Release them…

Now is a good time to really reflect who you are bringing along on your journey with you. Ask yourself why they are there. Are they coming along because they’ve just always been there? Because they’re family and you were raised to always include them? Is it because you don’t want to hurt feelings and it’s just easier not to make waves?

It’s time to release people and ideas that are not aligned with your purpose and vision. Because they’re just going to drag you down. They’ll make you feel guilty for putting yourself first or for pursuing your dreams.

You can release them with love. Not everyone who is with you when you start a journey is meant to be there the entire way. Or when you teach your goal destination. That’s okay. But have the courage and grace to release them if you need to.

Curious about a tarot reading? They’re on my shop OracleIndigo on Etsy. There’s a link here on the website. 🔮

Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Aries…

Chiron. The “wounded healer.” We all come into this life with a Chiron wound. Most of us will spend our entire lives trying to heal this wound. Or at least acknowledge and face it. A lot of people never get a handle on it at all.

Today our Chiron wound might read its ugly head. Defensiveness, what makes us feel weak or “less than.” Feeling ugly. Money (having it or the lack of it) that drives us to do things we aren’t proud of. Selfishness that tempts us to cheat on ourselves and our loved ones.

Whatever it is today can be a good day to confront this wound. To address it. Or to at least acknowledge that it exists. We can fix or heal what we don’t confront and feel.

It might be an emotional day. So get ready. But use this energy for your own growth.

I would love to read for you. Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy for a reading todayđź”®

Breathe at the stop lights…

If you are on your way at to work and you know it’s going to be stressful. Or you have a presentation to give…use the stop lights as mini meditation moments.

Turn off the radio and with the eyes open (of course), breathe in to the count of 4, hold for 5, exhale to 6. These mini “breathing breaks” can make a difference. It can steady and lower the heart rate which can have a calming effect.

You can use this as your mini meditation moment, too. And you thought you didn’t have time to meditate…

OracleIndigo for intuitive and tarot readings. Find the shop on Etsyđź”®

Romance smells like…

Today is Friday. Freya’s Day. She’s a goddess. Ruled by Venus, Friday is typically seen as a day for love and romance.

A good day to light red (passion) or pink (romantic love) candles. Burn incense.

Scents/fragrances typically associated with all of this are gardenia, jasmine, rose, neroli, vanilla. Incense in these scents adds a kick. Perfume or diffusing these scented oils.

If nothing else, things will smell good. Floral and inviting and magical.

There is a love Oracle card reading available at OracleIndigo. As well as a relationship tarot reading. Visit the shop on Etsy todayđź”®

Today, I intend…

A few days ago I wrote about making a weekly intention or goal list. It’s a good way to get and stay organized with professional and personal goals.

But you can also set forth a daily intention. You can speak it out loud or write it down that morning (or the night before): today I intend to…what? Experience a random act of kindness? See something that makes me feel true happiness. Receive an unexpected gift. Hear from someone I haven’t heard from in a while. Try a new meal for breakfast or lunch.

Whatever it is. A daily intention.

This month two heavy hitting planets are shifting signs. This signals the passage of time and a change in the collective and personal energy. But time is passing every day. We have to make an effort to live life every day. Not just on new moons and holidays. And living life isn’t just getting through the day at work, paying bills, eating dinner, repeat for 30 years.

So set a daily intention. Those brief moments of happiness and joy added up make for a more fulfilling life.

Tarot reading? Order one at OracleIndigo on Etsyđź”®

Saturn enters Pisces…

Saturn has been in Aquarius since March 2020. If that month and year sounds significant…it was. That’s when lockdowns around the world started to go into effect because of Covid.

Saturn stays in a sign for approximately 3 years. He will enter the watery, spiritual, peaceful sign of Pisces today. If he had to choose, Saturn would probably prefer Aquarius because it’s logical. Pisces….not so much. Pisces is intuitive. That can be uncomfortable for such a structured, restrictive energy like Saturn.

You might take a very structured and disciplined approach to your own spirituality and spiritual practice. We might see this on the global stage as well. If anybody is pretending to be spiritual or a fake…it’s gonna get found out. And not tolerated.

We are all going to feel this energy shift. Saturn is an outer planet. It is all about life lessons, responsibility, father time (and paternal energy), restriction. It’s not a light and fun energy. At all. But it is necessary. Saturn can bring a very disciplined approach to the house he occupies.

OracleIndigo offers intuitive phone readings. Visit the shop on Etsy and schedule a reading today. The link to the shop is here on the blogđź”®

Full Moon in Virgo

A full moon today in the organized, precise, gentle earth sign of Virgo. Personally, Virgo is my favorite earth energy. It’s not as controlling and restricting as Capricorn and it’s not as stubborn and defensive and hedonistic as Taurus.

Having said that, Virgo likes things just so. But that’s not always a bad thing. Virgo rules the 6th house of health and day to day living. You might decide to get serious about your diet or your daily exercise or activity level. As in, leave behind an old (unhealthy) way of things and welcome in a better set of habits.

Virgo also likes to clean and organize (broadly speaking). So this can be a good time to clean out closets and cabinets. The trunk of your car and the cabinet under the bathroom sink.

All full moons indicate the end of a cycle. And the beginning of a new one. So let fall away what needs to go. And welcome in the fresh and new.

Confused? Can’t decide? A tarot reading might help. Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy for a reading🔮

Weekly Intentions…

New year, new month, new moons…new week? Sure! New week.

You don’t need a day of the week or year to set out goals and intentions for yourself. You can put the phone down and do it right now. But the start of a week is also a good time to set forth goals for the week. Sunday or Monday. They can be work related goals or personal goals. Or both.

You can throw in a couple of “fun” things you want to try, too. A new recipe. A new running or walking route. Whatever it might be.

Staying organized is key to making sure progress is made. It’s too chaotic otherwise. So don’t hesitate to make a weekly list of intentions, too.

OracleIndigo has a lot of different types of readings. Visit the shop and order one todayđź”®

Clear the clutter…

If you know anything about Feng Shui, you know clutter is the Devil. Really. It blocks up free flowing energy. In all areas of your life.

Where the clutter is located, that area of your life might experience the most stagnancy. But who wants ANY area of their life “stuck?” So clean it up.

With spring time spring the corner, it’s a good time to do this anyway. Donate, throw away as needed. You can always buy new things. Don’t get so attached to your stuff.

And clearing things up can just feel good. It brings about peace. We can all use a little more of that.

Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy for a reading. Zoom and FaceTime readings are availableđź”®

Prayers of gratitude…

When we think of the word prayer, we probably think of praying for what we want or need. For what we don’t have. But it’s just as important to pray prayers of gratitude for what you have now. Prayers of thanks.

A prayer is just a conversation. And if you’re thinking, I know I’m talking or asking but it’s not really a conversation because I don’t hear anybody else talking back.

The universe, God, your angels and ancestors DO answer you. You just need to get quiet and listen. And pay attention. But you are being heard and you are being responded to.

So while you’re asking for things you want and need…also mention the things you’re grateful for right now. Saying thank you brings you more…

Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy for an intuitive or tarot reading todayđź”®