living space (house, apartment, etc). This is the “first footer.” This person or the energy they represent will be prominent throughout the year.

-eat something green…representing money.

-wear something red. A power color and a color of wealth.

-say rabbit rabbit as your first words on January 1 for good luck during the month.

Visit OracleIndigo for a phone reading today🔮

What made you start doubting yourself?

When did this happen? Who made it happen? Or did anything happen at all? Maybe you saw other people around you fail and get laughed at, and you decided that you wanted nothing to do with that sort of ridicule.

Just because you suffered a failure or an embarrassment doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to do new things. Or to be more. Or do more. You just have to move past the self-doubt.

Once you start believing in who you are and what you’re capable of (hint: it’s so much more than you know), you’ll start living life with intention and motivation and excitement.

Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy for a private reading 🔮

What emotion do you try to avoid…

What is it for you? Shame? Guilt? Disapproval? Where does it come from? Was it from a childhood event? Something someone said to you? Being publicly embarrassed?

If you can find a way to make peace with the emotion you are trying to avoid, it won’t have power over you. Because right now, it does. You probably alter your behavior or the things you say to avoid this emotion. You might go out of your way avoid this. That ends up costing you time and money. And ultimately, self-respect.

Tell yourself that you’re going to confront this emotion and make peace with it. Take away its power from your life. Because it’s robbing you of happiness and the ability to really move forward.

Tarot and intuitive readings can shed light on areas of your life that are frustrating or confusing. Visit my shop OracleIndigo on Etsy for a reading today🔮


Sometimes when the Strength or The Sun card presents reversed in a reading it can suggest exhaustion. It’s hard to feel strong or happy or in your power when you are just exhausted and in need of rest.

We’re right in the middle of the holiday season. For some people it’s stressful. And they are overwhelmed by obligations. Of course, do what’s right for you. But make some time for yourself. Rest if you need to.

We want Strength and The Sun upright. Inner power and happiness.

Figuring out what path to take can be overwhelming. A tarot reading can help. Order a reading from OracleIndigo today 🔮

Shine a little light…

I know not everybody celebrates today or even this season as a specific holiday. You very well might not believe or practice anything. And that’s okay.

But a simple way to be present today is to just light a candle. These days are (literally) the darkest days of the calendar year. So shining a light, shining your light, is more of what we all need.

And make sure you shine bright.

It is empowering to know what your options might be when dealing with an issue in your life. A tarot reading can shine a light on what these options are. Order a reading from OracleIndigo today 🔮

New moon in Capricorn

We had a new moon in Capricorn yesterday. But the effect of a new or full moon can be felt 1-2 days before and after the lunar event. So this is still energy to work with.

It’s time to get serious. About your goals and dreams. Especially where they are related to money and job. Thinking about a career or job change? It’s time to get serious about it. And really implement a plan.

You can always change or revise a plan. But get something in place to start. It will guide you and keep you accountable.

Serious isn’t always fun. But it is necessary.

If you are looking for guidance a tarot reading will help. Visit my Etsy shop, OracleIndigo, and order one today🔮