Psychic and tarot readings available….stay tuned….
Tarot Card Reading of the Week November 17, 2019 and Planet Post Up
The card in the past energy is the Queen of Swords upright. She can be an air sign female – Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. But it doesn’t have to be an actual person. It can just be this energy…energy of clear communication. Saying what you mean and meaning what you say.
The present energy is The Moon reversed. Something that was once hidden is coming to light. A secret perhaps. Also letting go of fear and anxiety. This is a good card to get reversed.
The future energy is the Three of Cups upright. Celebration and party. Enjoying good times out with friends and family. The holiday season is upon us so this will likely be a somewhat common theme for a lot of us. Thanksgiving, office parties, on and on.
Mercury goes direct on Wednesday. An end to communication problems, travel delays, things breaking and not working, tech issues, difficulties and blockages in general. Go ahead and buy those expensive things and sign those important documents. Welcome in this fresh energy.
Mars also goes into Scorpio. A placement he is comfortable with. A good time to move things forward as well.
And Venus and Jupiter have their conjunction on November 24. Some consider this the most romantic day of the year. But let’s go ahead and call it a good weekend. If romance isn’t in the cards for you, it’s a weekend of good luck and good energy. Feeling good and feeling positive. Enjoy it.
Be open to what calls you…
Tarot Card Reading of the Week – October 27, 2019
The card in the past energy is the Eight of Swords reversed. No longer feeling trapped. No longer feeling blind and bound by a situation. Or a person. This is a card you want to get reversed. And better still that this stuck/unstuck energy is energy we are leaving behind.
The present energy is Queen of Pentacles upright. She can be an earth sign female – Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. But she doesn’t have to be. This is a person (or an energy) that is responsible and stable. Guided by logic and reason and practicality. She’s good with money, good with the home. Again, if this isn’t a person in your life, it may just be an energy you are working with or that is around you.
The card in the future energy is Strength reversed. Don’t forget about your own inner power as the week progresses. We all find ourselves in this place from time to time in our lives. Feeling weak or defeated. Perhaps even physically weak or ill. We all possess an inner power within us that is far strong than we realize. It’s okay to question your capability about or around something – just don’t stay there.
A new moon in Scorpio on October 27 should help to propel us into a new week. New moons are a wonderful time for new beginnings. We just need to try to wrap up any loose ends because Mercury goes retrograde until November 20 or so. That can bring communication issues, travel delays, technical and mechanical difficulties and the “return” of something. Or someone. For us to review again.
Be open to what calls you…
Tarot Card Reading of the Week – September 15, 2019
The card in the past energy is the Nine of Cups reversed. Maybe that long held wish came true and it has you feeling a little…this is it? It can be a feeling of being underwhelmed by something that you thought would be more than it is. It’s like when you’ve always wanted a certain kind of car and you finally get it and within a few hours or days, you’re thinking, this is it? I thought I’d be…happier. Or happier longer.
The present energy is The Hermit reversed. A little too reclusive. It’s one thing to seek some solitude and alone time to figure things out. But when you stop seeing your friends altogether or stop going out or doing the things you love, then it can be unhealthy. We all go through this from time to time. It’s just important to not stay in that alone place for too long.
The future card is the Six of Swords reversed. Not moving from where you are to some place better. It can also speak about travel in a very direct and literal way. So maybe a trip gets canceled or postponed. But it can also be just not moving from this place where you are to something better. It can be because of outside forces (you don’t get hired for a new job or you don’t get a promotion) or something within (not applying for the new job or promotion because of fear).
Three reversals here which can indicate some stuck energy, a little like that Six of Swords reversed. That’s okay. There are times when we shouldn’t move and do and we need to stay still and think and observe. This may be one of those times. It won’t last forever. Think of it as the universe putting us in time out for a week.
Be open to what calls you…
Tarot Card Reading of the Week – August 18, 2019
The card of the past energy (the energy we are leaving) is the Five of Cups upright. The phrase “don’t cry over spilled milk” comes to mind with this card. Three cups are knocked over, but two cups are still upright. So something has been lost, but not all. There’s still some good there for you. So focus on that. Don’t focus on what’s gone.
The card in the present energy is the Ten of Cups upright. The number ten completes a suit in the traditional tarot. The suit of cups is about relationships, love, feelings and emotions. So this card is the ultimate in happiness within family and within love and emotion. The “happily ever after” card. A sense of peace and balance and contentment with love and within the home.
The future card is The Chariot reversed. A major arcana card. This can be about not moving forward, no progress. Or it’s progress without a clear direction. So the forward movement (if there is any) is chaotic and without a plan. So there may be a block or delay to moving forward in some area of your life. It doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen. Just that right now, there’s a block or a delay around it. It could also be a Cancer person in your life who is being a little difficult. This card corresponds to the astrological sign of Cancer.
Don’t let The Chariot reversed get you nervous. It’s rare when all the energy is positive and forward moving. There needs to be a little challenge to keep us growing and evolving. And to keep it interesting.
