Venus Retrograde and The Love Bomb

As if the recent eclipse season and Mercury retrograde wasn’t enough, Venus will go retrograde from October 5 – November 16. This is about relationships and what we value. In a VERY significant way.

Simply put, any retrograde is a time to “re.” To go over. Re-do, re-evaluate, re-assess. Re-think. And with Venus retrograding in Libra (her home base) and then in Scorpio…some intensity may be involved.

Any relationship that started or was formed during the eclipse season (June through the middle of July), during a Mercury retrograde or a Venus retrograde is likely to experience a lot of turbulence. The energy isn’t stable….the relationship won’t be stable either.

Love bombing is a toxic relationship dynamic that is characterized (in part) by moving WAY too fast, lots of gifts, talks of “forever” and how you’re both “soul mates.” Constant contact, however that resonates with you. Texts, emails, phone calls, visits. Every day or every weekend (ALL WEEKEND) together. And it’s done by a person who is in a rush to get their target under their control before the target leaves. The bomber will try to get the target in a situation they can’t leave (without significant upheaval). They will convince you to give up your living space to live with them, or to quit your job and move, to not see your friends or family as often (they’ll tell you they really miss you and are you sure you have to see them again?).

And once they have you in a position that takes away your control or autonomy, they will flip on you.

Enter the anger and rage. The emotional manipulation. The control. And this is what can (and often does) start the familiar “cycle of violence.” From seemingly out of nowhere.

Often, but not all the time, the bomber is a narcissist. Or somebody with those traits. Likewise, the bomber had attachment issues while growing up. Left unresolved, they carry over to their adult relationships. And at the very core and center of all of this is a strong undercurrent of extreme insecurity. Bombers need approval and validation. Now and all the time. If you don’t respond to their constant contact, to their constant social media posts, to their gifts and ideas with praise and admiration…get ready.

Because it’s about control. If nothing else, they’re controlling what your focus is on. So even while with friends or family…you’re still somehow focused on them. See how insidious it is?

Venus retrograde can make anyone or anything seem…magnificent. It’s when she goes direct then the rose colored glasses come off, the lights come on and we realize exactly what we’re dealing with. And it’s a train wreck of a mess.

So be careful out there. If something or someone feels “too much” or too good to be true…it is. And pay attention to what this person is really offering you. This can go for monetary issues as well. Because Venus in Taurus (her other home base) is about luxury and value and money. Is it a great deal NOW…or is what this person is offering a true long term value? What comes with this deal? And ask why you think it’s a good idea.

In some ways, a Venus retrograde can be more hard hitting than a Mercury retrograde. Especially if relationship is of high value to you. Watch that. Too much, too soon without a lot of real long term benefit….add in a heady dose of control and the need for constant validation and attention…take the glasses off now and see it for what it is. Then bless the experience for what it taught you, wish that other person well and leave as fast as you can. And don’t look back.

Be open to what calls you….


The Element of Fire…

This element is associated with the astrological signs of Aries, Sagittarius and Leo.  Just as the world began with an explosion (science says), so too does the astrological calendar. It doesn’t start in January, it starts in March with Aries.

All the elements have a duality about them, an ability to help or create or heal and an ability to destroy.  Fire, like water, is one of the elements with the most striking duality, I think.  Fire can provide heat and warmth. It is needed to cook food. It can provide comfort when it is cold and even a certain amount of healing when applied to sore muscles.  But it also has the ability to destroy completely.  It’s “fire power” used in weapons like guns and bombs. It was (perhaps still is) used to scorch the earth by armies once they had conquered  a certain area to make certain that plants and crops couldn’t grow. It can bring down houses and buildings and cause an immense amount of pain.

So it has that dynamic of being something we need and can use, and something we absolutely need to respect. Like water.  Interesting that it is water that can put out a fire.

Fire energy is dynamic and fast moving.  We all need a certain amount of this in our lives, at certain times.  It is what gets us excited to start a new project or venture somewhere new.  That excitement and “fast feeling.”

Just be mindful of too much of this element in your life.  Because it can also indicate a certain amount of hastiness.  Acting and doing and moving before (or without) thinking.  Careless and reckless.  The Knight of Wands reversed (in the traditional tarot) is this person. He acts without thinking.  And can be a little reckless. Exciting, maybe. Reckless, definitely.

