Tarot Card Reading of the Week – September 16, 2018

The card in the past position is the Six of Pentacles upright. A card of give and take.  Equality and balance, especially where it concerns money or things you value as much as money. The suit of pentacles generally speaks to money, resources, finances. But not always.  So this dynamic of give and take. Or, what is coming in (financially) and what is going out (in terms of spending).  “Six” Cards are generally thought to be cards of stability and balance. So this could also indicate a sense of balance returning to your finances or your income.

The card in the present position is the Four of Pentacles reversed. Another pentacles card. This an be a card of not holding on to your “stuff” so much.  Instead of being miserly and hoarding it all for yourself (as this card can sometimes indicate upright), it’s giving some things away. Maybe money, maybe your possessions.  Or things you value as much as money and your possessions. Like your time, for example.  So just a letting go a little bit. More charitable, more giving.

The future card is The Emperor upright. A major arcana card. This card is associated with the astrological sign of Aries, but it doesn’t have to be. An emperor’s rank is higher than that of a king. So this is a man (or person, or energy) with an immense amount of power, control and command. In a good way.  Very sure of who he is, where he’s going and what he wants. And he will get what he is going after.   Dominant, but again, not in a negative way. Just in a very certain way.  Maybe this is you (or the energy around you) when it comes to your finances as the week goes on. Or, maybe it’s a boss or some sort of authority figure around you – around your job or where you work.

There may be a focus around money or finances this week. Not in a bad way, though. If anything, finding a little more balance with your money. And finally reaching a place of certainty and stability.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – September 9, 2018

The card in the recent past position is the King of Pentacles upright.  Pentacles people can be earth sign people (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn), but they don’t have to be. And a king has attained the highest level of accomplishment within that suit. Pentacles is about money, career, job, finances, resources. This can be a feeling of financial security. Or maybe an actual person who is accomplished in their career as well as with their finances.  Generally a stable and responsible energy.

The card of the present is the Six of Pentacles reversed. Not being able to, or not wanting to, give and take.  This can be with regard to anything – money (it is a pentacles card), relationships, your health, on and on. But it’s a difficulty with give and take. However that may resonate for you and in your life.

The future card is the Six of Wands upright. A great card because it’s about victory and success. And being acknowledged by your peers and those around you. Sometimes this card can indicate an aware (or reward) coming to you in some way.  So something is going to end very well.  Success and a victory.

There’s a new moon today in Virgo which is a great time to set forth new intentions when it comes to areas of your life that need a little attention.  Especially, attention to detail.  And to get very specific about what you want to accomplish, manifest or welcome into your life.

Be open to what calls you…


Cosmic Correspondence – Saturn Direct

Saturn has been retrograde since the middle of April. He stations (a fancy astrology term for “goes”) direct on September 6. He’s currently transiting his home sign of Capricorn and will remain there until 2020. Saturn is an outer planet (like Uranus and Pluto) so his transits are longer and slower.  Inner planets like Mars, Venus and Mercury move faster. Their direct affect on us may not be as serious or significant.  For me, I pay attention to the outer planets more than the inner planets.  Perhaps not as exciting (because they will stay in a place for years), the shift they can present can be life altering.

Saturn is all about growing up, restriction, responsibility, life lessons. Perhaps the two biggest areas of our lives (or of ourselves) that concern responsibility are our health and our job/money. So there may be a focus for all of us in some way on these two areas. But any plans that have felt stagnant will now get a cosmic push to go forward. Put another way, you can’t blame the universe for your plans not moving ahead. Mercury is direct and now so is Saturn.

The two most affected signs by Saturn’s transit through Capricorn are Capricorn and Cancer.   It’s always important to note if your sign is the opposite of the sign directly affected, because you will feel the shift as well.  While Capricorn is going to take the most direct hit of Saturn (their very core, their sense of self, their purpose or place in the world), Cancers will feel it when it comes to issues of job and service, daily routine, health/nutrition and responsibilities.  It’s in the sixth house for Cancers.

