Happy Winter Solstice!

The shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. From now forward the days will start to get longer.

It’s also the beginning of Capricorn season. Ruled by Saturn, this can be a time where we’re focused on responsibility and rules. Getting organized. And thinking about financial issues.

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

She starts her retrograde through Capricorn. A lengthy one at the at. She won’t station direct until the end of January 2022. She’ll stay in Capricorn until March 2022.

Don’t be surprised if an ex returns. Venus retrogrades are similar energy to Mercury retrogrades. Keep in mind that they’ll probably disappear as quickly as they showed up.

Venus retrogrades aren’t ideal to BEGIN new relationships either. Or to get cosmetic procedures done if you can help it.

There may be a focus on money and how it is interwoven with love and relationships as well. If you aren’t in a relationship with someone, it could be your relationship to money.

Definitely a time to REview and go over certain issues in your life. Love and money…those will be the central themes for the next 40 days.

Moon in Pisces

You may be feeling more emotional than usual today. The moon is in the watery, dreamy sign of Pisces.

People who can’t deal with their feelings often resort to escapism. And that’s usually unhealthy. So try to find healthy outlets. The more creative, the better.

An excellent time to create art of any kind. Make that your outlet.

And know that the moon spends two to two and a half days or so in each sign. So this easily triggered, emotional space will be taken over by aggressive, Mars driven Aries soon.

TEXTY suspending operations…

…and closing business. So don’t text me at the number I left last time. I was really looking forward to working on that platform. Not meant to be, I guess.

The full moon eclipse is certainly moving things out of the way…

I did add two new readings to Oracleindigo on Etsy. Visit the shop to check them out…

Text me for readings…!!!

Text me at 260-305-7537 for individual tarot readings sent directly to your phone. I also have monthly memberships available.

Text me a hashtag for an individual question…

#cups for a love related question

#pentacles for career

#emergency for a super fast response

#crystalball for Ask Me Anything

#wands for what to expect

And for monthly memberships…

#dailytarotcardreadings for daily collective tarot card pulls

#weeklytarotmembership for weekly tarot readings and a monthly reading

#customtarot for CUSTOM daily readings just for you and a monthly reading.

I look forward to reading for all you!!!

Happy 11-11!!!

Use today to manifest what you most want into your life. It can be any thing from money and prosperity, to better health and eating habits. And love. 11 11 shows two sets of 11 – a couple.

You can light a candle and speak your intention(s) to the universe. You can burn some Joss Paper as an offering to your ancestors. You can light some incense and ask that your intentions be carried to source.

Happy manifesting. I hope all your wishes come true…

Incense With Intention…

I dip my own incense for personal use. I sometimes mix the fragrances to create “new” ones or to just play around with scent.

But I usually dip around a full or new moon or a particular transit. This batch of incense was dipped using the energy of the Scorpio new moon. I wanted to harness the energy of transformation and rebirth.

If you dip incense, make candles, create crystal charm bags or do anything to utilize the power of earth, air, wind or fire for yourself or your practice, I encourage you to use a new or full moon. It can really make a difference in the energy and in your own personal practice.

New Moon in Scorpio

Some intensity may be lingering in the air today with this new moon in Scorpio. Mars is also in Scorpio so there’s a lot of energy here. Mars is all about aggression, doing, war, action, motivation. And Scorpio is the most intense sign of the zodiac. So you can see why you may be feeling a push today.

Lean into it. If you feel called to do something, do it. And if there’s something your been wanting to begin…this is an ideal time to do it.

Just be mindful that not everyone will know how to work with this energy. Or…work with it in a constructive, healthy way. Expect some random aggression from others.

Push past it and use this energy to truly transform yourself or some part of your life. Scorpio is known for significant transformation.

If you were waiting for a sign….this is it.

Happy November 1…

If you skipped this for this month, you can do it for December. Burn onion skin on the last day of the month. It purifies and cleanses. Then on the first day of the month, blow cinnamon mixed with a little salt into your home from outside the front door.

Cinnamon is associated with wealth and money. This simple ritual endures money flowing into your home for that month.

Hope you’re all gearing up for the new moon in Scorpio on November 4. It’s going to be intense. Especially since Mars is now in Scorpio, too.

Powerful energy for transformation.