Candles are a good way to incorporate this element in your practice (candle spells) or to have on your altar.  With anything fire related….respect it and handle it with care.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – August 19, 2018

The card in the recent past position is the Six of Pentacles upright. A card of give and take.  And it may be concerning money, specifically, because the suit of pentacles corresponds to money, finances, material goods.

The card in the present position is the Seven of Swords reversed. So this can be something that was once taken from you (or that passed you by) returning.  Or being found. It can also indicate somebody getting caught doing something they shouldn’t have been doing or coming clean about it.  You’ll know which meaning applies by which meaning resonates.

The future card is The World reversed. A major arcana card – so this is about a significant  area of your life. Or it concerns something significant. Reversed, this card indicates that something isn’t quite done yet. It’s not finished or complete.  It could be that whatever this is that isn’t finished is related in some way to the Seven of Swords reversed card.  Something to think about.

Be open to what calls you…


Incorporating Introspection, one moment at a time…

The next time you’re at the grocery store waiting in line, take a moment to look around you. You may be taking note of who has the most in their cart, who has the moody child, the magazines near the register.  But the other thing you will probably notice is how many people aren’t present in the moment.  I know, “the moment at the grocery store?” Yes…the moment at the grocery store.  They’re probably on their phones.

You can take note of this almost anywhere these days. Airports, parents “watching” their kids at the park (but they’re really on their phones), at doctor’s offices, while waiting for the light to turn green in the car.

So few people take advantage of these moments of pause the universe gives us all the time throughout the day.  Instead of silence, they’d rather fill it with social media scrolling or posting or checking their email. I’m not saying there’s no value in social media or email. But what I am saying is that most people seem unable to just “be” in the moment.  “Be” in silence. “Be” in stillness.

They need or prefer the distraction of their phone. Of social media. Of ANYTHING rather than just standing still or sitting still and being still.  If you can’t be still by yourself, with yourself, then my opinion is that you’ve lost yourself.  Or, are in the process of losing yourself.  And just like tangible things can be lost and found, you can find yourself again. You just have to take advantage of these moments of introspection the universe gives us. A few moments at a time.

Start by NOT picking up your phone at the grocery store.  Yes, the entire time while waiting.  You can move on to NOT picking it up every time you are waiting at a stop light in your car.   Next, in the waiting room at the vet or the dentist.  You’ll be amazed at how many opportunities you have to NOT be dependent on a phone. How many opportunities there are to take a few deep breaths.  To maybe smile at the person in line next to you. Dare I suggest, start a conversation.

Believe it or not, it’s in these random quiet moments, without added distraction, that you can find an immeasurable amount of peace.  And if there’s one thing we can all use more than social media and selfies and hundreds of emails from stores we haven’t been to in years…it’s peace.

And peace has to start from within. If you aren’t at peace with yourself, you’ll never be at peace with anybody else. If you can’t find peace on your own without outside distraction, you will never find it with material things.  Don’t confuse true happiness with mere comfort. And don’t confuse inner peace with outside distraction. It has to come from within.

Be open to what calls you…


The Suit of Cups…

In the traditional tarot, the suit of cups is associated with relationships. Feelings, emotions. Love and friendship. It’s also the suit that corresponds to the water astrological signs – Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.

When these cards present in a spread upright, they’re generally positive.  Reversed, they can indicate blockages to relationships or certain dynamic within relationships.  The court cards, in particular, are quite revealing in terms of personality type.  Water sign people upright are emotionally stable and mature. Giving and sensitive.  If they present reversed, they tend towards emotional manipulation and overall emotional immaturity.

My overall favorite suit in the deck (I have a lot of water in my chart, so I guess it makes sense),these cards have a gentle energy about them. Suggestive, perhaps, of the same energy we should have in all our relationships with others.

Be open to what calls you…



Tarot Card Reading of the Week – August 12, 2018

When I read for people, I read on any cards that fall out during shuffling. I believe those cards are messages spirit wants us to know in some way.  While I was shuffling for this reading, a card jumped out. So, being true to how I read for others, I’m going to read on it.

