Cosmic Correspondence – New Moon, Jupiter Shifts Signs…

There’s so much going on in November 2018.  I’ll briefly touch on some things that are important, but I want my focus to be on the New Moon and on Jupiter.

Uranus will retrograde back into Aries until March 2019.  Of course, it all depends on where Aries is in your chart. If you are a Libra sun for example, then Aries is in your seventh house of partnerships and relationships. So you’ve probably been going through some significant change.  And they were probably sudden and unexpected.  Uranus will go back into Taurus from March 2019 until 2025.  And then the focus will be on value and our relationship with money and luxury.

The moon nodes are also shifting from Leo/Aquarius to Cancer/Capricorn.  Moon nodes are location points on the moon – north and south. And they shift every 18 months. They’re about karma and karmic lessons and lessons from past lives.  If you’re a Cancer or Cap, the next 18 months may feel fated, or have some strong karmic lessons for you.

But what I want to talk about is the new moon in Scorpio on November 7, 2018. New moons are all about new beginnings. An ideal time to set forth an intention and to allow the universe to help manifest it into reality.  And Scorpio is the most intense sign of the zodiac. So if it’s something you feel very strongly about or if you want to begin something that is, well…intense, this is a great time to do it.

This new moon is also in a nice aspect/placement to Neptune and Pluto.  The Neptune aspect will make the new moon (and the few days before and after the lunation) have a magical, day dreamy quality to it.  Like a fantasy.  No complaints there.  Pluto is hanging around to help add a little stability to all of this.

And Jupiter is also shifting signs.  Jupiter has been in Scorpio for the past 13 months and he will move on to Sagittarius for the next 13 months.  Jupiter isn’t at ease in Scorpio.   My guess is Scorpio is just too intense for Jupiter.   But Jupiter rules Sagittarius. So it’s like visiting your aunt and uncle you see once every 5 years somewhere across the country and you can’t sit on the furniture or put the glass on the table unless there’s a coaster (because it will leave a mark….heaven help us all). And going home to your own parent’s house. Or, your own house. Where you can go in the fridge and eat whatever you want and put your feet on the furniture.

Jupiter is a giver. The benefic of the skies.  Where Jupiter is,  he brings gifts, luck, expansion and growth.  Sagittarius people should be loving the next 13 months.  Jupiter usually transits a sign a year or so after Saturn goes through.  So it’s like the universe tests you with Saturn and then blesses you for your putting up with it with Jupiter.  It all evens itself out.  The universe has an amazing way of keeping things in balance.

We’re in the middle of a Venus retrograde. She will go direct around November 16. But just as she moves forward, Mercury will start to retrograde.  The one thing these two retrogrades have in common (other than they are relatively quick transits, because they are inner planets) it’s that they can bring exes back into our lives. People returning.  So be mindful of that. I’m not saying it’s good or bad exactly…just be mindful of it.  And  if nothing else, just wait until these two retrogrades are over with. See if the ex (or person) remains. If they do, the relationship (or friendship or partnership) may have some longevity to it.

Having said that, we kick off 2019 with eclipses.  Starting a new year with things being eclipsed out.  It will be interesting to see how that year progresses. And if you think about it, maybe that’s not a horrible way to start a new year.  To start it getting rid of the things that no longer serve us or help us on our soul evolution.   Eclipses are pretty powerful, though.  Like a full moon (also an ideal time for endings and closure) on steroids.

Let’s just welcome in this New Moon in Scorpio and Jupiter going home for 13 months.  Those two things will benefit all of us in some way in our lives.  It’s time to be open to receive blessings and new beginnings…

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – November 4, 2018

The card in the past position (or the energy we are leaving) is the Four of Swords reversed. Not wanting to go within, not wanting to take a “time out” to figure things out.  It can indicate some restless energy or distraction in a way.  Or not wanting to confront ourselves and our inner emotions in order to better understand something.

The card in the present energy is the Four of Cups upright.  Two “four” cards in a row.  Four cards are generally thought to be cards of stability. Think of four legs to a table or a chair.  This card is about an offer being made to you that you aren’t too excited about. It can also indicate a certain amount of boredom or dissatisfaction with things.  It can also be an offer of something that you already have plenty  of and that is what is making you ambivalent about the offer.  If you already have three pair of winter boots and somebody offers to sell you theirs, you may be thinking, “but I already have three pair…I don’t really need or want another pair.” That sort of energy.

