Saturn Retrograde

Saturn started his retrograde through Aquarius. This will last until October 10.

The lord of karma, responsibility, restriction and life lessons. Expect some shifts with this transit. Especially for fixed signs – Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. But we’re all going to experience some change.

Get clear on what you want. And why. And find a way to merge discipline and your end goal. And flow through the changes…

New Moon in Taurus

It will be on May 11. The effects from a full or nee moon can be felt 2-3 days before the lunation is exact.

New moons are ideal for new beginnings. This is a good time for a fresh approach to diet or fitness or finances. Taurus is ruled by Venus. She’s all about love and romance and diplomacy…and pretty things. And those pretty things cost money.

Fresh starts. New beginnings. Manifest what you want into your reality.


May 1 is Beltane. A time of year marked by blessings and new beginnings. So welcome in this new energy in your own life.

You can light a white candle, sprinkle flower petals around it and meditate on what rebirth and renewal mean for you.

Also a nice time to manifest fresh starts if that’s what you’d like to bring into your reality.

Blessings to all of you…

Pluto Retrograde

This cycle that will last until the beginning of October is all about power. Reclaiming it, finding it, owning it….knowing it.

Expect some significant shifts in your life and in the world as a whole. These shifts are necessary to propel us forward.

Death and rebirth – that’s what Pluto is all about. We can all expect some death and rebirth in our own lives over the next few months.

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Monthly Oracle and tarot card readings. As well as additional content on manifesting, and working with moon cycles.

Tiers start as low as $4 a month. An easy, affordable way to get useful audio content to help guide you every month.

Full Moon in Scorpio

An ideal time to let go of what isn’t serving you, what you want to release. Toxic relationships, bad habits, negative ways of thinking. Expect some intensity with this lunation as Scorpio is the most intense sign of the zodiac.

Ask the universe to help you let go. And it shall be done…

What is on offer?

The long game goal for all of us should be to be able to give to others. A talent, a service, a gift. Find out what your gift is and find a way to share that. That will be true, lasting fulfillment. Don’t chase the money because money runs. Chase fulfillment. That will last a lifetime…

Sun enters Taurus

We leave the dynamics, fiery sign of Aries as the sun moves into Taurus. Ruled by Venus, this is an energy that loves creature comforts.

Mercury also joins the Taurus party. Generally speaking, communication should be a little less fiery. Or angry. Welcome some diplomacy and calm.

All planets are still direct until Pluto goes retrograde in April 27. Expect some significant transformations and shifts with that retrograde. It will last until October 6.

Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy for readings

I offer psychic readings, tarot card readings, and pendulum readings. You can choose from an email format, a phone reading or a zoom reading. I also sell crystal charm bags. I’m always offering monthly sales.

I’m also on Patreon. Visit me there to find monthly Oracle readings and tarot card readings.

See you all there…!!

Moon in Cancer

We may have an emotional few days ahead as the moon is now in her home sign of Cancer. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Just don’t be surprised if you’re a little stuck in your feelings.