Tarot Card Reading of the Week – February 17, 2019

Back from vacation…

The card in the past position (the energy leaving us) is the Four of Swords upright. Interesting because this card presented for my Tarot Card of the Week in my sister blog, The Smiling Raven.  Only there, it was reversed. Here it’s upright. It’s about going within. This is my adult “time out” card. So the energy leaving us is that quiet, introspective energy.

The card in the present energy is the Four of Wands upright. One of the best cards in the deck. It’s about happiness around the home. It can indicate an engagement or a wedding. Or just a happy homecoming. It’s about joy and love. It’s also a “four” card and “fours” tend to suggest stability. Think of four legs to a chair or four legs to a table.  So stability within relationships or within the home.

The energy coming in is the Three of Cups reversed.  This card can indicate a few things. It can indicate an end to that happiness and togetherness that the Four of Wands speaks too.  So a block or a delay to this.  It can be something as minor as a plan to get together with friends after  work and something comes up and the date/event has to be canceled and rescheduled. It can indicate too much partying as well.  Perhaps a struggle with substances. If not with you, then perhaps with somebody around you. It can also indicate (in a relationship or love reading) a third party situation.

Remember that energy is always shifting.  The good and the bad. So what is good right now, may not be good late on. And what is bad or situation of struggle right now, will likely not be the same in the future as well.  There’s a lot of astrological shifts going on this week (I’ll post on it) so this could also be related to all of this. Venus is making interesting aspects to Saturn and Neptune and Pluto.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – January 20, 2019

The card in the past position (the energy leaving us) is The Fool reversed. A block or delay to a new beginning.  Or to a new journey. It can also be a caution against being foolish or pushing through to start something when the timing isn’t right.  There’s a full moon lunar eclipse in Leo on January 21, so this may not be the most ideal time to start something new.  Give it a week or so.

The card of the present energy is the Queen of Wands reversed. This can be an adult fire sign female (Aries, Sagittarius or Leo). But it doesn’t have to be. Revered this is a difficult woman.  Prone to anger and temper tantrums, yelling when she doesn’t get her way (or even when she does get her way). She’s demanding and commanding and never happy.  If this isn’t an actual person, it can be the energy around us. Nobody seems happy with anything. Everybody is always yelling and ordering people around. That sort of thing.

The future card is the Page of Wands reversed.  This can be a fire sign child under the age of 10-12. Or, somebody who acts like a child.  Younger energy, but still that temper tantrum dynamic at play. Pages are also messengers, so this could be a message about a new endeavor or creative idea or plan that isn’t positive.  Or just a message of some sort of delay to the start of something since pages can also be (to a lesser degree) the start or beginning stage of something.

A lot of blocked energy this week.  Potentially, of course.  If this isn’t energy that is happening directly to us, it can just be around us. But often times, if it’s around us, it’s just as bad (if not worse).  Go easy.  This full moon eclipse in Leo is powerful (given the fiery nature of Leo).  Once this energy passes, it’s all green lights ahead.  All the planets are direct until March 4-5. So the time to move is now. Or, maybe not right now. But after this week.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – January 6, 2019

The card in the past position (the energy we are leaving) is the Ace of Swords reversed. Maybe a lack of victory in some way. Or with something in your life. Or a delay to it. So it doesn’t mean it can’t ever happen, just not right now. Aces start a suit (so they generally suggest new beginnings in some way) and the suit of swords is about thinking, the mind, communication, intellect. So it could be a new idea you wanted to get off the ground…didn’t get off the ground. But this card is about victory. Reversed, it can indicate a block or delay to it.

The card in the present energy is the Six of Pentacles reversed. An inability to give and take. This could be somebody you’re dealing with in your life. Or, just an overall energy. A lack of imbalance when it comes to what you (or somebody else) gives or brings to the situation and what is being taken.

The future card is The Chariot reversed. This can indicate travel plans not going as planned. A delay with them or just not being able to go on a trip. It’s also a card of forward movement and progress. It’s a card of sure direction and being in charge of the direction of things. Reversed, it can indicate that there’s no direction to something. Or, this feeling of chaotic movement. Or that you aren’t in control and that somebody (or something) else is steering the wheel. Or, the chariot as is the case with this card.

Some frustrating energy here, no question. A lot of reversed cards can sometimes indicate stagnant energy. That’s okay. Not every moment in our lives is meant to be about forward progress. Sometimes we need the moments to hang back and observe or to regroup and reassess. Astrologically, there’s also a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn today. Eclipses are new and full moon energy on steroids. So a big (BIG) rush of energy in terms of your vocation or career. What is your anchor in life – those things that are elements of stability. A time to start something new in this area. Maybe these cards are the pause we need before we act on those new beginnings.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week + Oracle Card – December 30, 2018

Because this is a card reading for the week that flows into the next calendar year, this reading and these energies can carry over throughout the year. Think of it as a preview of what the year ahead holds.

