Tarot Card Reading of the Week – April 7, 2019

The card in  the past is the Knight of Swords upright. Knights are about action and movement. And the suit of swords is about our mind, our thoughts, and communication. This suit also corresponds to the air sign people – Libra, Gemini, Aquarius.  So there may be a new way of thinking about something in your life.  Or a new way of talking about something. How you frame the context of the conversation. It could involve an air sign person as well. But not always.

The card in the present energy is the Ten of Pentacles upright.  Financial security and stability. This is sometimes referred to as the “happy retirement” card. Because it reflects that state of finally reaching a place (with regard to your money) that you don’t have to worry any more.   And the freedom that comes with financial security as well.  Before you think, well, I’m not wealthy and I can’t retire until about 5 years after I die…maybe this card is suggesting that you start taking a closer look at your finances.  Or maybe, things aren’t as “bad” as you think they are.  Are you a billionaire? Maybe not. But do you have everything you really need. Which is a lot more than so many people.

The future card is Death reversed.  This card isn’t about dying – it’s about transformation. Very significant transformation. And this card reversed suggests that that isn’t happening. There’s a block or delay to transformation. This can be speaking to any area of your life, too. But since it’s a major arcana card, it’s likely talking about a pretty important area.  And it doesn’t mean change or transformation will never happen. It just means right now there’s some sort of block around this. So if there’s an area of your life that you’ve been hoping would transform…it may not happen as quickly or as soon as you’d like.

Astrologically speaking, we just had a New Moon in Aries on April 5.  Aries is the sign that starts the zodiac  (in western astrology) and it’s a fire sign. So anything Aries related means there’s a lot of energy involved.  An ideal time to start something new or plant seeds you’d like to see grow and develop into something new.  But the day you plant the seed is not the day you harvest the fruit. So give it some time.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – March 10, 2019

The card in the past energy (energy that is leaving and on its way out) is the Nine of Wands upright. This can be a card of being a little (or a lot) defensive.  It’s about suspicion and not trusting. Also a card of being battle tested and battle weary.  I imagine the man in the card almost daring whoever he’s looking at to come at him.  He’s not afraid to stand up for what he believes in or what he’s fighting for.   So a little tension with this card. Good that it’s on its way out.

The card in the present energy is The High Priestess. One of my favorite cards in the deck…she’s an oracle. She’s a source of wisdom and insight that people seek out. She can be a little mystical and have this magical aura about her. Having said that, she can also be a little mysterious.  She’s also a reminder for all of us to trust our own intuition and our own inner guidance. So you may be receiving a message or a nudge from the universe to go in a certain direction. Don’t ignore that.  And don’t be afraid to trust it.

The card in the future position is the Four of Wands upright. A very positive card – it’s about stability and happiness in a relationship.  It can indicate a celebration of some sort – perhaps an engagement or a happy homecoming. Or a marriage/wedding.  The number four is one of stability (think of four legs to a chair or table). So it’s happiness and stability within a relationship. And it’s the stability that’s key here.  Happiness isn’t too hard to come by. Happiness coupled with stability…a little harder to find.

We have a Full Moon in Libra coming up on March 20, 2019. Full moons are often a lunation of completion or finishing.  Ending, perhaps.  Everybody always thinks an ending is a bad thing. But if the engagement phase of a relationship is ending and the married part is beginning…that’s not so bad.   The sign of Libra is all about beauty, balance and truth. And it rules the seventh house of committed partnership and marriage. So there could be a significant ending (and therefore, a new beginning) within a relationship in your life.   Or it could be that this full moon is simply shining a light on a particular dynamic within a relationship.  Hopefully, shining a light on the path to happiness and stability.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – March 3, 2019

The card in the past energy (what we are leaving) is the King of Pentacles reversed. This can be an earth sign person – Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo. But it doesn’t have to be. And the suit of pentacles is all about money and material goods.  Upright, this card would indicate an earth sign person who is very money savvy.  Or, who jus might have a lot of money. But he’s smart with it.  Reversed, we may have a person who is irresponsible with money or their resources.  Their save-to-spend ratio is a little off. Or…a lot off.  And they can be stubborn and defensive and difficult when confronted with this. Or with anything they don’t want to listen to or hear. If this isn’t a person, it can be the energy this card represents. Maybe you’ve just been spending more than you’d like the past week or so. Maybe you found out you won’t be getting a tax refund…and you were hoping for one. And you spent money assuming you’d get one. It’s energy in the past, energy we are leaving. Which is good.

The present energy is the Three of Wands upright.  Waiting for your ship to come in.  Whatever work or effort you’ve put towards something, you’re waiting for the payoff.  For the good to come back to you. And you can see it, but it’s out there at sea.  So you have to wait. This card can be indicating that patience is needed.  It’s there, it’s coming. Just be patient.

