Know what you’re good at and run with it…

This applies to everything. What colors look good on you, what physical sports you excel at, what skills you have at the workplace.

This requires you knowing yourself. And before you laugh, there are a LOT of people who don’t know who they are or what they excel at. If you know what you excel at…run with it. More so if it’s something you also love doing.

And try to avoid the things you aren’t good at. Don’t be afraid to admit it, either. A lot of people try too hard to impress everyone when they know they aren’t good at something or it’s not something they’re skilled at. Be honest with yourself and with others. They’ll appreciate the honesty…trust me.

Tarot reading? They’re available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Mars direct!

Mars, the ruling planet of Aries and Scorpio, has been retrograde for a bit. He’s about to go direct today. Anything that has felt stuck or like it’s not moving…it can now start moving. Any goals or plans you’ve had for 2023….can now feel like they are happening.

This is a welcome transit for people with prominent Aries and Scorpio placements. But it will affect all of us.

Set those goals and intentions and be prepared for them to take off. Especially if they are exercise related.

Order a reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy for guidance and inspiration🔮

Don’t sleep on sleep…

Sleep can be elusive. Most people agree they don’t get enough, but need and desperately want more. But…can’t.

Try starting your wind-down 30-45 minutes before your bedtime. Turn off the TV, don’t engage in any frantic cleaning or reorganizing or dashing around. Develop a self-care routine that signals day is done, it’s time for bed.

Reading a few pages from a book before bed can help. Writing out 3-10 things in a gratitude journal can help. Listening to a 1-5 minute meditation or relaxation subliminal (find them on YouTube) can help.

Without sleep…your health and your life will suffer. And a good night’s rest is pretty amazing…

Order a phone reading at OracleIndigo on Etsy today🔮

Left versus right…

When wearing crystal jewelry or carrying crystals in your pocket, keep in mind the difference between the left and right side of your body.

We command with our right. We receive with our left.

If you’re headed into an interview and want to project confidence and power, wear garnet on your right hand/wrist. Carry red jasper in your pocket. Carry tigers eye in your right pocket.

If you want to receive love and kindness, wear rose quartz and amethyst on your left hand/wrist. Or carry it in your left pocket.

Intuitive guidance available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Be ready for what you’re asking for…

Make sure you’re honestly ready for what you’re trying to manifest. Because if you aren’t ready, the universe won’t bring it to you.

A lot of people want a relationship. But they’re not genuinely ready for one. Maybe they work ridiculous hours. Or they want a relationship to help themselves get over an ex.

That’s not ready for a new relationship.

That’s being too lazy to do the inner emotional work yourself (on yourself), not allowing time to heal and placing the responsibility on someone else.

So yes, you’ll meet people. But those relationships won’t flourish and grow. And they won’t leave you fulfilled. It’s not the universe denying you what you want, exactly. It’s you not being ready for what it is you’re asking for.

OracleIndigo on Etsy offers lots of readings. Visit the shop and order one today🔮

Letting go of toxic relationships…

We just had a full moon in Cancer on January 6. Cancer is an emotional, family-oriented water sign. Ruled by the moon…emotional can be an understatement.

This was an ideal time to let go of any relationships you don’t want to bring with you into 2023. And it can be any relationship. Friendships can turn stale and toxic and unhealthy just like any other relationship.

Full moons bring closure and endings. And you can still use this lunar energy to do this for yourself. You deserve healthy love, kindness and people in your life who build you up and support you. Don’t settle for less.

Interested in an intuitive reading? Visit my shop OracleIndigo on Etsy and order one today🔮

Stop frantically searching…

When you stop looking, that’s when you find it.

Love, a job opportunity, a creative idea, a new place to live, a lost object. It really doesn’t matter what it is. Take your focus off of it. And put your focus on things that make you happy here and now.

If you’ve told the universe what you want, you’ve placed your order. Now just relax and know (and trust) it’s on the way.

Order a tarot reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy for some insight…🔮

A healthier year, financial edition…

If you take one month out of the year and go back over everything you spent money on, you might be a little shocked. Sure, some things are necessary. But I bet a lot of things aren’t.

Just like we have to be mindful of what we say or eat, we need to be mindful and intentional about what we spend money on.

You might be spending money on things just to make yourself happy. They aren’t things you need or even really want. You’re buying to soothe a pain, to fill a void. And it works. But only for a little while. The new thing (car, watch, shows, perfume, candle) becomes the ordinary thing after a while.

Start being more intentional with what you spend your money on. Spend on experiences. Spend only on things that really make you excited.

Order a tarot reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy today🔮

A healthier year, spiritual edition…

This could be the year you really focus on your spiritual path and growth. If you don’t know where to start (and this post doesn’t give you some ideas), there are a lot of books and articles online.

But if all of that seems too much…you could start with meditating. Start with one minute every day. We all have one minute.

Start with writing down 3 or 5 or 10 things you’re grateful for every day/night. Consider it a form of journaling.

Start giving thanks before you eat a meal.

Start with creating an ancestor altar in your home. You can design it however you want. If that’s too much, start lighting a candle one day a week to honor them. Pick the day…I don’t think it matters to them.

Start working with moon phrases. Use new moons to start new things (points if you with whatever sign the moon is in and it’s corresponding energy) and full moons to end and close out things. If that’s too much for too often, you can do this during the solstices and equinoxes.

Start reading a book a month or two on a spiritual topic you’re interested in. Manifesting, lunar cycles, meditation, etc.

The possibilities are endless. Start with one. I bet you’ll grow from there…

Intuitive guidance available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

A healthier year, emotional edition…

If you struggle with your feelings, this might be a good goal to have this year. Or any year. This can manifest by angry outbursts or by manipulating people when you aren’t getting your way and you’re feeling weak or vulnerable. It can be refusing to cry when you’re sad or confused or frustrated or struggling. That refusal to let yourself feel and express emotion isn’t healthy.

Feelings are meant to be felt. The only way to heal it is to feel it. Having said that, temper tantrums and emotional manipulation are unattractive in 4 year olds and 44 year olds.

So make this the year you let yourself feel. And feel all of it. Feel sad or frustrated or angry. And find healthy, positive ways to express what you’re feeling.

Oracle card readings are available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