The energy we are leaving (the past week, the past year) is the Knight of Pentacles reversed. This can be an earth sign person in their twenties or thirties (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). Knights are about movement and action, but this knight is the slowest moving knight of the deck. He can also be about money or material goods. Tangible goods. Reversed, he may be moving a little faster than usual. Because upright, he’s plodding along.  Which isn’t necessarily bad if it concerns money or your property, right? You want to be methodical and to be thorough about decisions and actions.  But reversed, he’s moving on something. Which is good.

The present energy is the Two of Cups upright. A beautiful card of love and relationships and union. It doesn’t have to be romantic in nature – it can just as easily be a partnership around business or a deepening of a friendship or becoming closer with a family member.  But it’s coming together. It’s love. It’s union.  Beautiful.

The future card is the Nine of Pentacles upright. Which is kind of the opposite of the Two of Cups in a way. This is the “happy single person” card. It shows a woman dressed in a beautiful gown, surrounded by nine pentacles with a bird on her shoulder. I love that this card shows a woman with her pet critter with her.  Pentacles generally refer to money and tangible goods (our stuff).  She’s doing quite well financially and she’s happy. She’s also by herself.  So this can indicate making peace with being single if that is a dynamic in your life. It can indicate success with a private business or a solo venture. j

The oracle card is Here and Now.  It’s about being present in the moment.  Not getting stuck in the past and not being super concerned about the future, but about being content and at peace with this moment, right now. With what you have, right now.  Finding happiness with where you are now. We tend to be very focused on the future at the beginning of a new year. What the next year will hold, the things we’d like to manifest or create, what we’d like to accomplish. But there’s something to be said with just being content with right now.  With all that you have and all that you have already accomplished.

Astrologically speaking, towards the end of this week, all the planets will be direct and they will stay direct for about two months.  There’s no excuse to NOT start that new thing or go after that new goal now. Not just because of a date on the calendar, but also because the universe is giving us all a cosmic push to go after what we want.  It’s about forward moment and forward momentum.  Take advantage of it.   There’s always a period of about 6-8 weeks every (calendar) year where all the planets are direct.  Those weeks/months are the time to GO. And to DO.  It’s not about planning and figuring out and calculating. It’s about doing.  Use this energy – it’s truly a gift from the universe.

Be open to what calls you…


Cosmic Correspondence – Winter Solstice and a Full Moon in Cancer

A lot of energy packed into a few days.  Today, December 21, 2018, is the winter solstice (in the northern hemisphere). It marks the longest night of the year and the shortest day. This season is also known as Yule, if you follow the Wheel of the Year.  The sun is now in Capricorn. Which is where Saturn is, and will stay until 2020. Saturn is at home in Capricorn.  So a grounded, responsible, stable energy.

There will also be a full moon in Cancer on December 22.  Interesting that we have the darkest night of the year followed with this bright full moon.  Cancer is a sensitive, family oriented water sign.  Not at all surprising that this full moon falls around Christmas – when a lot of people are around family.  There may be something coming to completion with this moon concerning family issues. Perhaps a dynamic within a relationship within the family.  Full moons complete a lunar cycle, so they are known as times for finishing and ending.   And, as always, they can bring with them a lot of emotion. So go easy with family and with yourself.

The nodes of the moon are also in Cancer/Capricorn. So this full moon may be felt more strongly by these two signs or by people with a lot of water and/or earth in their chart.  This also kicks off the eclipse season that literally starts at the beginning of 2019. There will be an eclipse in January in Capricorn.  So what happens right around now may highlight some of the issues that may come to the fore at the beginning of 2019.

We also have a conjunction between Jupiter and Mercury. This should be fairly positive with a focus on “living life large.”  Jupiter is currently transiting Sagittarius so travel may be highlighted. So too will be learning or study.  And there may be a tendency to talk about it. Just be careful because there may be too much talking. Where Jupiter goes, so too does expansion and excess.

Light a candle tonight to signify the light that will soon be coming into your life.  After the solstice, the days begin to get longer and brighter.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – December 16, 2018

Good cards this week…

The card in the past position is the Seven of Wands reversed. This card can indicate feeling overwhelmed by something.  Not “on top of it,” but that IT has the higher ground. A good card to get in the past position – it’s energy we are leaving.

The card in the present position is the Nine of Coins upright. This deck (The Golden Tarot by Kat Black) uses coins instead of pentacles.  This is my “happy single person” card. It shows a woman dressed in a beautiful gown, surrounded by nine pentacles/coins with a bird perched on her hand. She’s alone…and she’s happy.  She’s doing well financially, she can provide for herself, and she’s content. I love that this card has her with her pet critter.  This card can suggest that any new business or career or financial ventures are going very well or soon will.