Be open to what calls you…
Cosmic Correspondence – Direct and Retrograde
August 11, 2019 will bring some shifting energy. Two planets are going direct and one is going retrograde. Let’s talk about it.
Mercury is officially out of shadow and is now direct. Mercury retrogrades can cause hiccups and glitches in all sorts of areas of our lives. Our communication, travel, purchases, signing contracts, how machines work…on and on. So when he goes direct, it’s this breath of fresh air and a feeling of things progressing again.
Jupiter is also direct in his home sign of Sagittarius. This is great news for Sagittarius people, but it’s good news for all of us. The great gift giver of the universe is now moving forward again. Find out where you have Jupiter in your natal chart and you will see what area of your life Jupiter is going to start bringing gifts and expansion.
But one planet is now going retrograde, Uranus. And he’s going to be going backward until January 10, 2020. Get ready for some karmic lessons. Get ready for some major shift that might seem to come out of nowhere. Or, at the very least, be unexpected. So be it. We need that to happen sometimes because we won’t cause that shift in our lives on our own. So the universe steps in and does it for us.
We also have a full moon coming up in Aquarius on August 15. Full moons are always times of completion and accomplishment. A time to give thanks for what the past lunar cycle has brought to your life. But a time of endings as well. Release what doesn’t serve you or what isn’t working in your life. Think of it as shedding excess weight. It won’t help you or serve you to carry it. It just weighs you down.
Welcome the shifts. Welcome the change. Flow with it. The universe is moving you where you need to be and is teaching you lessons for your greatest and highest good.
Be open to what calls you…
Tarot Card Reading of the Week – August 11, 2019
The card in the past position (the energy we are leaving) is The Fool reversed. This can be a block or delay to starting something new. Or, being outright foolish about something. So maybe the new thing has already begun. Or maybe you’ve gotten a little smarter about the approach you want to take or the direction you want to go in.
The card in the present energy is the Queen of Swords reversed. She can be an air sign adult female – Libra, Gemini, Aquarius. Although she doesn’t have to be. This is a woman who can be a little sharp with her tongue. She can use her words to hurt and to cut. It can also just indicate an energy of difficult communication.
The future energy is The Hierophant upright. This is the card for Taurus – so this energy or a Taurus person may figure into your life in some way. This is a card of convention. About tradition. It can also be a card of marriage. But doing things the conventional way. And of government agency in some instances.
So maybe we’re moving from foolish decisions that are a little too outside the box towards something a little more tried-and-true.
Be open to what calls you…
Tarot Card of the Week – July 14, 2019
We start out a little….rough with the Eight of Swords upright. Being blind and bound. Trapped. Not being able to see something or escape it. This is often a card of being caught up in the mind with something, too. So be aware of that – whatever you “think” you’re trapped in…you’re really not.
The present energy is the Ten of Wands reversed. Letting go of a burden or a responsibility. Maybe it’s something that you had no business carrying to begin with and you realize it and let it go. Or maybe somebody else comes in and helps relieve you of something. Either way, it’s letting go of it. It can also be not taking responsibility for something.
The future card is the Page of Swords reversed. This can be harsh words coming your way. Maybe even gossip. And not in a good way.
We’re right in the middle of eclipses. There was a new moon solar eclipse in Cancer earlier this month and we’re coming right up on a full moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn tomorrow. So there’s a lot (a lot…I can’t stress that enough) of shifting energy. So go easy this week. Energy doesn’t last forever, good or bad. So if it’s not so great this week, hold fast. It likely won’t be the same next week.
Be open to what calls you…
Tarot Card Reading of the Week – May 26, 2019
The card in the past position is Temperance reversed. A lack of balance. A lack of moderation with something. Something too extreme. Swinging too far in one direction. It’s in the past direction – so it’s energy leaving us.
The card in the present position is the Six of Cups upright. This can be a soul mate card. It can also be about friends from the past – perhaps from our childhood. Although it doesn’t have to go back that far. It could just be somebody we haven’t heard from in a while. A lovely card. It’s about kindness and kindred spirits.
The card in the future position is the Two of Wands upright. Any time there’s a two card, it can (not always) indicate choice in some way. Or, dealing with two of something – obviously. Wands are about things we are excited about or things we are passionate about. Two new hobbies, maybe. Or a job and a hobby. It comes right after the Ace of Wands so there’s a newness and a freshest to this card. The beginning of something exciting.
Good cards this week. We’re leaving some energy that lacked balance and we’re headed towards something new and exciting. Nothing bad about that…
Be open to what calls you…
Oracle Card of the Month – May 2019
Happy, Happy.
Does it get better than that? Do I need to explain this card and its meaning? I will anyway. It’s about happiness and being content. And happiness often goes hand-in-hand with peace. It’s hard to be happy if you’re not at peace with yourself or your life. So a good card for the month ahead. If may doesn’t start out this way, that’s okay. As the month progresses, things should be feeling lighter and lighter. And you should be feeling happier and happier.
Be open to what calls you…