When Confronted with a Stressful Situation…

….say, “may I meet this moment fully….and may I meet it as a friend.”

A simple saying that instills a little confidence with a friendly, open approach. Life is about learning and about teaching others. Viewing experiences as opportunities to learn something from the moment and to possibly find a friend within the experience, can take the edge off.

Try it the next time you find yourself going through a stressful moment.  Be open to  whatever it may teach you.

Be open to what calls you…


Trip Through the Tarot – The Magician

The Magician is the first real card (key) of the major arcana. The Fool starts with the number 0. The Magician starts with the number 1.  He stands at a table with all of the tools he needs before him: a pentacle, a cup, a sword and a wand.  Those are the four minor suits of the deck.  This is a card of manifesting and creating.  Of you being the creator and making things happen.

He extends  arm up and one hand down.  In, what many refer to as the, “As above, so below” gesture.  Another, perhaps more common expression of this is, “…on earth as it is in heaven.”   Some people may recognize that as being from The Our Father.  But the idea is the same.  What is in heaven, so to shall be on earth.  The joys and the creation of heaven….can also be the joys and creation here on earth.

When this card presents upright, it can be encouraging the querent to use the tools they have (they have all the tools they need) to create. It can also suggest that somebody with this energy around them is going to come into their lives to help them manifest their dreams.

When this card presents in the reversed position….it can represent a “tortured artist” energy.  Think of great musicians who had amazing talent, but struggled with substance abuse and became depressed and sometimes even violent. Jim Morrison comes to mind.  Elvis and Kurt Cobain are two others.  So they have this gift to create music…but they aren’t using it well.  And instead of them being able to use their gift to give to others, it turns in on itself, and ultimately destroys them. Or, presents a significant struggle.

This card can also be reminding us (in the reversed position) to not manipulate. Creating and manifesting are one thing….but manipulating others is another. And it’s never advised.

I have several cards in the tarot I’m fond of, some I’m not fond of, and a lot that are neutral. This is one card that I like.   The reminder that we all have that inherent power within ourselves to create and “make” and manifest is both true and empowering.

Be open to what calls you…


Cosmic Correspondence – Full Moon in Sagittarius

There will be a full moon in Sagittarius tonight.  And Jupiter starts moving direct.   Lots of dynamic fire energy in the air, lots of action and movement.  This is an ideal time to give thanks for what you have accomplished since the last new moon (and in general) and to let go of what is no longer serving you.

Expect things to feel like they are “going somewhere” now.  Life may have felt stagnant the past few weeks (or, even months). Or, stuck in some way. Like car tires spinning in mud…lots of movement…but you’re not getting anywhere.   That will soon change.  You’ll get traction and a heady push from the universe to charge ahead.

This energy reminds me of The Chariot card in the tarot.  In command, and moving forward. And not moving forward at a stroll.  Charging ahead.  Use that energy to your benefit and be mindful of what you focus on.  Because things grow where your energy goes.

Be open to what calls you…


Super Stone – Amethyst

One of the best all purpose stones/crystals.  It’s good for healing, protecting, spiritual awakening, spiritual guidance, crown chakra opening, all around good energy.  When in doubt, use Amethyst or Clear Quartz.

Good uses for Amethyst….

  • associated with the crown chakra. So ideal for opening/aligning the crown chakra. For spiritual guidance.
  • good for working with the intuition and opening the third eye.  A good stone to work with and meditate with if you’re trying to open up to your intuitive gifts.
  • a good protective stone, especially from psychic attack and/or negative entities.
  • an easy stone to find in any witchy-woo-woo store.  About $1-2 a stone. Also popular in jewelry and easy to find.
  • Good for promoting positive/good energy in a very general sense. Plays well with citrine (for abundance and prosperity) and rose quartz (and other stones associated with love and self-love), and moonstone.
  • Good to keep in the bedroom or any place for romance and love, as it enhances love, kindness and romance.
  • Also good for friendship and good relationships of any kind. Good to keep on your desk at work for good  office relations.

A good stone to work with if you aren’t familiar with crystals and don’t know where to start. It’s easy to find, inexpensive, and can be found rough, tumbled, in jewelry, in clusters, shapes (hearts, pyramids, eggs, spheres).  And a great stone to work with for opening your third eye and working with your intuition and psychic gifts.

