Full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio…

Looking for some intensity? This is it.

All full moons come with heavy emotions. They usually signify endings and completion. Letting go. Emotions get dredged to be confronted. But a full moon in Scorpio just adds to the intensity.

Fixed water. Fixed emotions. That means emotions we like to hold on to and have a hard time leaving. But this full moon is likely asking you to. Purge any pent up feelings. Let them go. Release. Carrying them is a burden you need to put down.

OracleIndigo offers tarot and Oracle card readings. Order one today🔮


I don’t think there’s ever been a successful person who did not experience struggle on the way to become successful. They just go together. If you want the latter, you need to accept the former.

If you’re training for a race, just started your new business, accepted a new job…whatever it is you’re doing, don’t be ashamed of the struggle. It means you’re human and it means you’re learning. Not enough people tackle things they don’t know how to do because they’re afraid of the struggle. So you’re already way ahead of the game.

Embrace it. That doesn’t mean it will be fun or comfortable. But it won’t last forever. Keep moving forward.

Order a tarot reading at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

What are you giving too much power to?

Is it being successful? Is it a family member? An ex? Is it physical beauty? Is it having material things?

What started out as a goal that has now become a devil you’re a slave to?

This can be a person. As a child, we want the approval and love of our parents. But as we get older, that should fade a little bit. Has it not faded for you? Are you still giving too much power to their approval of you?

Are you now obsessed with money and material goods? Having the new thing. Making more and more and more to the point that it becomes an obsession?

You’re giving too much power to anything that keeps you from being yourself and pursuing what makes you happy. It might be time to purge some people and some devils in your life.

Order a tarot reading from OracleIndigo today🔮

Your friends should clap for you…

They should be proud of your accomplishments and your wins. They should cheer you on. They should encourage you and give you strength.

If you are sensing that they are jealous or envious…you need to get some different friends. Because those people will bring you down and keep you from growing and evolving and becoming more. These people will tease you and make fun of your dreams. They will gossip about your struggles and failures. They will silently be hoping you fail.

This might mean your circle of friends will shrink. Considerably. I know mine did. While it wasn’t “fun” or even comfortable to admit to myself that these people are holding me back, I had to accept it. And I did. And I’m grateful for it.

There’s enough you’ll have to struggle against. Enough challenges and curve balls. Your friends shouldn’t be one of them.

OracleIndigo on Etsy for tarot and Oracle card readings🔮

May Day!

Happy May!

May 1 was the day I opened my Etsy shop OracleIndigo years ago. It was one of the best decision I ever made. I used to a new month and the energy of spring to begin something new in my life.

What are you going to start or begin this May 1? It can be something simple like going to sleep 30 minutes earlier. Or making sure you eat a piece of fruit for breakfast.

The first day of May can possess powerful energy to propel you forward. Use it. Rabbit rabbit!

OracleIndigo on Etsy offers lots of tarot readings. Order one today🔮

How did your April go?

We’re at the end of another month. Already. How did it go for you? Did you set out any goals or intentions for yourself? Did you meet them? Did you exceed them?

What were the good surprises? What were the unexpected bad surprises? How did you navigate them?

What did you learn this month?

What do you want to carry over into next month?

If you aren’t taking stock of your own personal progress as time goes by, it will go by without you really taking advantage of it. The time you have…how are you using it?

Set goals. Set intentions. Grow and evolve.

OracleIndigo on Etsy is a one stop shop for intuitive and tarot card readings. Order one today 🔮

Saturday to refresh…

If you get your Saturdays off, use them to refresh and rest. Or at least, part of it. A lot of people use the weekend to catch up on errands and chores. Fair. But carve out an hour for yourself.

Just for yourself.

Do something you love to do. Do something that brings you peace. Do something healthy. Do something fun. And if you have more than an hour, use the time for yourself. The days of the week we work are days and hours devoted to other people and other things. Usually, not ourselves. So you owe it to yourself to pour some of that energy back into you. You’ll be glad you did.

Phone readings are interactive and can offer a lot of guidance. Order one from OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

RE considering…

We’re in the middle of a Mercury retrograde. Which can throw a lot of things into chaos. But it’s an ideal time to reconsider things in your life. And with yourself.

Choices you’ve made, the path you’re on, relationships you are in and have. A lot of people don’t like to do this sort of work because to reconsider means maybe you made a bad decision along the way. And a lot of people can’t admit they make bad decisions.

To that I say, grow up. We all make bad choices and bad decisions. The sooner you can admit that, the sooner you can start making different (hopefully better) decisions. Which will lead to greater fulfillment and happiness.

Take the time to reconsider if you are called to so during this transit. A good time to check in with yourself to see if you’re on track.

Oracle card readings can offer insight. Order a reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮


Consider developing an affirmation for yourself every week. Whatever it is you want for yourself, what you want to draw towards you, how you want a situation to go. And repeat it every day for the rest of the week. Repeat it multiple times if you feel called to.

Examples are:

I am strong and healthy in every way.

I am grateful for this amazing person in my life I am in a committed relationship with.

Things are always working out for me.

You get the idea. Try doing this and see what unfolds. YOU can shift the energy in your own life.

Intuitive readings are available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Incense ash for black salt…

If you burn incense, save the ashes. Don’t throw them away. They can be used to make black salt which is protective, well, AF.

Mix it with regular salt. Say a blessing over it (“I charge and empower this salt to….”). If you want it to protect your house, your vehicle…then sprinkle it around your home. Or at least sprinkle a line of it across your door way. You can sprinkle it around your garage or where you park your car, too.

Some people do this once a month, at every full moon, on the day of an equinox. Whenever you want to do it.

Tarot readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy. Link here on the website. 🔮