The future card is the Knight of Coins (pentacles in other decks) upright.   Knights are about action and movement.  This knight is the slowest moving one of the deck. But that’s not a bad thing. Because coins (pentacles) represent money, job, career, resources, you want a slow and steady approach to those things.  If this is a person, he can be a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn person in their late teens or twenties, but not always.  It’s stable, slow, responsible, thought out energy.

Maybe you are thinking about that offer with the Four of Cups and this is the responsible approach to whether or not to accept it. Or it could be a person coming towards you. Don’t expect a flurry of excitement and rushed romance. This guy takes his time. Again, not always a bad thing.

Be open to what calls you…


Dumb Supper

Halloween is upon us. It’s called Samhain if you follow The Wheel of The Year.  And it’s a time for reverence of our ancestors.  Our friends and family who have passed on from this world to the spirit world.

And there are countless ways to celebrate this.  An easy way is to create an ancestor altar.  A space or place in your home (or work space) that is dedicated to them. Their picture, food or drink they liked, candles, incense, flowers….the list goes on and on.

Another way to practice this day is the dumb supper.  Dumb meaning, silent. To not speak.  When you eat dinner that night, you set a place at the table for them.  The plate, the glass, the napkin, the fork and knife and you invite them to dine with you. To share the meal with you. And you don’t talk.  Which may be hard for people who live with other people or who eat with others. If you live and/or eat alone, it’s probably not that difficult.  But it’s a moment to invite the good kind spirits (emphasis on good and kind) to share a meal with you.

I leave the setting out until the next morning.  Time is a man-made construct. So dinner time in my world may not be dinner time in theirs.  Wink wink. I try to be mindful of that. A quiet, respectful way to honor your ancestors and to invite them to share your home and your space with you.

Be open to what calls you…


Oracle Card Reading of the Month – November 2018

This is from the Oracle of Mystical Moments by Catrin Weiz-Stein.

This is a two card spread.  The first card is where you are now. The second card is where you are heading. The first card is Elixir of Life. A card of healing. Being healed, or experiencing healing. And it can be healing through nature in some way.  Being healed “through or by nature” can mean a lot of things. It can be a holistic approach to medicine or healing.  Something as simple as drinking chamomile tea before bed to relax. Or dabbing lavender oil on the corners of your pillow to calm anxiety and help with sleep.  Or, it can be making a deliberate decision to spend some time every day outside.  Even if it’s cold or the weather isn’t ideal. It doesn’t have to be for a long time, either. Literally, one to two minutes of time outside can be amazing for increasing our energy and even improving out outlook on things.  But there’s healing. And it may come through nature or some experience with nature.

The card of where you’re headed is Abracadabra.  One of my favorite cards in this deck. This is about magic.  It corresponds to The Magician in the traditional tarot. It’s about creating magic, manifesting your reality. Having the ability and the power to do that. And we all have it, we just either don’t know it, lose sight of it, or don’t know how to use it.   But magic is ahead.  Or, you could be experiencing a magical moment.  That amazing moment when you wish for something or want for something…and within minutes or days…it happens. A beautiful card.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – October 28, 2018

All three cards are major arcana cards. So this could be an intense week ahead.  Intense doesn’t have to be bad or hard or difficult. It could just be that some pretty interesting or exciting or life-altering events take place.

The card in the past position (the energy we are leaving) is The Star upright.  This is the “wish fulfillment” card of the major arcana.  It represents a wish being fulfilled. Or just a feeling of being blessed. Or, actually BEING blessed. That feeling you have when things in your life and within yourself seem to flow with ease.

The card in the present position is The Magician upright.  One of my favorite cards (so is the next one after this). This is a card of manifestation. It’s a card of the power to create.  You have all the tools you need to create the thing or the event that you want.  They’re all right there in front of you. This is card of realizing that, and using them to manifest your desire into reality.  And it may just have this “magical” feeling to it.  Like when you think about wanting something or, “it’d be nice if I could find a parking space on the first floor of the parking garage instead of the seventh….” And it happens.  Get ready for some magic to come into your life – if it isn’t there already.

