There’s some sort of saying that if you don’t treat good like medicine, you will end up having medicine be your food.
There’s some truth in that. Eating lots of salads and fish won’t necessarily mean you’ll never get cancer or dementia…but….it might. Or it certainly won’t hurt.
You can start viewing food as medicine and food as fuel. Or just….tasty crap that makes your brain hum with happiness. Those chemicals really do affect the “feel good” chemicals in your brain. But so does caffeine, sugar, nicotine, illegal drugs….on and on. And you can trigger those same chemicals in your brain in other ways bedsides chemical s**t storm food.
Start with one day a week. Or one meal a day. Make it super healthy. Just start there. Everyone can do that. You’ll be surprised at how just that will make you feel better. And you’ll start doing it more days of the week…and more meals a day.
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