Meditation in a Minute

I meditate every morning.  It’s usually only for two three minutes.  As much as I’d like to spend closer to 20 or 30, it’s all I can practically spend.  One addition to my practice I’ve made point to add this year (that’s a wordy way of saying, a “resolution”)  is to meditate for at least two minutes every evening before bed.

Halfway thought the first month of the year, I’ve managed to do this every night so far. Because meditation has already been part of my daily life for a few years now, adding it to another part of my day hasn’t been that difficult.  Which makes me wonder why more people don’t do it at all.

One minute.  That’s all you need. Sixty seconds of quiet. Without the television on or any podcasts in the background. No music or noise. Put your phone away (or at least put it behind you on a countdown timer so you can’t see it and put it on silent) and just sit somewhere  and close your eyes for one minute. That’s it.  A good place to start is to count your inhales and exhales.  Count four in, hold for two, count four out.  Repeat until your timer goes off.  Remarkably easy.

Give it two weeks. And after two weeks, you’ll start to notice a few things.  That it’s really not that difficult.  And that it doesn’t take that long.  And that you feel better when you’re done. A little more calm. A little more centered. A little more of a quiet that seems to come from the inside.  You may also start to extend your minute to two or three.  And you may find yourself incorporating this Minute Meditation throughout your day. While waiting in line at the grocery store. Or while waiting for the gas to pump into your car.  You can even do it while doing other things within reason. While chopping vegetables while cooking.  While walking. While cleaning around the house.

Count in four, hold two, count out four.  Deceptively simple and remarkably rewarding.

Be open to what calls you…


Cosmic Correspondence – Three Moons and All Planets Direct

January 2018 is starting off with a lot of energy. Lunar energy, specifically.  On January 1, there will be a full moon at 11 degrees of Cancer.  We have the beginning of a new year. And with this full moon, the end of  a cycle. That dynamic coupled with the polarity between Cancer (emotional, sensitive, family oriented)  and Capricorn (work horse, responsible, grounded),  January 1 may feel a little…off.  But as with all things – it will pass.  It’s a good day to give thanks for the completion of a cycle. A lunar cycle as well as a year that has just passed. And then be open to the new year ahead.

Then on January 2, Uranus will go direct.  This will mark a period of about 8 weeks or so when all planets are direct. From January 2 until March 8, nothing will be retrograde. Whatever you have wanted to begin, or look into…this is the green light from the universe.  New Year’s Resolutions…you won’t have the stars to blame for not following through.   We get this period of a few weeks of everything moving direct every year. It’s not a time to gloss over. Take advantage of that energy moving you forward.

There’s a new moon in the middle of the month, and it is also involving Uranus and Mars. Surprising events may take place. New moons are also a time to start things – to begin. So it may be just the surprise you need to encourage you to move something forward.

The month is bookended by another full moon. This one is at 11 degrees of Leo.  And it’s a lunar eclipse.  Eclipses end things, more so than with an ordinary full moon.  Leo is a different energy than Cancer.  A lot more dynamic and rushing in to get things done. It’s as if the first month of this new year is almost forcing us to take a look at what we need to let go of in order to really move forward. And if we do it on our own, it will be a lot easier than if we wait for the universe to do it for us. So be sure to use that first full moon to release and let go. The full moon in Leo may be a little more aggressive with things.

The start of a new year or a new lunar cycle (with a new moon) is an ideal time to work on a manifestation board.  You cut out words or images that you want for yourself that year or in the lunar period.  The idea is that you put it  in a place that you will see every day and just by looking at the pictures and the words, the ideas get put in your head. The same way advertising in magazines or billboards or TV ads work.  The manifestation board can focus on one specific area (let’s say money or career) or everything and anything you want for yourself in any area.  After the year has passed or the lunar cycle, look back at the board and see how many of those things actually came into you life. You may be surprised.

I hope this new year is full of blessings and miracles for all of us.  And the cosmic push to move forward with our lives.

Be open to what calls you…


Cosmic Correspondence: Saturn Transiting Capricorn, Mercury Stations Direct, Winter Solstice

Saturn left Sagittarius and just started his two and a half year (approximately) transit through Capricorn.  A shift for everybody, whether or not you are a Capricorn or have a lot of Capricorn in your chart.   Saturn rules Capricorn, so he’s at home there. But that doesn’t mean he’s any less of a task master. We can all expect life lessons and attention being brought to areas of our lives that we may have had in the dark or up on a shelf.  A definite shift in the energy. Saturn is an outer planet and he travels slowly…and his presence in a particular sign is noticeable.

The sun also started it’s transit through Capricorn as well.  That’s a lot of heavy, earth energy.  Stable and grounded, yes. But also…heavy.  In a way, it comes at the perfect time every year (as if the universe “knows”) because it’s a good time to set out some practical goals for ourselves. We tend to do this around this time of the year as one year ends and another is about to begin. And it’s not bad energy to work with for goal setting. Capricorn can be a very disciplined, responsible, goal-oriented energy to work with.  Call them resolutions or goals or focus points…but it’s a good time to spend some time in quiet and really figure out what we don’t want to carry over into 2018 and what we want to start anew.