The future card is the Ace of Wands upright.  Aces start  suit and the suit of wands is about our creative endeavors, passions, and the things that excite us.  Aces are about new beginnings. So an exciting new beginning with something that, well, excites you. Something  you’ve always wanted to start or begin (like a hobby or a health regimen) is likely to start now. And if you don’t start it, at least the desire and the plan to start it will form. And all new endeavors have to start first as a plan.  This may be something you are thinking of starting with the new year, too. Or, with the winter solstice.  A change in the seasons is a good time to change things in your daily life as well.  A great card to get in a reading.

Be open to what calls you…


New Year’s Intentions – Your Goals Will Take Time…

The beginning of a new calendar year is a time when we all tend to reflect back on the past year. Things that happened, good and bad. Things we wanted to achieve and did. And the things we wanted to achieve and didn’t.  Then we do it all over again in January. We set forth intentions (resolutions) and plans.  Often,  it’s the end goal we set without thinking about the journey to get there. The plan along the way.  And it’s often because we don’t factor in the time and effort and energy it’s going to take to get to the end goal, that leads us to never fully follow through.

If your goal is to lose 25 pounds in 6 months, you’re going have to set forth small, manageable (key) ways to get there. Saying, I’m going to cut out all sugar and all starch and go to the gym for an hour every morning before work probably isn’t practical.  Try breaking all of that down into smaller, more manageable bits.  Take it two weeks at a time. So for the first two weeks, the goal is going to be to eat one less “serving” of sweets a day. If you eat a muffin or pancakes for breakfast…that’s essentially cake. You’re eating cake for breakfast.  But it’s a blueberry muffin? It’s blueberry cake.  And then you eat a cookie after lunch or grab a handful of candy off your co-workers desk and then nibble on chocolate while watching TV at night. Cut out one of those. Just one. For two weeks.  And tell yourself you’re going to go to the gym one or two days a week for those two weeks.  Every morning isn’t practical unless you’re already doing that.

The next two weeks, if you eat a starchy carb with every meal (and every snack), cut out one.  Toast (or cake) for breakfast, a sandwich or a small pasta dish for lunch, pasta/rice/bread for dinner…cut out one.  Make berries and yogurt your breakfast.  Eat a soup and/or salad for lunch.  Add an extra day at the gym. Or, find another way to incorporate more movement in your day.  Taking the stairs is an easy one if you work in a high rise building.  But I work on the 34th floor, I’m not walking up 34 flights of stairs. No, not at first you’re not.  So get off the elevator on the 32nd floor, that’s two floors up you have to climb. You can do that.  Or, start going to the bathroom on the floor above or below you. It will force you to walk up and down a flight a few times a day. You get the idea.

If your goal is to stop repeating the same cycle in your dating/love life (I keep meeting the  same type of person, they only want one thing, it always starts out great but it moves too fast and then it ends and I’m hurt), set a standard. Set some boundaries.  Know what you want and what you are willing to tolerate. Because what you allow (in the beginning, especially) is what will continue. You teach people how to treat you by what you will put up with and how you treat yourself.  If a guy (it can go either way) asks you to come over to his apartment to watch movies and hang out and you don’t want that, don’t go.  The amount of effort somebody is willing to put in usually shows you how much they value you or care. And “come over to my apartment so we can watch TV and just hang out” is essentially somebody putting in no effort.   You don’t have to lecture or nag or beg. Just say, no thank you, that’s not what I’m looking for.

But if I say no, then I’ll just be alone?  So be alone.  You’re looking for an Audi R8, not a Ford Focus, right?   So it may take a while before you come across one. If you want to settle for the Ford Focus, that’s fine. But don’t complain that it’s giving you problems at 50,000 miles.   And let’s face it: If you don’t want to be alone with yourself, why would anybody else want to?  Don’t settle for anything just to have something.  Know what you want, know what you’re worth and don’t be afraid to wait for it.

If your goal  is to save money by eating more meals at home and not going out so much (and maybe eating as a family, if you have kids), start with one night a week.  Just one. There are seven days in a week, we all can find the time to cook a decent meal one of them. But I don’t know how to cook?  If you know how to read, you know how to cook.  And there are so many great recipes online.  But we all have different schedules?  Somebody is going to have to wait then. Or, maybe dinner will be a little earlier on Wednesdays (or whatever day you pick).  It’s not the end of the world, it will just take a little adjusting. What if it doesn’t turn out good, what if nobody likes it? Then you try again the next week.

