Honoring Your Ancestors

October 31 and November 1 are ideal days to honor your ancestors. There are so many simple ways to do this, too. From lighting a candle in simple reverence to having a Dumb Supper.

The Dumb Supper is eating dinner in silence. There are some pretty elaborate ways to do this. But a simple way is to set an extra place at the table, and to eat in silence. Invite your ancestors to share the meal with you. Give thanks for their presence.

Another simple way to venerate your ancestors is to simply light a candle. If you have an alter, even better. Pictures of them (just them, not them and you together), offerings of water and a favorite drink or food. Fresh flowers, incense, and a candle.

But if you don’t have the whole alter set up, a simple candle is enough. It’s your intent and the thoughts behind your actions that are the important thing.

You can also just sit in quiet meditation for a few minutes. Be open to receiving guidance and insight from them. Or if you are a tarot reader, an ancestor or Samhain spread may help open the doors to communication.

There is never an inappropriate time for reverence and gratitude. So too with honoring our ancestors. Welcome in communication and guidance and insight.

Happy Samhain….Happy Halloween….

Monthly Tarot Card Reading Subscription

Now available on my Etsy shop. A monthly tarot subscription where you get four mini weekly tarot readings, and two specific i questions a month. I’ll provide longer readings for the two specific questions.

This is ideal if you know you’ll be dealing with a challenging month ahead. Or if you just like consistent weekly guidance.

Visit the shop today!

YouTube Channel!!!

I now have a YouTube channel – OracleIndigo Tarot Readings. Join me there for weekly tarot readings for the signs grouped by element (fire, earth, air, water).

I look forward to reading for all of you….

Full Moon in Aries

There’s a full moon in Aries today. Some tension may be felt with this lunation. Aries is “me” and it’s counter is Libra, the sign of “we.”

Aries also starts the zodiac. So it may be time for you to really go after what you want. Sometimes putting ME ahead of WE is a good thing. A necessary thing. You have to be whole and fulfilled before you can offer that to another in relationship.

Bless what leaves your life as well as what comes in. It’s coming and going for a reason.

Pluto and Saturn Direct

This month in October we see four planets go direct. Pluto already did and Saturn did today. These are two outer planets with some heavy themes. Death and rebirth and responsibility, karma and restriction.

Mercury will go direct on October 18. As the month of October moved along, the energy will as well. That stuck feeling should fade away. And things should start to feel like they’re moving and progressing again.

Sun in Libra

Happy equinox! The sun moved into Libra today heralding a change of seasons. We welcome in beauty, balance and truth. As well as a little romance and diplomacy. Not bad, right? Libra can be flighty and can have a hard time making a decision. It’s because they see all sides to things. And want to do what’s fair and right.

Mercury will go retrograde in Libra from September 27 through October 18 (give or take a few days). So relationships may come into focus. And all the usual Mercury retrograde issues. Communication will be tested, expect travel delays, mechanical and tech things to not work.

But overall, a calming energy with the sun in Libra. Which, I think, we can all use.

Venus in Scorpio

Expect passionate experiences with this transit. And not just in love and romance. Our emotions are heightened with this placement.

Of course, this can be positive or negative. Depending on how you use the energy and channel it. Use that passion to create and to get motivated. Try to not get caught up in arguments and disagreements.

And keep in mind that you may be on the receiving end of this from others. So practice the pause. Learn how to NOT react if you can.

Full Moon in Aquarius

Coming up Sunday. It’s positively aspected by Jupiter. So this one should be positive. The first full moon in Aquarius (we had one about 30 days ago) may have set the stage for what will come to completion here. Closure….but in a good way.


Happy summer solstice. This is the longest day of the year – now the days start to get shorter. If you weren’t able to get outside today, be sure to do it tomorrow. Feel the sun in your face and welcome in a new season.

Speaking of seasons and the sun, the sun just entered Cancer. A time for bonding with family, being more creative and getting in touch with your emotions.

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini

On June 10….a new moon solar eclipse. All new moons are about new beginnings. But eclipse energy is that lunar energy (full or new) dialed to eleven.

If there is something you want to begin or start – now is the time. Eclipse energy can last anywhere from 6-12 months. So if you’re unsure what new beginning awaits…give it some time. It will come to you.

For those of you who do know…go do it. Start it. Begin it. Go all in. The universe is guiding you to a brand new beginning….