And tomorrow Mercury stations direct.  So things should start to flow. Or at least feel like they’re flowing.  Communication should be better in a very general, broad sense.  There’s a “shadow period” where things still aren’t 100% moving forward and that will linger until the first few days or week of January. But things should start to feel better for all of us more and more every day.

And the winter solstice is today as well.  The shortest day of the year – the day with the least amount of sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere.  And as the saying goes, “as the days lengthen, the cold strengthens.”  So colder days…perhaps. But longer days as well.  In my mind, a day to celebrate because with every passing day, there’s more sunlight to enjoy.

Starting January 2, 2018 up until about March 8, 2018, all the planets will be going direct. So it’s a wonderful time to GO. To DO. To CREATE and to MAKE and to START.  We get a few weeks of this every year. The universe giving us all a big shove telling us to get on with it.  Use the Capricorn energy to plan and to set some goals for yourself…and then use those two months to really get things moving.

Be open to what calls you…


Cosmic Correspondence – New Moon in Sagittarius

December 18, 2017 there will be a new moon at 26 degrees of Sagittarius.  This new moon is close to Saturn (which will soon leave Sagittarius and start his transit through Capricorn) and Venus.   It also trines Uranus.

That’s a lot of focus on love and the potential for new and exciting relationships.  Uranus adds a bit of unexpectedness to this. Saturn adds the stability.  So it has the potential to offer the best of both worlds.

New moons are also wonderful times for new beginnings.  I believe that the universe is constantly giving us opportunities for fresh starts. Not just with every new day, but with new moons every month. And of course, the start of a new year.  The first of January, Samhain, or when the Sun enters the sign of Aries.

Sagittarius is a sign of movement. Of doing. Not of contemplation or of stillness. Use that energy to propel forward that which you want to see expand and develop. New love, a new, fresh approach to something in your life, putting behind you what needs to stay in 2017 so you can start 2018 on a clean slate.

Be open to what calls you…


Cosmic Correspondence – Full Moon in Gemini

The last full moon of 2017 is on December 3. A full moon in Gemini.  Full moons are a good time to release and let go.  They represent the culmination of a cycle.  This is a good time to let go of what you don’t want to carry into 2018.  This time of year is naturally a time of reflection – on what has been and on what we hope for and look forward to.  Use this energy to cast off what doesn’t serve you, so you can move into 2018 free of heaviness.

Mercury also goes retrograde today.  Mercury is Gemini’s ruling planet, so there’s a little conflict with this transit. Mercury retrograde always speaks to some conflict. Having said that, given that it is happening along with the last full moon of the year, it’s an even better time to “re” in your life. Review, revise, re-do (what you can, if you can).  This is also a particularly good time to do this because when Mercury goes direct, it will be when Saturn starts his transit through Capricorn.  A new Saturn cycle for all of us.

One simple way to “release” what you want to let go of is to flush it.  Write down on a piece (or several pieces) of toilet paper what you want to “flush away.”  Attitudes, people, things.  Be sure to also write down that you wish them well – you don’t want any bad energy flowing.  The idea is to release with love and in peace.  Examples can be an old relationship or person you need to be freed from, literal weigh you want to lose (5 pounds, etc), feelings of lack or fear or worries (worrying about money or not having enough)…flush it away.  Let it go. This is an easy release technique you can use at any time. For anything. But it’s particularly useful during full moons.

You have to release and let go of all that weight in order to freely move forward. If it drags you down, if it doesn’t serve your higher good, if it brings you worry and frustration and a lack of peace…let it go.

Be open to what calls you…


Mercury Retrograde and Full Moon In Gemini

They’re both happening on the same day – December 3. This is the last full moon of 2017. The next one will be on January 1, 2018.

There are a lot of planets in fire right now. So this moon may come with a little excitement – however that excitement resonates with you.

It also involves Neptune in Pisces – so there’s a little “haze” with this full moon. Aquarius is also involved. Me versus we – Aquarius tends to be very community oriented.

Mercury will also go retrograde until about December 22. So this is not an ideal time to buy expensive things or tech things (not the most ideal time for all this with the holidays around the corner). Expect messages and communication to be affected. And delays all around.

This is a good time to “re.” Review, revise, renew, re-do if you can. Certain people from your past may also resurface.

So some potentially tense and/or exciting days up ahead as we build towards the full moon. Gemini and Sagittarius (where the sun is) can be a fun pairing. Just be careful with all that energy.

Be open to what calls you….


Addition to Stellium in Scorpio….

I forgot to mention this in my other post about the new moon…Jupiter is also in the sign of Scorpio right now. His transit will last until November 2018.  Jupiter is the planet of expansion and growth, good luck and good fortune and gifts. Any area (sign or placement) Jupiter is in, expect that area to grow.

Having now said that, you can see why the area of relationship may be a focus for this new moon. Jupiter expands and brings growth and luck to something, and it’s in the sign of Scorpio right now. Along with Venus.  And the sun and the moon.