Saturn transits a sign two to three times in a typical lifetime. Thankfully, only two or three times in a typical lifetime.  The transits can present significant shifts in our lives and massive change.  Which is necessary, but as with any kind of growth or evolution, some growing pains are involved.

And because nobody lives on an island, if we don’t experience these changes ourselves, it could be that we experience them through others.  Our family, friends, co-workers, even our neighbors.

As with all transits, flow with it.  Always remember that if one thing is constant and consistent, it’s change.  What is good, won’t stay good forever. What is bad, won’t stay bad forever.  And we need both – the good and the bad. The light and the dark.  But use this forward movement of Saturn to propel your goals and plans. A universal push forward for all of us.

Be open to what calls you…





The Suit of Pentacles…

The suit of the traditional tarot that corresponds to the earth element.  And to earth signs – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.  Pentacles are pentagrams with a  circle around them. And I hope all of you reading this know that the five points of a pentagram are about the elements (fire, water, air, earth) and spirit.  They are also a symbol of protection. Many sheriff deputies wear a five pointed star as their badge. And a lot of Christmas decorations in the form of a star have five points.

Pentacles are all about earthly things, possessions, materialistic goods.  Money is the first and probably most prominent that come to mind.  But also your job, career, finances, resources. And sometimes, depending on how the cards present and what the other cards are around them and where, the suit of pentacles can be about something you value as much as money. 

The court cards are slow moving people.  In part because they are stable and grounded and responsible.  Just like their earth sign counterparts, they don’t do anything in haste or without thinking it through.  They are hard working and dedicated to their jobs and careers (or whatever it is that gives them money). Even the Knight of Pentacles is slow moving.  But if you think about it, when it comes to things like money or your job, slow development may be the best way to go.

Reversed, these people are irresponsible and lazy.  They can also be cheap and not very giving when it comes to money. These are the people who don’t tip anybody. Or who let whoever else they are with do the tipping.  There’s a slight undercurrent of entitlement with these people when they present reversed.  Why should they work hard when somebody else can do it?  Why should they tip when who they’re out with can tip? Why should they financially plan for the future when they can just rely on the money or the investments of their partner?  That sort of energy.

But for the most part, this suit is one of stability and responsibility.  And maturity, in a way.  The court cards upright are generally mature in their approach to their jobs or money. Or how they conduct themselves around these things.  Which is certainly reassuring and refreshing…

Be open to what calls you…



Tarot Card Reading of the Week – September 2, 2018

The card in the past position is the Two of Wands reversed.  Fear of the unknown. And, sometimes, consequently,  a lack of planning. Any time there is a “2” in the traditional tarot, it can indicate a choice or a decision that needs to be made. With this card there may be two things you are hoping or wanting to pursue (creative endeavors or passions) and there’s a fear of how it’s going to work out. Or IF it will work out.  Fear can sometimes paralyze us and prevent us from doing anything. So be mindful of this energy around you.  It’s leaving – this is the card in the past position.

The present card is the Page of Wands upright. Pages can be children (or people who act like children…). They are also messengers.  The suit of wands corresponds to the fire signs – Leo, Sagittarius, Aries.  So it could be a message from or about one of these people. Or it could just be a message of the beginning of something that is exciting for you.  In a way, Pages are a little like Ace cards – there’s an element of beginning with these cards. So if this isn’t the actual beginning of it, it’s news of it. Maybe you were waiting to hear about a job opening – and this is the message you receive that it’s open. Or for a house to be put on the market.  Pages are novices, Kings are the most accomplished in their particular suit. So this could also indicate you being new at something.