The Queen of Pentacles upright.  This can be an earth sign (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) woman over 35. It doesn’t have to be.  Pentacles are all about money and resources, finances and job.  This is homemaker woman.  She’s very money savvy, very good at keeping the home in working and running order. She finds the time to bake the cookies, put dinner on the table, go to her spin class, do all the laundry, set up the meals for the week…you get the idea. If you don’t have kids or a household to run, this is just a sense of having it together. Your home and/or career/money life in order.

The card of the recent past is the Three of Cups upright.  A party or a celebration.  Going out with friends. Maybe toasting to a new engagement or baby or graduation or housewarming.  But the idea is going out with others, celebrating a happy occasion and enjoying yourself.

The card of the present is the Six of Pentacles upright.  Give and take.  Specifically with money or your time or energy.  Or anything else you value as much as money.  But that sense of balance.  When to give (and who to give to) and when to take (and who to take from).

The future card is the Five of Pentacles upright.  A sense of poverty and being left out in the cold.  Again, with regard to money or finances or your job/career. Or with anything. This card has the energy of lack. Not having enough. And being unable to find help for yourself.  Interesting thing about this card is that it shows a church with stained glass windows illuminated. Help is right there.  Yes, in the spiritual sense, but also as a place to go for shelter. To get out from the cold.   To find light and warmth. But the people in the card can’t see it. Or…are making the decision to not go inside.  So be mindful of what help is available around you. Because it’s likely right there for you – maybe because of pride or ego (or a host of other reasons) you are choosing to not get help and find refuge and comfort.   So the poverty and isolation is on you at that point.

This week could be focused on money or your job. The pentacles cards seem to suggest that.  Some weeks the focus is on relationships, or health, or our spiritual evolution…or money. So flow with this.  A focus in this area of your life is there for a reason. Try to learn the lesson.

Be open to what calls you…


The Element of Water…

A symbol of emotions and sensitivity, the element of water is about relationships and feelings. This element is associated with water sign astrological signs – Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer.  It’s also associated with the suit of cups in the traditional tarot.

If you have a lot of water in your natal chart, you may be an empath. Or more empathetic than most people.  These individuals can be more sensitive all around – which I’m sure they would agree is a blessing and a curse. These signs are also often associated with psychic and intuitive ability. And healing.  Of course, that doesn’t mean that if you are a fire sign (as an example), you can’t have intuitive gifts.  One of my best psychic friends is an Aries.  It just lends itself to being more “open” and being a natural healer.

I find it interesting that a lot of people who have water (or a lot of water) in their natal chart are naturally drawn to water. They may engage in water sports (swimming, for example), or like to vacation in places by the water.  Even things as seemingly mundane as enjoying baths can also be a hallmark that some of these people share.   Water is all about our feelings and our emotions.  Think of all the examples in life where water is used to “wash clean” or “wash anew.”  Baptism, for example, or washing of the feet that a lot of Catholics and Christians may practice around Easter.   Even taking a shower.  Washing away impurity…making clean. Making new.

A very easy daily ritual you can partake in is to envision the shower water literally washing away all the negativity, all the emotional dirt and grime you may have collected or been around (I think negativity and toxicity can stick to us if we’re around a lot of people or situations that are like this) that day.  Or, if it’s first thing in the morning, cleansing your aura so that you can begin the day anew in the spiritual sense.

Epsom/sea salt baths are also a great way to cleans yourself of negativity.   Salt by itself is wonderful for protection and “pulling out or away” negativity.  This is also why being in the ocean can be healthy and spiritually cleansing and awakening.  The sea water draws out toxins and the water alone can calm and cleanse.  You can stand on the shore and every time a wave comes up to your feet or legs, as it pulls away, imagine it pulling away your problems or worries. Or if you have a specific problem or worry, imagine the ocean taking it away.

If you find yourself drawn to water, it may be for more spiritual reasons.  Maybe you need or want more emotion or sensitivity in your life.  Or within a certain relationship.  If you fear water or just don’t really like it, is it that you also fear being overcome by emotion? Do you also tend to shy away from deep, committed relationships for fear of becoming too emotionally attached?  Water can sustain life and can give nourishment and cleanse. But it can also drown and essentially destroy.