I want to be more charitable, I want to help make a difference but I have no idea where to start.   Amazon has Amazon Smile (and you can do this if you have Prime as well). You pick a charity and Amazon automatically donates a few cents every time you buy something to your charity.  You can change it whenever you want. You could do an animal charity for one month, then maybe a health related charity the next month then a disaster relief charity the next month, on and on. Or, just go through your calendar and pick a charity for every month.  Say every month on the 15th, I’m going to donate $20 online to that charity.  Or, $10. Or, $5. Whatever amount you choose.  If you donate $5 a month for 12 months, that’s $60 a year. Almost everybody can sacrifice that.

People often want to focus on the sacrifice but not the reward.  But I have to give up this, I have to no longer eat that, I have to wake up earlier and that’s not comfortable for me. You will have to sacrifice some things. But think about what you’re gaining along the way, because it isn’t just the end goal. It’s all the little steps and lessons and moments of triumph along the journey.  Losing 25 pounds over night wouldn’t be nearly as rewarding as slowly seeing the numbers on the scale drop every week or so.  Or, putting that dress on and realizing it fits now and it didn’t before.  Those little moments along the way are what are exciting and what motivate us to keep going.  Realizing at the end of a month how much extra money you have because you didn’t go out to eat as much.  Also realizing you CAN cook and it’s actually relaxing and can even be fun.  Or being proud of yourself for standing up for yourself and telling some guy (as good looking and funny and whatever as he may be) that you don’t want to go over to his place and whatever (something you’ll probably regret the next morning).  You get to walk away with your head held high knowing you’re one step closer to finding what you DO want and not wasting your time with somebody who just wants to waste your time right back.

Astrologically, 2019 starts with eclipses. So the universe is giving us all that push to take away what doesn’t serve us. So now you can use that time/space/energy for what really does.

I’m not saying any of these things is easy, but they are worth it. So set your intentions for the next year and make a practical plan to follow through. Small steps you can take to get what you want. Accept that it’s going to feel a little uncomfortable. This fear of being uncomfortable is really a first world problem – people all over the world are uncomfortable all the time  and often,  they don’t have a choice.  This discomfort won’t last forever.  Push through it. And enjoy all those little moments of small accomplishment along the way.  So when 2019 comes to an end and you look back, you’ll be proud of yourself for truly following through with what you intended.  You’ll be 25 pounds lighter, have more money in the bank and have that Audi R8 (or, at least be closer to getting it).

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – December 8, 2018

The card in the past position is the Seven of Wands upright.  Struggle and tension and conflict…but…you’re on top of it. You can handle it. This is my “I got this” card.  It can also indicate a little bit of a defensive posture regarding some issue or endeavor. But whatever it is, it’s something you can handle.

The card in the present position is the Page of Wands reversed. Pages can be children under 10-12. This suit also corresponds to fire sign energy – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. But it doesn’t have to be.  Pages are also messengers.   So this can be a less-than-welcome message regarding a new passion or creative endeavor. Maybe a delay.  It can also be a child throwing a temper tantrum. Oran adult actin like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

The future card is the Ace of Swords. Aces start a suit and this is the suit of communication, intellect, ideas, the mind, thinking. It also corresponds to the air signs – Libra, Gemini, Aquarius.  So a brand new start to something.  Maybe the way you see something or think about something.  A new perspective. This is also a card of victory.

So we transition from some struggle to victory.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – December 2, 2018

The card in the past position is The Devil reversed.  A good card to get reversed. It can indicate you finally overcoming your weakness. Or weaknesses, plural. Whatever had a hold on you, you are gaining strength over and overcoming.  This is also the card of Capricorn. So it could be that you are somehow dealing with a Capricorn in your life. Possibly, leaving them.

The card in the present position is the Queen of Wands upright.  She can be a fire sign adult woman – Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. But she doesn’t have to be.  She’s in control. She knows what she wants and knows how to get it. And if she doesn’t know how to get it, she’ll find a way.  She’s dynamic and high energy.  If this isn’t an actual person in your life, it’s this energy.

The future card is the Three of Swords upright. A card of heart break. Emotional pain. And because it’s a “3” card it can sometimes indicate a third party situation in a relationship.

I drew a card after this because I hate to end on such an upsetting note. And that card is The World. So it could be that after this break up or this emotional hurt, everything you want is then on offer. Or, it is finally received.  Things sometimes work that way. If your arms are full, you can’t carry anything else. So you have to put a bag down.  So, too, with people and emotions. If you let go, it opens the door for things to come to you.

Be open to what calls you…


Oracle Card of the Month – December 2018


I’m using the Oracle of Mystical Moments. This is a card of being a little daring and a little adventurous. And trusting that you’ll be okay. It’s not being reckless, but going a little out of your comfort zone.  That’s where growth and learning come from.

Be open to what calls you…
