Happy Beltane!

May 1 is Beltane…if you follow the Wheel of the Year. A time of new beginnings. Hope, faith, renewal, growth…it’s time.

You could weave a garland of flowers and wear it as a crown. Or you could light a white candle and speak what new beginnings you want to see for yourself. You could also buy some flowers and put them in every room of the house. Amazing how this can improve your mood.

Spring is time of hope. So don’t be afraid to hope and wish for what you want. And have faith that the universe is listening and will bless you beyond your wildest imagination…

Are you ready for a private reading? Find me on ETSY and Hey Hero at OracleIndigo…🔮

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus

Here we go…the new moon (partial) solar eclipse in Taurus is on April 30. Taurus is a fixed earth sign, so whatever changes you want to bring into your life…will likely stay for a while.

The north node is also in Taurus right now. So a focus on money. Taurus is ruled be Venus. Libra is also ruled by Venus, but in Taurus she’s about money and luxury. The nice things money dan buy. A focus on what we value…why we value it…for this eclipse. And for the next 12 months or so that the north node is in Taurus.

New moons often usher in new beginnings. So a new beginning with your money or with your values may be a focal point.

Use this energy to create what you want for yourself and for your future. And keep in mind that any changes that might happen around the eclipse (or within 6 months if it) may have a fated feeling. Flow with that. The universe is pushing you to new beginnings. They may seem uncomfortable at first because they’re not known. But trust that you’re being guided to where you need to be.

I’m at OracleIndigo on ETSY and Hey Hero for private readings…🔮

You Never Lose…You Always Learn

Let’s flip this narrative of thinking that if something doesn’t work out the way you hoped it would or wanted it to…that you lost.

You didn’t lose. You learned.

You probably learned that the way you did it, didn’t work. Or that there was another idea you were thinking of. Or that maybe next time, you could try something else.

If we get too stuck in black and white thinking of winning and losing, you’ll never try anything new. Do anything new. Go after anything new. There’s no growth in that. That’s stuck energy.

If you want to grow, you need to try. And in the process of trying (winning or losing or something in between) you will learn.

And when you learn…you grow.

Find me at OracleIndigo on ETSY and Hey Hero for private readings….you might learn something new…🔮

But What If You Tried…?

All the excuses we tell ourselves and give ourselves for not doing the things we want to do. Issues around time, money, talent, what people will say or think, what if it doesn’t work out…

But what if you tried it anyway?

What if you realized you were given talents and interests for a reason. To use them. To share them. To help others with them.

What if you shrugged your shoulders at doubt and fear and worry…and just tried it anyway?

Don’t waste your time on this earth in this lifetime not pursuing your dreams or goals because of fear and worry. It’s a disservice to the rest of us who need your talent and skill and it’s a disservice to yourself.

This new moon eclipse energy is powerful and you can channel that energy into something new for yourself. Taurus is a fixed earth sign, so this new endeavor might have real staying power for you. It’s time to try…

Book a private reading with me at OracleIndigo on ETSY or Hey Hero…🔮

The Magic of New Beginnings…

The energy is building to the new moon solar eclipse on April 30. Eclipses are known to usher in significant change. And it has a very fated feel to it.

Change often scares people. We get used to dealing with wherever we’re dealing with. Even if it’s bad and even when we know we can have better. “It’s the devil I know,” is a common comeback.

Yes…but it doesn’t have to be a devil at all. An abundance of all the good things you want are waiting for you….love, money, good health, amazing friends, healed family dynamics. But sometimes you have to be strong enough to walk away from something. Or someone who isn’t serving you.

Walk away from the “devil you know” and allow the universe to work its magic. And usher in amazing new beginnings…

I offer private readings at OracleIndigo on ETSY and Hey Hero. The beginning of a new month and new lunar cycle is an ideal time to check in and see what the universe wants you to know…🔮

Weird Dreams? Blame the moon in Pisces…

Super weird dreams last night. Vivid and not typical (for me). The moon is in the watery and “dreamy” sign of Pisces.

This can usher in a tremendous amount of creativity and insight. Wonderful energy for artists to use and work with. But it can also lead to a desire to drown uncertainties in substances. Anything to escape a present (uncomfortable) reality.

So enjoy the vivid dreams and the urge to create. And steer clear of substances as a means of escape. Remember, the quickest way out…is through.

Private readings are available on ETSY and Hey Hero at OracleIndigo…🔮

What do you value…in relationships?

This issue may be up for review this Friday. There’s a partial new moon solar eclipse in Taurus. That’s activating the north node of the moon which is also currently in Taurus.

Add to this a conjunction involving Venus (love and romance) and Jupiter (the benefic and gift giver).

Romance could make its way to you. And the theme or issue of what you value in your relationships may come up. Sit with that question…what do you value? Why do you value that?

Some things are not negotiable. Period. But our values and ideas can (and should) shift as we go through life. There’s nothing wrong with changing what you want or what is important to you.

The energy this week will be building towards this new moon eclipse. So be open to new love and new insights…

I offer private readings at OracleIndigo on ETSY and Hey Hero. Eclipses can be really good times to get a reading because of all the shifting energy…🔮


We all could get better at listening. And not just to others. But to ourselves. To our own intuition. To the feelings we get. When things feel off or sound off. Or, when something immediately seems positive and good.

If you aren’t in the practice yet, I encourage you to spend a minute a day in silence. Put your phone down, turn off the TV, close your eyes and just listen. For one minute.

Our guides and angels and ancestors are always speaking to us. But too often, we can’t hear them over the noise of our everyday lives. There is wisdom and guidance there…we just need to listen.

If you or a friend are interested in a private reading, I am on ETSY and Hey Hero at OracleIndigo. I look forward to reading for you…🔮

Red, Gold and Purple in the Wealth Corner…

If you stand in the doorway of the front door to your house/apartment, the wealth corner (per Feng Shui) is the far left corner. Whatever room that may be.

If it’s a bathroom or a closed room that doesn’t have a window, you can hang a crystal ball (they sell them online and at metaphysical shops) from the ceiling to encourage energy flow.

You can also add the colors red, gold and purple. And images that present as wealth to you. A healthy plant is also a good “cure” to put in this spot, too.

Keep the room or area clean and free of clutter and stuff and watch wealth come in…

Want a private reading? Im on ETSY and Hey Hero as OracleIndigo. đź”®

The art of letting go…

Often when manifesting something we really want, we have a (human) tendency to focus on why it’s not here. We wonder how long it will take. We focus on the lack of it rather than having faith that it’s on its way.

It’s not easy…letting go. Trusting the universe. Knowing you put in your order and it’s being prepared for you. But that’s really where the secret is.

Knowing it is on its way.

Some call it “let go and let God.” But it is a form of surrender. If you are manifesting something you want in your life, letting go of the expectation of it…will bring it to you faster.

Put in your order…and just wait. It’s on its way…

Find me at OracleIndigo on ETSY and Hey Hero for private readings…