The future card is the Page of Swords reversed. Pages can be children under the age of 10-12. Or people who act like children.   The suit of swords corresponds to air sign people – Libra, Gemini, Aquarius.  Pages are also messengers. So this could literally be a child (air sign or not) who is being a little mouthy.  Either to you or to others. Saying things that are hurtful or that you don’t tolerate.  This card is also considered the gossip card.  And it’s not positive gossip. Is there such a thing?  But it’s negative gossip. Spreading rumors, saying things to demean and hurt, or just outright lying. Unfortunately, this exists everywhere for most of us. If it’s not at work, it’s where we live. Or among certain circles of friends. Clubs or organizations we belong to.  Remember that you cannot control other people. What they say or what they do. You can only control your reaction and your response to things.  People often use gossip as a way to feel a sense of power or control. And that’s often because they feel powerless in their own lives.  Keep that in mind.

Astrologically speaking, Mercury goes retrograde from March 5-March 25. Give or take about a week on either end.  So communication is bound to be a bit of a mess.  Mixed messages, things not sent or received, and lots of misunderstanding.  It won’t last forever (thankfully).

The saying, I believe none of what I hear and half of what I see.  That may come into play a little this week as well.

Be open to what calls you…


The Big Three…

Something to look forward to. Somebody to look up too. Something to chase.

Those are The Big Three.  These are things we should always be asking ourselves in our lives.  And they are things we should always strive to have, or be striving to attain. Without any sort of forward focus, our lives can become boring (to say the least). But more than that, there won’t be any growth. Anything to strive for. And it’s always the struggle that brings the growth.

The other thing to consider when asking yourself what these things are for yourself is to keep the focus on yourself. That might sound obvious, but we tend to shift the focus of our own growth and evolution to those around us. Our kids, let’s say. Or our friends or the people in our lives.  I’ve asked people to name these things for me and almost always, one of them will involve their kids. They’re looking forward to their birthday. Or their graduation. Or their awards ceremony.  Or something that their spouse or significant other is going through.  Their promotion. Their raise.  And while we should find happiness in the success and happiness of those around us and those we love, we shouldn’t lose focus on ourselves.

We need our own individual goals and aspirations independent of those around us. We need our own goals for our own growth.  Our soul’s evolution.

And these Big Three should be changing, too.  Because the idea isn’t to put something on the list that’s so far out in the future, but rather something attainable  relatively soon. Within the year, let’s say. If you’re 35, you shouldn’t have the thing you look forward to being retirement.  Unless you plan on retiring at 36.   And you can have several things in each category, too. There can be several things you look forward to.  Lots of things you look forward to and lots of goals you are chasing.  I always have several people I look up to at any given time.  Different people for different things.

They say the happiest people are the ones who always have something they’re working on and working towards. People with goals and aspirations  for themselves. Just because we get married or have kids, the focus shouldn’t shift completely away from our own individual happiness and growth.  How can we possibly be a source of happiness for others if we aren’t happy and fulfilled on our own? How do we encourage our children to have goals and aspirations if we don’t have any for ourselves? You can’t pour from an empty cup.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week and Oracle Card of the month Ahead – February 24, 2019

The card in the past position is the Page of Swords reversed. Good that he’s the energy that’s leaving because he can be a bit of  gossip. And in a malicious way.  Pages can be children under the age of 10-12. Or people who act like children.  There also messengers. Hence, the malicious messages or gossip.

The card in the present position is the Knight of Swords upright.  Another swords card…so a lot of mental energy. Thoughts, the mind, communication.  Mercury will be retrograde March 5-28. So we’re in the shadow period right now.  Mercury retrogrades are infamous for a lot of things, but one of them is problems with communication. Knights are about movement and action.  So there could be some communication that comes in swiftly or from out of nowhere. The card is upright, so it doesn’t feel like bad communication.  The suit of swords also corresponds to the air signs – Libra, Gemini, Aquarius. These people may be playing a role in your life.  This can also indicate a quick way of thinking about something.  You finally come up with a plan of action, let’s say. Or figure out a way to approach something.

The future card is Temperance reversed.  A lack of balance. A lack of moderation. Keep in mind that energy is always shifting. So just because that’s the energy now doesn’t mean it will stay that way forever.  But there may be an area of your life or a dynamic within it that will feel a little out of sorts.  Flow with it and don’t try to fight it.  As I mentioned before, a Mercury retrograde can have that feeling to it.

The oracle card for the month of March is Transformation.  I’m using the Oracle of Mystical Moments deck by Catrin Weiz-Stein.  So significant change. Or change in an important area of our life.  A positive card.  A butterfly features prominently on the card which reminds us of the transformation a caterpillar makes into a butterfly.  Significant and truly beautiful.