Truly, the focal point will be our relationships with others.  Romantic or otherwise.

Be open to what calls you…

New Moon in Scorpio, Stellium in Scorpio – Intensity all around

On November 18, 2017 there will be a new moon in the super intense water sign of Scorpio.   New moons are generally viewed as times to start new things. They signify fresh beginnings.  Scorpio is (hands down) the most intense sign of the zodiac.  In virtually everything they do, Scorpio people have a plan and a directive. The idea of “let’s just see what happens, let’s just see where this goes,” is not anything a Scorpio would say.

Highly intuitive, secretive, seductive, not afraid of all things dark and mysterious.   They are about depth,  and getting to what is real. They are the best person to have in your corner when you need them. The worst person you wish you never knew if you slight them or make them angry.

This new moon isn’t the only activity taking place in Scorpio. We also have the sun in Scorpio right now, as well as Venus. When you have a lot of planets in one house of a chart or in one sign, it’s considered a stellium.  Given that we have all this energy in Scorpio, today (as well as a few days before and after) are probably going to be a bit intense. At least in one area of your life.  More so if you are a Scorpio or a water sign or have a lot of Scorpio or water in your chart. Fixed signs may also be affected more (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius).

One area that you  may feel this most is in the area of relationship.  Because the sun, the moon and Venus (planet of relationships and love and luxury) are there. If you want new love in your life, today may be a good time to do some manifestation work. Visualize the ideal person, and feel how wonderful they make you feel.  Whatever that means for you: safety, security, passion, friendship, companionship, fun and laughter…the list can go on and on.  If you are already in a committed relationship, this is a good time to hit the “reset” button.  If a certain aspect or area of your relationship has gone a little stale, use this energy to infuse some momentum.

I pulled a tarot card for the energy of this new moon and The High Priestess presented.   She’s my one of my favorite cards in the deck. She is an oracle – people seek her for her insight, her wisdom, her knowledge. She’s intuitive, and divinely guided.  She can also be secretive and mysterious.  This card presented upright, which is good.  Reversed, it can suggest something hidden or a secret being kept.

As a Scorpio rising, I’m looking forward to the energy of this new moon, and the doors that are soon going to open because of it.

Be open to what calls you…







Feng Shui Love – Full Moon in Taurus

These two things do go together, I promise.  I was going to write just on ways to decorate your feng shui love corner/section in your house or bedroom. And then I realized we have a full moon coming up on November 4 in the sign of Taurus.  The earth sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is all about love and romance and luxury and money.   So now would be a good time to focus on your love corner/section of your house or bedroom.  Feng shui is an easy (and fun) way to usher in the energy you want to the areas of your life that you are looking to expand.

I have some rose quartz crystals (one in the shape of a heart), a garnet, a large red glass heart, and I always have a small vase with flowers there.  I’ll burn some incense there at times, too. November 4 would be an ideal time to do that.  This full moon is focused around value. What we value in a general sense in our lives. With our possessions or things, but also within our relationships. Not just with other people, but with ourselves.  And of course, relationships are highlighted because Venus is the ruler of Taurus (and Libra as well).

All full moons are about a culmination of a cycle.  So the ending of a cycle.  It’s a good time to release and to let go of things (people, ideas, habits) that are no longer serving you.  It’s also a good time to give thanks for all that you have.  Generally speaking, I think moon cycles are just a good time to focus on what that particular moon is trying to get us to pay attention to. In this case, value.  And the value we place on relationships, on the people we are in relationship with (any type of relationship), and with ourselves.

If nothing else, try to go outside and just whisper a few words of thanks.  Thank you for all that I have and all that is with me, and thank you for all the wonderful things that are on their way to me that I don’t even know about…

Be open to what calls you…


Samhain Altar

Halloween (Samhain, if you follow the Wheel of the Year) is approaching.  This day corresponds to The Day of the Dead and All Soul’s Day.  The veil between this world and the spirit world grows thinner and thinner as October 31 approaches.  Spirit phenomena is likely to be experienced the closer we get to the end of the month.  This doesn’t necessarily mean “seeing ghosts,” either.  Strange coincidences that may involve a friend of family member who has passed is a good example. You’re thinking about your friend who died in a car accident while driving, and their favorite flower was a daisy. And all of a sudden you realize the car in front of you has a license plate that says DAISY.

It’s also a nice time to set up a little altar for your loved ones and ancestors who have passed on.  Be creative, this is your altar, you can design it any way you want to.  I used some pine cones and leaves from outside (for a natural element). If I find any acorns, I’ll add those, too.  I’ll also add some crystals as we get closer to October 31.  A candle.  And the skull is a little box with a lid. I write down the names of friends and family who have passed that I want to remember and fold it and put it inside.  A lot of people will put up pictures of their loved ones.   And offer treats – a loved one’s favorite candy or cake, for example.

Light the candle on October 31 and welcome your departed in.  It’s not a scary time of the year, but a reverent one.  A time of remembrance.  And there is never an inappropriate time for gratitude or reverence.

Be open to what calls you…
