Be grateful you didn’t give up…

You. Yes, you. Be grateful to YOU that you didn’t give up. You know…when they thought you were a little crazy or batting out of your league. When they laughed in your face or told you no.

Be grateful to yourself for moving forward. I’m not saying it didn’t hurt and you didn’t cry. I’m sure you did. But you got up the next day and kept at it. And for that you should be proud and grateful.

If nobody else tells you, I’m proud of you. Keep going. There’s magic up ahead…

Find me at OracleIndigo for private readings on Etsy and Hey Hero…🔮

If thoughts become things…

…then think about the things you want.

Simple enough. Right?

So when you’re anxious about something or worried about how something will turn out…stop thinking about it. Focus on something that makes you happy. Focus on something that is going really well for you.

Because what you focus on, grows. Where you put your attention, grows. So be mindful on what you want to grow in your life.

It sounds a little too easy, doesn’t it? It’s because it is. Or, it’s really simple…but not easy. But once you start doing it, it gets easier. Spend this weekend trying it. Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t have. See what happens…

I’m always available for private readings at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero…🔮

Protect your energy…

Things right now are feeling a little like 2020. The rising covid numbers, racial unrest, shortages at the grocery store. Only now, we can throw in the war in Ukraine, abortion rights and inflation.

You need to protect your energy. I would never advise to stay ignorant of what’s going on in the world around you…but you need to protect your energy.

That could mean limiting the amount of time you spend watching or reading the news. Or limiting how many sources you get it from. Or limiting who you discuss things with.

But with the energy out there is intense, it’s a matter of time before the energy within will follow suit. Then we’re not thinking clearly. We’re not dialed into our intuition. We lose empathy and compassion and we lose our patience. It’s not good for anybody.

So set some limits. Set boundaries. Protect your energy…

You can find me at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for private readings…🔮

Release the need for their approval…

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to stop needing people’s approval for your decisions and actions. Your parents, friends, coworkers. You have to release that need if you really want to progress in your life.

This isn’t easy the first few times you do it. If you’ve been raised to listen to your parents and not make waves, it’s going to be VERY out of your comfort zone.

Do it anyway. It gets easier the more times you do it. And after a while, people will stop giving their commentary. Because they know you don’t need their approval.

You don’t have to be rude about it, either. You can just listen and then say, I appreciate your input, thank you. Or, it’s unfortunate that you feel that way.

And maybe you really do appreciate their input. Maybe that’s exactly what you needed to hear – their doubt and their “concern” and their disapproval. Now you know for sure that this is what you want to do.

Now go do it. Head held high, stare it dead in the eyes…and go after it. Make yourself proud…

Find me at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for private readings…🔮

The change in behavior…that’s key…

So if an ex has come back into your life with this Mercury retrograde…well, maybe you already know it’s a no way in hell. But if you’re on the fence…here’s what you need to look for: changed behavior.

The actual behavior. The actions. Not the words. Not the promises. Not even I’ll try harder. No. It’s actions.

If they are serious about reconnecting and being a couple…they will find a way to make it happen.

And the other thing to pay attention to is time. For how long. Because changed behavior for a few weeks or even a few months isn’t it. Keep in mind that it’s usually a stressful event that will make someone lapse into bad behavior. That’s when they turn back to what is easy. But that’s when it counts. Not when everything is going well and everyone’s happy. It’s when things are stressful and tense.

What is meant for you will find you. There will be no need to chase it. It will chase guy. You will attract it. You can’t mess it up.

I’m at OracleIndigo on ETSY and Hey Hero for private readings. Tarot, intuitive, pendulum…🔮

The calm after the storm…

…it’s coming. The full moon is exact around 12:14 am or so. And after that…the energy should be easing up. So if the weekend was tense or emotional, you should start to feel a little more balanced.

I hope whatever fell away or left your life, you allowed to leave. And I hope you wished it peace.

Now it’s time to focus forward. You’re about to enter a comeback phase after the setback. The gain after the loss. It may not all happen in one day, but things should start to feel more positive. YOU should start to feel more positive.

Be open to the new road ahead of you…

Find me at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for private readings…🔮

If it’s meant for you, you can’t lose it…

The full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio is here. Ushering in significant change. Full moons can bring about culmination, completion, endings. So the change may feel forced through a loss.

Not all losses are bad. Letting go of an outdated way of thinking is a loss. But probably a good one.

Here’s the thing: you can’t ever lose what is truly meant for you. You can’t. It will come back. Either exactly the same or very similar. Because it’s meant for you. It’s yours.

So when the universe takes something from you…let it go with grace. If it’s meant for you…it will return. If it doesn’t return, it’s to make room for something better. This applies to tangible things, opportunities and even people.

Private readings available on Etsy and Hey Hero at OracleIndigo…🔮

At the Crossroads…

A lot of intense energy out there right now. Mercury retrograde, and riiiiight on the brink of a full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Intensity doesn’t do it justice.

This full moon along with the north node of the moon in Taurus might be forcing us to really reconsider a lot of things. The direction we’re going in. What we want for ourselves. What we value and why.

And sometimes, in order to step into the new, we have to leave the old behind. That’s easier said than done sometimes. But it’s still necessary.

If this full moon is pulling you in a direction or forcing you to make some choices….sit with it. Don’t be afraid to leave the past behind so you can fully step into the new. It might be scary, but usually that’s a sign it’s something you should be doing. The scary thing will almost always force you to learn something new. That’s what it’s all about…

Personal readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero…🔮

Building to a full moon eclipse in Scorpio…

The full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio is set to take place on May 15-16 (depending on your time zone). This will likely be a little intense. Especially for fixed signs or people with prominent fixed sign placements. Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius.

Allow what needs to fall away…to fall away. Full moons sometimes have Tower energy. Something falling apart or collapsing. But it’s because it has to. It’s not strong enough to stand as it is.

And Scorpio is intense so that just adds to the intensity.

It’s also Friday the 13th. But don’t fear…it’s actually a lucky day. And Friday is a day ruled by Venus. Ideal for love and romance. Nothing scary…😉

If you’d like a private reading, you can find me at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero…🔮

You’re Shorting Yourself…Stop.

How many times have you told yourself you would start something new? Or return to something you kinda let go? Start eating more of something or less of something else? Start taking the stairs or going for a daily walk? Start a side hustle? Like, really start it, not just keep thinking about it?

And how many times have you come up short? The attempt was weak if not lacking entirely. Or you didn’t follow through with it. Started…but no follow through.

Why do you keep cutting yourself short? Why aren’t you being true to yourself? Doing what you set out to do? What are you afraid of? WHO are you afraid of?

Tomorrow is promised to no one. Why are you acting like you can keep waiting to do the things you want to do? To pursue your goals and dreams?

Now. Do it now. Make yourself proud. And stop selling yourself short.

I offer tarot readings and intuitive readings at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero…🔮