The future card is The Star reversed. This card is the major arcana wish fulfillment card. The Nine of Cups is the minor arcana card.  It’s reversed, so there may be a wish that isn’t fulfilled for you. Not yet granted. Or just a feeling that you aren’t blessed, or were born under an “unlucky star.”   Reversals, for the most part, indicate a blockage or a delay to things. It doesn’t mean it can’t or won’t ever happen. Just that the energy around this is blocked right now.   Sometimes, the universe (God, spirit, your angels, guides…whoever you resonate with) will block something because there’s something much better on its way.  We just can’t see it or don’t know it yet. So flow with it. Whatever is meant  for you won’t pass you by…

Be open to what calls you…


The Elements – Earth

My least favorite energy. I only have two planets in earth signs – and none of them are in Capricorn.

At its best, earth energy is responsible and stable. It’s adult and mature and grounded. It thinks before it speaks and acts. It’s security and the peace that comes with that.

It’s associated with the root or base chakra and our “basic” needs. Food, water, clothing, shelter, warmth, money. The suit of pentacles is directly related to earth energy and the earth zodiac signs.

That’s the good.

The bad is the polar opposite of the good. Irresponsible and childish. Immature and lacking any kind of stability. Stubborn and immovable. Unable to change. Financially a disaster. Instead of working hard and being driven…it’s lazy and expecting others to do for them. Not focused on anything long term – only on the immediate and the now.

So like an earthquake, the ground beneath us literally splits apart. Our foundation breaks apart. If the foundation goes, nothing can be built with any strength or integrity.

Of the three zodiac signs, Virgo is probably the more gentle of the three. Capricorn…the most harsh.

Having said that, it’s interesting to me how imperative it is for us to be grounded. Probably because without that stability, nothing good can come forth. Earthing is a favorite of many to ground energy – walking barefoot on the grass outside. Any sort of walking on the earth (shoes are sometimes necessary), gardening (being in contact with dirt or soil) being around trees…these are all ways to ground ourselves.

I also associate the black or dark crystals and stones with earth energy. Black Tourmaline, Onyx, Obsedian, Apache Tear (a form of Obsedian), Hematite.

So it’s definitely not all bad. And just like all the other elements, we need it to be complete and to make our lives complete. It can just be a destructive energy if not balanced or missing altogether.

Be open to what calls you…


Return to Sender Spell…

The Taylor Swift song Look What You Made Me Do reminds me of a Return to Sender Spell.  This is an ideal “spell” to do when somebody has been sending you a lot of negativity.  What kind of negativity? It can be malicious gossip, it can be abuse (any kind of abuse – physical, emotional, verbal), it can be any action done on behalf of another directed towards you to control or demean or harm.  And “harm” can take a lot of forms.

For me, personally, I don’t do this if it’s a one off, so to speak. People make mistakes, people have errors of judgement, people have bad days.  This is for repeated conduct. Repeated disrespect, repeated abuse, repeated maliciousness. Even for things like not listening to you or respecting your boundaries. Not respecting your wishes. All of that is a form of negativity.

For those of you who worry about if it’s “black” or “white” or “gray,”  I don’t know if it’s really any of those things. It’s simply returning the negativity somebody has sent towards you or given to you, back at them. You’re not wishing them any more harm. Anything more hurtful. Just what they’ve done to you, what the’ve put you through….sent back to them.

There are a lot of variations on this spell.  Some use a black candle inscribed with the name of the person (or people) you are sending the energy back to. Some involve a small mirror (as a tool of reflection). Some can incorporate a hoodoo name paper if you identify with that practice.  You can add hot foot powder to make the person (or people) leave, or just salt as a form of protection from their negativity.

I’m not going to write exactly what I do when I do one of these – I think to some degree, finding your own version or variation is part of what makes it your own.  I simply offer it up as an option if you are dealing with negativity or negative people.  And again, for me personally, it’s not a single mistake (unless it’s particularly heinous), it’s repeated conduct.  And you can almost always tell when somebody has made an honest mistake and when they meant their words or action to harm. Especially if they are repeated or have been on going for months…or years.