Be open to what calls you….


Chant for a Sign from Spirit…

I didn’t make this up. So I can’t take credit for it. But it’s a little chant you can say at any time if you want a sign from spirit.

Divine Spirit, Spirit Divine, show me the way, send me a sign…

Make sure you state what you want the sign in reference to, or why.  Although spirit already knows.  Then wait, listen and watch for your sign.  And always say think you.

Be open to what calls you…


The Magic of Gratitude

As children, we were taught to say “thank you” when we received something.  On our birthday, during holidays, from adults around us.  So, for the most part, we grow up  saying thank you (or “thanks”) when somebody gives something to us.

But what about all the other things around us that we take for granted every day. Clean water to drink and to bathe in and to wash our clothes in.   Clean air to breathe. Sleeping in a bed. Having food to eat. The chair you’re sitting in. The table you are writing on. The book you are reading.  Not to mention all the other things we just “assume” should be ours – our clothes, our vehicles, our proximity to grocery stores and clothing stores, medical care if we need it…the list is endless.  There are a lot of people in the world who don’t have these things.

Who do we thank?  Well, that depends on what spiritual practice you identify with. But you don’t have to even have a formal spiritual practice or religion to say thank you. Yes, but WHO am I thanking?  I just say “thank you” to the air?  Yep, you can just start by saying thank you to the air.  We all have spirit guides, angels, spirits around us all the time.  They’re everywhere.  And many of them are just waiting for a directive from us.  Something to do. Something to help with.  Everybody likes to hear thank you.  Everybody. I imagine my dog likes it when I thank him for going outside and going to the bathroom.

So say thank you. Your guides and angels will hear you.

And….when you say thank you, you get more of what you are thankful for.  The universe is a bit like a parent. If you keep giving and giving to a child.  And they never say thank you. And then they come to you whining and crying for more of this or that new thing…you’re probably not very likely to give it to them.  You may think, I’ve given you all these things and you’ve never said thank you once. Why would I go out and get this other thing….you probably won’t be thankful for that, either.

But the child who says thank you when you give them anything….even a toy they may not especially want or even like….you’re going to be more apt to give that child more things.

If you want more money in your life, start being thankful for the money you have.  But that’s the problem, I don’t have enough money.  You may not have as much as you want, but you need to start viewing it as being thankful for what you have. You have a house or an apartment…money paid for that. Be thankful for the money to pay for that. If you ate food today, money paid for that. Be thankful for the money you had to pay for the food you ate.

If you want a new romantic relationship in your life, start by being thankful for the other relationships in your life that bring you happiness and love and joy. Your friends. Your family. They may not be romantic relationships, but they also bring you happiness.

Get in the practice of writing out 10 things you are thankful for every day.  Before you go to sleep.  Ten things. And if you can’t think of ten specific things on that particular day, then go general. Thank you for clean drinking water. Thank you for my office mate being in a good mood. Thank you for getting to work on time. Thank you for how good lunch tasted.

You can also write a short list of things you would like to see happen that day at the beginning of your day.  Start by being thankful for them….before they’ve even happened. I do this after I meditate and read (tarot) for myself.  I just write out two or three things I’m thankful for that day…that I’d like to see happen.

The list may look like this: Thank you for not having to wait in line at lunch today, thank you for a wonderful unexpected surprise, thank you for feeling strong during my run after work.

Thankfulness. It’s magic all on its own.  Our guides and angels hear us and the universe then conspires to bring more of what we are thankful for to us.

Be open to what calls you…



There’s also a wonderful book on this subject, The Magic by Rhonda Byrne.  A great read I highly recommend.

Cosmic Correspondence – Jupiter Direct, All Systems Go…

June 2017 promises to be pretty extraordinary in terms of astrology.  Perhaps the biggest news is that Jupiter will go direct on June 9.  Jupiter is the big planet of abundance, expansion, good fortune and good luck, growth.  He is the gift-giver of the universe. He’s been transiting Libra since September 2016 and will stay in Libra until October 2017.  He’s been retrograde for a little bit, but is going to go direct on June 9.