Be open to what calls you…


Books I Love – The Secret Keys of Conjure

This is a book by Chas Bogan.  It’s about hoodoo.  Sometimes called “Granny Magic” or “Folk Magic.”

Great at covering the main topics in spell/ritual work: good luck, protection, healing, love, wealth, charms, dreams, incense, herb blends, washes and oils.  And  it is easy to read. It’s also good to use as a reference book. I tend to use a lot of these books as reference material – I tag the pages if there’s a certain area I tend to research and use more than others. And it can be read and used that way. It also does a good job of offering up some history around each of these topics.  Which can help with understanding and just general knowledge.

I bought this book off of Amazon and I’m glad I did. If folk magic is something your’e interested in or want to further develop in your own practice, this book will not disappoint.

Be open to what calls you…



Cosmic Correspondence – Full Moon in Virgo, Mercury and Venus active in the sky…

A tremendous amount of energy going in in the sky this week.  Settle in…

The Sun leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces. Just as this happens, there will be a full moon in Virgo.  So a shift with the “big” energy in terms of the sun. We move from an air sign (big on communication and intellect) and to into a water sign (big on emotions and creativity).  That a broad brush stroke, but you get the idea.  Pisces is ruled by Neptune – known for being hazy and foggy and sensitive and creative and “can we all just get along.”   But also known to be prone to delusion and escapism. Often, though means that aren’t healthy (substance abuse, namely).

Full moons are times of completion and accomplishment. The ending of a cycle. And with all endings come new beginnings. Which could be this shift in sun-sign energy. It can also be a shift towards something more structured and stable.  And maybe a little detailed and meticulous.

Mercury rules Virgo (and Gemini) and Mercury will be active this week as well. Entering shadow and soon to go retrograde, now is the time to tie up loose ends when it comes to big (expensive) purchases, get travel plans finalized and as settled as you can, and to send off any important messages.  Once Mercury goes retrograde, all of that (and more) can become a chaotic mess.  Not an ideal time to travel if you can help it, or to buy expensive things (or tech things) or to sign important contracts or documents (like buying a house or a car or starting a new job).  Again, if you can help it. Life happens and we can’t all live our lives according to planetary transits.

Mercury is also going to sextile Neptune (a good aspect) and Pluto will get involved. Which is good because almost anything with Neptune is bound to be dreamy and “other-worldly” and will need a little bit of grounding.  Pluto, if nothing else, is good for a heady dose of reality.

Mercury will also square Jupiter. A square is a placement of tension. So this can indicate a tendency towards expecting too much.  Or, promising too much. Yourself or others.  And we may not be doing it on purpose. It’s easy to get caught up in emotions. Just be mindful that this may be going on around you or within you.

Venus is also going to be active this week. She’s going to be dancing with Saturn and Neptune.  So we may be taking a look at where we are in our lives with regard to love and relationships and money.  Now, it’s one thing to just be aware of where you are with these things. As in, I’m not happy. It’s another to take the time to really evaluate WHY and to take steps (or at least formulate a plan) towards fixing this.  Keep in mind that “fixing” things can sometimes mean replacing.  If the transmission in your car is going, you can keep putting money in it to get it working. But, depending on what the problem is, it will only fix it for a little while. Then the problem will resurface. Sometimes, worse than it was in the beginning. Sometimes, you just have to get a new transmission. Or…a new car.  I’ll leave that example there for you to fill in the gaps…

Venus and Pluto will also have an exchange that can leave us feeling or experiencing something that feels overwhelming. Overpowering.   And we can feel as if we are attracting fated experiences. Because Venus is involved, this could concern itself with relationships.  We learn the most about ourselves through our relationships with other people.  My advice to most people with almost everything is to go slow.  I say “almost” because sometimes when an opportunity presents itself you need to grab it.  Too much thinking and list making and discussing…and the opportunity won’t be there. But for most situations, going slow won’t really hurt you.   It’s easier to catch yourself if you find yourself going down a path you don’t want to go. You can correct it. If you’ve ever tried to park a car in a tight spot, you know that it’s a lot of moving forward a few inches, moving back a few inches, moving forward a few inches, repeat, until you get in the spot.   If you try to rush into it, you may hit the car (or wall) next to you and it will be hard (if not impossible) to correct the mistake before it’s made. Go slow and you’re more likely to fit in the spot and not hit anything.