It’s simple and very effective and it gets the job done. Whether or not the person will realize what’s been done or that their negativity has simply been turned back on them – who is to say? But it’s good defensive and protective magic for yourself.   Just like removing yourself from an abusive situation or a truly toxic situation – it has to start with you. Don’t be afraid to do what you have to do to protect yourself from toxic people and toxic energy…

Be open to what calls you…

The Suit of Wands…

The suit of wands in the traditional tarot deck corresponds to fire energy.  This suit is aligned with the fire signs of the zodiac, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.   The wands are all about our passions and things that excite us. Not in terms of sex or romance, but our hobbies, our pastimes, things that really hold our attention.  Creative energy, and new endeavors.

Just like with fire, these cards (depending on where they present in a spread and the other cards around them of course), can indicate a desire to move and to do.  To start and to begin.  And to do it with a lot of excitement and energy.  When they present reversed (again, depending on where they present and around what other cards), they can indicate a sense of acting or moving before you think.  Being hasty.

The court cards, in particular when reversed, can indicate people with anger issues, rage issues, hot tempers. These are people that are difficult to be around, especially when they don’t get their way.  They’re demanding and ordering people around and then blowing up along the way.  They can also indicate people who don’t have any drive or motivation at all.  They wake up at noon, spend the day eating junk food, playing on their phones, playing video games, complaining that they’re gaining weight and aren’t making more money…then proceed to get angry about it. And it’s usually directed at other people.  When, in actuality, the anger should be directed at themselves.

Upright, they are focused and driven individuals. I think of a lot of professional athletes with this fire energy. They’re going after something they are excited about, that they’re good at, and that they want to excel at with a tremendous amount of determination and drive. Time, money, location….it doesn’t matter. They want it and they’re going to get it and it doesn’t matter what they have to do to achieve it.

I like fire energy because it’s about motivation. I think of squares in astrology as fire energy. They are placements of tension, but also of tremendous motivation.  When you see somebody or meet somebody in this zone of absolute focus, it can be very inspiring. And when you find yourself in that place, going after something you want, wondering why there are only 24 hours in a day instead of more for you to spend more time pursuing this craft or creative endeavor, you also know how magical this force within can be.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – August 26, 2018

The past energy (or energy we are leaving) is the Eight of Swords reversed. This is a good card to get reversed because it can indicate coming out of this “blind and bound” phase.  The blindfold comes off and now you can see.  And you are able to break free of what had you bound and tied to one place.  Since this card is sometimes referred to as a mental card, and the suit of swords can correspond to the mind and thoughts and communication,  this could have all been in your head. And you’re finally breaking free of whatever thoughts had you trapped.

The present energy is the Queen of Swords reversed.  The Ice Queen, she’s sometimes called. She can be an air sign adult female (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini) – but she doesn’t have to be. This is a woman who uses her words and her mind to hurt.  Sharp words, a sharp tongue.  So get ready for some harsh words or difficult truths coming from her this week.

The future card is the Six of Swords upright. All swords cards this week.  So a lot of thinking – a lot in the mind. This card can indicate moving from something…to something better.  On a mundane level, it can indicate travel of some sort. A trip. Or moving in any other sense of the word. Moving house, changing a job, changing where you do something (if you always run a certain route, maybe you’re running a different route, as an example).  But it’s the idea of movement from where you are (maybe not so good) to something else…and it’s better.   Again, because it’s a swords card, it could just be your thinking about something. If you’ve always thought the neighborhood you live in is not the best, maybe something happens to change your mind and you realize it’s not that bad.   So it’s a “movement of thought” about something.

We just had a Pisces Full Moon and Mars is set to go direct. One door may have closed (as full moons can signify endings or a completion to something) and now with Mars direct, we’re ready to march forward into something new.  But before we can actually do that, we have to first think it and imagine it and visualize it in our minds.