Water is far and away my most favorite element.  I have a lot of Scorpio in my chart, so I guess it makes sense.  In the coming days or weeks, spend some time with the idea of the element of water and what it means for you.  What about it appeals to you and what turns you away.  And why.

Be open to what calls you…


The Suit of Swords…

The traditional tarot is divided up into four suits: swords, cups, fire and earth. Each suit corresponds to a particular astrological grouping, and a specific type of energy.

The suit of Swords corresponds to air signs in western astrology – Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. And just like air individuals, this suit is about the mind. It’s about intellect and thoughts and communication.

The court cards are often read to be actual people. Although, sometimes, they can also represent the energies that these people may possess or exhibit. Read upright, these people are generally expressive and good communicators. They don’t mince words. They say what they mean and mean exactly what they say. They’re also intelligent.

Reversed, these individuals can use words to cut. To be mean, to harm. They may also speak before thinking. And can be prone to malicious gossip.

Just like we all have aspects of many astrological signs (you can see this in your birth chart), we also all exhibit aspects of all the suits. In this case, communicating effectively and intelligently.

Be open to what calls you….


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – August 5, 2018

The card of the recent past energy (that which we are leaving) is the Nine of Wands upright.  This is a card of suspicion and not trusting. It’s also a battle tested and battle weary card.  You may have recently gone through something that truly tested you. So you’re tired, but also defensive.

The card of the present energy (what is around you as you are reading this or that you will soon enter) is the Six of Wands reversed. A fall from grace.  If you once had the respect and admiration of those around you, something may have happened (or may soon happen) that will cause that admiration to fade. This is also a card of victory and winning (when upright). So reversed, it can indicate a block or delay to achieving that victory and the admiration of others.  Just because it’s blocked now, doesn’t mean it will stay blocked forever.  Energy is always shifting…

The future card is the Nine of Swords reversed. This card can indicate trauma or something that really has you worried. Up at night worried or “in your head” worried.  The reversed meaning is similar to the upright meaning – in that it’s all about significant distress and mental anguish. But when it’s reversed, as it is here, it can indicate a desire to change that.  When it’s upright you may be so caught up in it that you don’t see a way out or don’t realize there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  When the card is reversed…you do. You realize you don’t have to remain in this dark place forever and that you don’t want to. And that you’re going to take steps to get out.

I drew another card because, let’s be honest, these cards weren’t the best and brightest to get. And that card is the Eight of Wands upright.  A much better card, this can indicate communication and action. Positive action. Something moving in a positive direction.  It’s also sometimes called the “arrows of love” card. So it’s possible that the communication or thing that is moving in a good direction is related to a relationship in some way.  So now we know that all this suspicion and fall from grace and worry isn’t for nothing.  It may be what is needed to spur on the action and forward movement of something.

Be open to what calls you…


The Elements – Air

Another way to think of elements is in terms of energy.  There are typically four elements (or energies) we think of in terms of spiritual practice.  There is a fifth – that of “spirit.”  But four primary ones: air, water, earth and fire.

Air corresponds to the “air” signs in western astrology – Libra, Gemini and Aquarius.  The suit of swords in the traditional tarot also corresponds to the element (and the signs) of air.  It is about intellect and the mind.  Communication and words. Thinking and thoughts.

If you resonate with this element, you may find yourself drawn to wind.  Sensitive to subtle changes in wind direction or in breeze. Or you may just like the way the wind picks up before a storm. Incense is a typical representation of this element to have on your altar if you like to have all of them present.

Some say if you find yourself drawn to a particular element, it can represent an area or a dynamic you resonate with.  Or, a particular area you need to focus on. You may find that at certain times in your life, your attention or focus is drawn to one element over another.  Or that you always seem to resonate with one or two throughout your lifetime.

I’m a Libra sun (I also have Pluto in Libra, and Mercury in Libra).  So part of me has always been drawn to air. And wind. And the mind.  I also have a lot of water in my chart (Scorpio rising, North Node in Scorpio, Uranus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, Lilith in Pisces) – so I’m also drawn to water.

An easy way to work with the elements is to follow the signs the moon is in or the sign the sun is in. If it’s in an air sign, work with that element throughout the month (or moon cycle).  Meditate on it and see what it reveals. You may be surprised…

Be open to what calls you…