So go slow. Go easy.  Feel what you’re  feeling (that’s why feelings are there…to teach you something) but don’t rush anything. What is truly meant for you won’t pass you by.  And if it does, it will come back around. The universe has a way of making sure we get what is ours…good or bad.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – February 17, 2019

Back from vacation…

The card in the past position (the energy leaving us) is the Four of Swords upright. Interesting because this card presented for my Tarot Card of the Week in my sister blog, The Smiling Raven.  Only there, it was reversed. Here it’s upright. It’s about going within. This is my adult “time out” card. So the energy leaving us is that quiet, introspective energy.

The card in the present energy is the Four of Wands upright. One of the best cards in the deck. It’s about happiness around the home. It can indicate an engagement or a wedding. Or just a happy homecoming. It’s about joy and love. It’s also a “four” card and “fours” tend to suggest stability. Think of four legs to a chair or four legs to a table.  So stability within relationships or within the home.

The energy coming in is the Three of Cups reversed.  This card can indicate a few things. It can indicate an end to that happiness and togetherness that the Four of Wands speaks too.  So a block or a delay to this.  It can be something as minor as a plan to get together with friends after  work and something comes up and the date/event has to be canceled and rescheduled. It can indicate too much partying as well.  Perhaps a struggle with substances. If not with you, then perhaps with somebody around you. It can also indicate (in a relationship or love reading) a third party situation.

Remember that energy is always shifting.  The good and the bad. So what is good right now, may not be good late on. And what is bad or situation of struggle right now, will likely not be the same in the future as well.  There’s a lot of astrological shifts going on this week (I’ll post on it) so this could also be related to all of this. Venus is making interesting aspects to Saturn and Neptune and Pluto.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – January 20, 2019

The card in the past position (the energy leaving us) is The Fool reversed. A block or delay to a new beginning.  Or to a new journey. It can also be a caution against being foolish or pushing through to start something when the timing isn’t right.  There’s a full moon lunar eclipse in Leo on January 21, so this may not be the most ideal time to start something new.  Give it a week or so.

The card of the present energy is the Queen of Wands reversed. This can be an adult fire sign female (Aries, Sagittarius or Leo). But it doesn’t have to be. Revered this is a difficult woman.  Prone to anger and temper tantrums, yelling when she doesn’t get her way (or even when she does get her way). She’s demanding and commanding and never happy.  If this isn’t an actual person, it can be the energy around us. Nobody seems happy with anything. Everybody is always yelling and ordering people around. That sort of thing.

The future card is the Page of Wands reversed.  This can be a fire sign child under the age of 10-12. Or, somebody who acts like a child.  Younger energy, but still that temper tantrum dynamic at play. Pages are also messengers, so this could be a message about a new endeavor or creative idea or plan that isn’t positive.  Or just a message of some sort of delay to the start of something since pages can also be (to a lesser degree) the start or beginning stage of something.

A lot of blocked energy this week.  Potentially, of course.  If this isn’t energy that is happening directly to us, it can just be around us. But often times, if it’s around us, it’s just as bad (if not worse).  Go easy.  This full moon eclipse in Leo is powerful (given the fiery nature of Leo).  Once this energy passes, it’s all green lights ahead.  All the planets are direct until March 4-5. So the time to move is now. Or, maybe not right now. But after this week.

Be open to what calls you…


Tarot Card Reading of the Week – January 6, 2019

The card in the past position (the energy we are leaving) is the Ace of Swords reversed. Maybe a lack of victory in some way. Or with something in your life. Or a delay to it. So it doesn’t mean it can’t ever happen, just not right now. Aces start a suit (so they generally suggest new beginnings in some way) and the suit of swords is about thinking, the mind, communication, intellect. So it could be a new idea you wanted to get off the ground…didn’t get off the ground. But this card is about victory. Reversed, it can indicate a block or delay to it.

The card in the present energy is the Six of Pentacles reversed. An inability to give and take. This could be somebody you’re dealing with in your life. Or, just an overall energy. A lack of imbalance when it comes to what you (or somebody else) gives or brings to the situation and what is being taken.

The future card is The Chariot reversed. This can indicate travel plans not going as planned. A delay with them or just not being able to go on a trip. It’s also a card of forward movement and progress. It’s a card of sure direction and being in charge of the direction of things. Reversed, it can indicate that there’s no direction to something. Or, this feeling of chaotic movement. Or that you aren’t in control and that somebody (or something) else is steering the wheel. Or, the chariot as is the case with this card.

Some frustrating energy here, no question. A lot of reversed cards can sometimes indicate stagnant energy. That’s okay. Not every moment in our lives is meant to be about forward progress. Sometimes we need the moments to hang back and observe or to regroup and reassess. Astrologically, there’s also a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn today. Eclipses are new and full moon energy on steroids. So a big (BIG) rush of energy in terms of your vocation or career. What is your anchor in life – those things that are elements of stability. A time to start something new in this area. Maybe these cards are the pause we need before we act on those new beginnings.

Be open to what calls you…