Be open to what calls you…


Full Moon in Pisces – Illusion and Escapism

There will be a full moon in Pisces on August 26, 2018.  At its most basic, a full moon is when the sun is opposite the moon. So there is always a polarity with a full moon.  What you need versus what you want. Work versus home.  Who you really are on the inside and who you show to others on the outside.  This tension between opposing forces is what can cause us tension during or around a full moon. And this full moon is  no different – expect there to be some extra emotional burdens placed upon you when it comes to home and family life. And your relationships in general.

Full moons also involve the push and pull between the two opposing zodiac signs. Here, the opposite of emotional, sensitive, creative, sometimes a little delusional and prone to escapism Pisces is the grounded, responsible, particular and exact Virgo.   That right there just feels like tension to me.  These two on a road trip together in a car for days….I can’t imagine.

This moon forms a sextile (that’s a good aspect) with Saturn and with Uranus. Again, the push and pull between restrictive and responsible and explosive and sometimes disruptive.

This is also a moon when the line between fantasy and reality….fades. It doesn’t just blur…it goes away entirely.  Full moons also illuminate and bring to light certain things. With this lunation, given that it involves the mutable water sign of Pisces (notable for escapism and illusion and delusion), it may reveal that things aren’t exactly as they seem.  With yourself, or with others around you.

A common theme with Pisces (especially people with their moon in Pisces) is a tendency towards escapism.  Anything to distract from reality.  Boundary issues in general  (as in, there aren’t any) and victim-like behavior also sometimes accompany Pisces energy.   Instead of dealing with the reality of a situation, there’s a tendency to turn towards substances.  Or whatever they turn to to not deal with the situation – over spending or over eating or over indulging.  Pick the poison.

Even if you aren’t a Pisces sun person or have Pisces rising (or moon, or any other significant planets in Pisces), this full moon is for all of us. And the question to ask ourselves is, what are we not dealing with. What aspect of ourselves are we trying to hide or “cover up.”  What dynamic in our lives, in our relationships, are we not facing head on.  Is there a reality we aren’t facing?

And instead of facing it…what are we doing instead? Are we running from it and masking our real fear and anxiety with drugs and alcohol?  Are we presenting a perfect, photo-shopped version of ourselves much happier, and wittier and healthier than we really are to the world via social media? Are we just simply not dealing with it – not going to work, not spending time with our kids (real time), not trying to advance ourselves in our jobs or careers, not saving for the future, not making a real effort towards healthier eating and living, not striving to live our dreams and fulfill our goals….just not dealing with it. 

I know a lot of people (Pisces people and non-Pisces people alike) who, when confronted with a reality they don’t particularly like or aren’t comfortable with,  revert into children.  Like the child throwing a tantrum screaming, “I don’t wanna go to school!” the adult version is an adult just not showing up to work.   The child left to their own brilliant decision making, eating junk food all day is the adult who is drinking and using drugs and probably not eating too well either.  The child who acts out in school when they aren’t given all the attention by their friends and teachers is the adult who starts posting too many and too ridiculous social media posts for validation and attention.

This is when meditation or just sitting somewhere by yourself in quiet (that means, put the phone down and stop playing video games and scrolling through Facebook) can bring tremendous benefit.  But usually it’s the people doing the most “escaping” and caught up in the illusion of things that are the most resistant to spending some time in quiet.  Simply put, they’re afraid of what they might learn about themselves.  Easier to drink it away or just live in a fantasy.

But in the long run, it’s not. What you resist, persists.  So if you aren’t dealing with aspects of yourself, at some point, they will catch up with you, and they will win. Because all those years of not dealing with them has allowed them to grow bigger and stronger.

Pisces energy can be remarkably creative and healing and gentle and easy.  But it can also not face reality, and in some ways, be a little like Gemini in that there are two faces.  The real one behind closed doors and the masked one that is presented for the public.

Full moons bring completion and ending. This is an ideal time to stop hiding, stop running from reality, stop deluding yourself and others and step into what is real.  Step into who you really are. And if you don’t like it, if this full moon brings to light some aspects of yourself you really aren’t comfortable with….use this energy to change and to grow. It’s time…

Be open to what calls you…