What does this mean? If you’re a Libra or a Libra rising (or have Libra in any prominent positions in your natal chart),  this is a tremendous boost from the universe to move forward. To progress things you’ve wanted to see progress and develop.  Goals, dreams, desires.  This is your year to make it happen. And from June until October, this energy will be especially potent.  So take advantage of it.

On June 9, there will also be a Full Moon in Sagittarius.  Jupiter rules Sagittarius.  So the energy felt on this day (and about two or three days before and after this day) will be explosive (in a good way). Sagittarius is a fire sign,  and fire signs tend to be about movement and expansion.

In June, Venus will also transit Taurus.  Venus rules Taurus and Libra, so she’s quite at home with Taurus.  Any time a planet is in the sign it rules, it’s a good thing.  Venus rules love and romance and luxury and money. Creature comforts.  And Taurus (and Libra) both like nice things.  Taurus is an earth sign, so Venus here is about sensual love.  Earthy, deep, lusty love.

We also have the the summer solstice on June 21. The “official” start of summer.  Whenever there is a shift with the seasons, so too with the astrological energy.  On this date, the sun will leave Gemini and enter Cancer.  We go from light, airy energy to a little more sensitive and emotional.  Gemini is an intellectual sign, all about communication. They love social scenes and mingling.  Cancer can be a little more reserved.  The crab going into its shell when it feels threatened.  Family oriented and sometimes moody.

Mercury also joins the sun in Cancer on June 21. So communication may take a little bit of an inward turn.  Meditation is recommended to look within.  But so is just spending quiet time along somewhere without distraction.

I’m excited for this month.  We just got out of a phase where there were a lot of planets in retrograde and slowly, one by one, they’ve been coming out of it. With Jupiter direct, it really is a signal to move forward with anything you’ve wanted to develop or grow. Business/career, relationships, finances, diet and health goals…now is the time.  Don’t let this pass you by.  Open your arms wide and let the universe know you’re open to receiving whatever miracles it has ready for you.

Be open to what calls you…


Trip Through the Tarot…

The card that “starts” the major arcana in the traditional Rider Waite tarot is The Fool.  The deck has a major arcana and a minor arcana. The major arcana is composed of twenty two cards. The minor arcana has the four suits (Wands, Swords, Cups and Pentacles).

The major arcana is the journey of The Fool.  He starts the deck, he starts the journey.  This is a card (sometimes referred to as a “key”) that speaks to new beginnings. New journeys.  Heading off into the great unknown, with only a little rucksack and your pet companion with you.  There’s a naive energy about this card. A young, impromptu energy.  It reminds me of high school student heading off to college away from home.  Not knowing exactly what awaits them, but eager for the trip.

If this card presents in the reversed position (not all readers read reversals, I do), it can literally mean somebody is being “foolish.” Making foolish decisions or choices. Not really thinking things through at all.

You can use tarot cards in spell work and manifestation work.  If there’s a particular energy I am trying to draw in, I will go through the deck and find the card or cards that I think speak to what it is I want or am requesting help with.  I lay them out, light a candle and light some incense and ask that the energies of these cards, what they stand for, what they suggest or encourage, will be drawn to me for the specific reason I have.

You can use the major arcana (or any card for that matter) as a focus point for meditation.  You can pick a card every few days and use that as your point of attention when meditation. Not for any particular reason…just to focus on what that cards means to you. What it symbolizes. How it resonates with you. It’s a good way to become familiar with the deck and a good way to tune into how you’re resonating with those energies at that time.

When on the brink of a new adventure, a new job, a new home, a new marriage or relationship, call on this energy to guide you through your journey. You have all you need with you in your rucksack and with your pet companion.  You just need some faith to go along with it.

Be open to what calls you…


How to listen…

If you ask most psychics or intuitive readers, religious or spiritual people what is the one ritual they practice on a regular basis, you are likely to hear meditation. Or, prayer.  Or “sitting still and being quiet.” Which is essentially what meditation is.   So many people do it and yet so many more are skeptical.  Because most of us live our lives in a state of constant busy, it’s hard to sit still and be quiet.   We have too many things to do. Too many places to be (all at the same time).  And too little time to get it all done.