The future card is The High Priestess upright. She’s an oracle, a source of wisdom and knowledge. People seek her out for her guidance and insight.  So this can indicate an actual person that you go to (or who simply presents in your life…like magic, as if you manifested them) for some advice. And she (or they, it doesn’t have to be a female) lead you to the exact place and/or decision you need.  It can also be you. YOU are becoming this person.  Maybe you’ve been trying to work with your own intuition or you’ve been spending more time practicing meditation and you start to “see” (no pun intended) the results of your efforts.  Or maybe you just have an interesting experience with the other side.

This is a time of year when “the veil is thinning.” Meaning, the veil between this world and the spirit world.  The few weeks ahead of Halloween (also called Samhain). It is not uncommon for people to experience or have ghost stories or to experience these unexplainable experiences with their loved ones who have passed over. Not in a scary way. Sometimes, the experiences can be funny.  Most often, they’re just reassuring.  That card could indicate that there will be an experience with an ancestor or with a guide or angel. And maybe that’s exactly what you need to validate to yourself that your intuitive gifts are real and that you have the power to manifest them.

Good cards and they’re all upright.  An exciting week, or at the very least, maybe some interesting (good) experiences ahead.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – October 8, 2018

The card in the past position is the Nine of Swords reversed.  All caught up in your head with worry and anxiety.  Losing sleep, in fact.  Good thing this card is in the past and it is energy we are leaving.

The card in the present position is the Page of Swords reversed. The spy/gossip card.  Pages can be children or people who act like children.  With this particular page, it could very well be an adult who is acting like a gossipy middle school child. The suit of swords also corresponds to the air signs (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) and to the mind, communication, intellect. So there may be some gossipy energy around you now or as the week progresses.  It could be YOU that’s doing the gossiping. Or, somebody around you. And it may not have anything to do with you, but it’s energy around you. It’s like every time you go to the water cooler, that person is there and they want to tell you about so-and-so or this thing that they heard happened.  So even though it’s not you or about you, it can be negative energy all the same.  It could also be somebody spying on you.  Maybe not hiding in the bushes outside your window at night, but maybe through social media.  They’re “checking up on you” so to speak. Without you knowing or really consenting to it.  Or they may be asking others about you. Trying to get information about you through others.

The future card is the Two of Swords upright. A choice needs to be made. A decision. And whatever the two options are, you are protecting your heart. So it could be that making a choice has an emotional pull with you in some way. Or you’re afraid a specific decision will affect you emotionally. Or affect something (or somebody) near to your heart. But a decision has to be made.  It may be in relation to something the Page of Swords says. It may be completely independent of that.

Venus just went retrograde and will stay retrograde until the middle of November. It could be that the message you receive is concerning a romantic interest.  Maybe somebody from your past. Or, the choice or decision that has to be made concerns this person or this issue in some way.

Be open to what calls you…








Oracle Card Reading of the Month – October 2018

This is going to be a two card spread for the month of October 2018. I’m using the Oracle of Mystical Moments by Catrin Weiz-Stein for this reading.

The first card is the card of where you are now. It’s Like a Bird. This is a card of forward focus and forward movement.  A card of motivation to move forward.  When a bird is flying, it’s focus is ahead, not behind.  So you may be in a place in your life (with some area of your life) that is very focused. Which is a good way to be. The only way to get anything done is to have focus and intention. It has to start there.

The second card is the  card of where you’re headed and that card is All is Connected. One of my favorite cards in this deck. It’s about the push and pull between growth and release.  And how those two dynamics are intertwined and can’t ever be disconnected. You can’t have one without the other.  If you think of a child literally growing, as they get taller or bigger, they have to release certain things.  Maybe the most obvious, the clothes they were wearing. Because they don’t fit.  It’s not a bad thing, but it’s necessary.  You can’t grow and expect to hold on to all the things you had before.  That’s part of what evolution and growth is all about.  Remember that things don’t really end, they just change.  And sometimes what we leave behind ends up coming back to us. Sometimes in the same form or way it was before…sometimes in a transformed way that suits us even better.