Yet one of the easiest ways to tune into your own intuition and to develop your own psychic and intuitive skills (which I believe we all have) is to sit still and  be quiet…and to listen.  They say if prayer is asking for help, then it’s meditation when we listen for the answer.   But we have to be quiet.

Meditation has endless methods.  Different sitting positions, hand positions (mudras), ways to breathe, things to focus on (the flame of a candle, for example). Outside, inside, while engaged in movement (as with walking) or while being still.  All of those approaches have one thing in common: being quiet.

So let’s start there. Being quiet. Seems simple enough.  Go into a room. Close the door. Make sure everything is turned off. Put your phone down (mute it).  Sit down. Okay. So far, so good….

…now stay just like that for two (2) minutes.  Two full minutes. If you have to set the alarm on your phone, set it, then turn it over so you won’t be tempted to look at the clock ticking down. Two minutes. Start with that. Eyes open or closed.  Quiet.  If you think of something, think it and then put it off to the side. Imagine your thoughts going into gift boxes.  Boxes for thoughts about work. Boxes for thoughts about your family or the kids. Boxes for thoughts about errands. Boxes for worries about money. Put it in a box, and put the lid on and put it away.

This is how you listen. You just be quiet.  You don’t even have to strain to pay attention. You’re just being quiet.  Start with two (2) minutes every other day. Then two minutes every day. Then extend it to  three minutes.  And so on.  There’s lots of variations on this “be quiet” theme, too.  If you normally listen to the radio or a podcast on your way to work, don’t.   If you normally walk to lunch while looking at your phone, put the phone away. Tuck it in your pocket or in your purse so you aren’t tempted to look at it.  If you have the TV on while you make dinner, turn it off.  Let your thoughts flow. Let your mind wander.  Allow yourself to be a little more engaged with what you’re doing and not distracted by chatter and noise.

Really? This is how you develop your own intuition and your own psychic skills? Yep. This is how you start.  You just have to get quiet.  You can take it a step further and write down what you thought about when you were quiet after your two minutes session is done.   At first it might be things like, “dinner tonight, we need milk for cereal in the morning, I need to deposit that check this week, these jeans feel so tight….no more chocolate the rest of the week.”  But gradually you’ll be writing down less and less.  And what you do write down might amaze you.  Answers to questions, solutions to problems, tiny beacons of light in the darkness.  You’re on your way.

Be open to what calls you…


First things first….where do we start…?

Let’s say you’ve always had an interest in metaphysical things.  You’ve been looking up your horoscope every morning before work or school. You make  a point to go outside and look up when there’s a full moon. You feel drawn to certain stones in jewelry, not just diamonds. You drink chamomile tea to help you sleep and drink peppermint tea if your stomach feels upset. Maybe you had a dream once that ended up happening in real life a few days later.

There are countless branches and leaves to the tree of metaphysical and spiritual studies.  It might be helpful to visualize a tree.  With a  lot of big branches. And off those big branches are smaller branches. And on those, there are leaves.  Some of the bigger branches can be divination, astrology, ghosts, magick. Let’s just stop there. It will be a small tree.

Off the branch of divination, there can be smaller branches of tarot cards, oracle cards, pendulums, scrying, palm reading, tea leaf reading, runes.  And the leaves of those branches can be the hundreds of different tarot and oracle decks, the endless number of stones used for pendulums, scrying with crystals or with water or with fire, on and on.

If the other big branch is magick, some of the smaller branches can be candle magick, herbal magick, crystal/stone magick, using saints and/or angels in magick, on and on.

You get the idea. There are countless areas of study and practice. Some will appeal to you, some won’t.  If you don’t know already which areas you are interested in, reading and learning will help you find it. Certain things are going to resonate with you. Some things are not.  I also encourage you to listen to Podcasts (many are free on iTunes) and Youtube videos. You can learn so much just by listening to other people talk about their experiences or share their knowledge and wisdom.  Read books, blogs, articles…anything you can get your hands on. And don’t ever be afraid to ask questions. That’s one of the best ways you learn.  Don’t worry about looking dumb or sounding stupid. I know from my perspective, I am always willing to answer questions when somebody has a genuine interest.

So this first post isn’t about any particular thing exactly. Just to illustrate how many things will be discussed.

Be open to what calls you…