We just ended a five month Pluto retrograde. It will take about four months for him to really regain his forward momentum, but he’s at least stationed direct.  Issues of power and control may have played a role in your life the past five months.  And now, you can take those lesson and hopefully apply them to yourself and your life in a more evolved way.

The month of October (and the first half of November) will be characterized in part by a Venus retrograde. A time to review relationships and the things we value and what we love. And why we love it. Or to ask ourselves if we love it at all.  Relationships may transform or change.  Or ask us to transform and change. Always remember what’s meant to be yours will never leave you and will always find you.  So if you have to let something (or someone) go, release them with love and blessing. It’s for your higher good.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – September 30, 2018

The card in the past position is the Four of Cups upright. This can be a sense of boredom with something. And it may be relationship related.  The suit of cups corresponds to relationships, feelings and emotions.  It can also indicate an offer being made to you but you’re not really excited about it.  Maybe a new relationship or a new dynamic within an already existing relationship.

The card in the present energy is the Four of Pentacles upright.  Two “four” cards.  The number four in the traditional tarot speaks to stability.  Which is good.  This card is about holding on to what you have in terms of money or finances/resources. It can sometimes be viewed as a miserly card.  Hoarding, in a way. But it could also just indicate somebody being more responsible with their money or possessions. Not spending frivolously or irresponsibly.  But it is a sense of stability with money.

The future card is the Nine of Cups reversed.  Maybe you did accept the offer that was given up there with the Four of Cups, or maybe you thought that by holding on to your money you’d be happy…and this card is indicating a sense of being dissatisfied.  It’s as if now you have this THING or PERSON you thought you wanted, that you thought would make you happy…and you realize…eh…it’s not all that great. Or, maybe things weren’t so bad the way they were before I had this thing or this person.  This card can also indicate just a block or delay to having what you want. This is often called the “wish fulfillment” card. So it’s just a delay to having that wish fulfilled.

I drew another card out of curiosity and it’s the Eight of Wands upright. A card of action and movement and communication. Sometimes called the “arrows of love.” So it can suggest communication or something related to love or a relationship in some way.

Be open to what calls you…


The First Acorn on Mabon…

Yesterday was the start of autumn in the northern hemisphere. Called Mabon if you follow the wheel of the year, it’s a time of harvest and reaping what has been sewn.

For good luck, keep the first acorn you find on Mabon (or in the days after). Keep it with you in your wallet or purse, or on your altar or somewhere in your house for good luck. I like to charge and empower the first few I find with the things I’d like to manifest during the season.  Then I put each one in a specific place. One on my ancestor/Samhain altar, for example. Another in my purse.  Or in the love corner (if you feng shui your living space) for a new relationship or a new dynamic within an already existing relationship.

Return the acorn (or acorns) back to the earth after the season is over as a thanks for their blessing and manifestation and good luck.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – September 23, 2018

The card of the past energy is the Nine of Swords reversed. So this card can indicate being really, really consumed with anxiety and fear. Not just that it’s keeping you up at night, but that it’s controlling your life.  So an unhealthy sense of worry.  To the point of being disabling.  Thankfully, it’s energy we are leaving or have already left behind.

The card in the present energy is Judgement upright. A major arcana card about rebirth and renewal.  Being born anew in some way.  Maybe in some practical, tangible way in our lives. Or in the way we think about something. Or somebody.  But a good card because it indicates a new beginning to something significant.

The future card is The Tower reversed. Also a major arcana card – so this is about big shifts or energy.  This card reversed can indicate that this sudden tearing down of something is happening to somebody else around us. So not to us directly, but maybe to a friend or family member.  Or that it’s something we have somehow narrowly escaped. But it’s the sudden, unexpected end to something. A source of stability.   So even if it’s not happen to us directly,  it can impact us all the same if it’s happening to somebody we care about who is close to us.

So a lot of up and down this week.   Hold fast to Judgement upright because it’s indicates rebirth and “new.”  The seasons just shifted with the autumnal equinox (in the northern hemisphere).  So shift is all around – not just with the seasons but also with the energy.  Flow with it…

Be open to what calls you…
