Jupiter in Taurus…

Jupiter will begin his one year transit through cancer starting today. He spends 12-13 months in a sign before moving on. This affects everyone. But where (what house) Taurus is in for you…expect gifts, expansion, growth here.

Especially since this is happening in Taurus it might affect money somehow. The house where this is taking place for you might also experience a financial boost with money somehow.

As a Scorpio rising this is taking place in my seventh house of committed partnership and marriage. I’m looking forward to this.

Love tarot and Oracle readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy. Link here on the website🔮

Have you checked in with yourself?

Have you? Today? This week? This month? How often do you do this? Do you do it at all?

This can be as simple as just sitting or laying down and taking an inventory of how you feel. Start from the head down and see if anything feels tight or inflamed. This is checking your physical body.

Then check in with your emotional self. Set a scale of 1-5 or 1-10 and ask yourself how you’re feeling in general? Overall mood. Then get more specific. How happy am I? How lonely am I? Am I frustrated or angry at all? Why? At what? Am I said? How fulfilled am I feeling? How aligned with my goals and my inner self am I feeling?

You get the idea. Get in the habit of doing this on some sort of regular schedule. Maybe once a week is too often. Start with once a month. We don’t think twice about checking our financial portfolios or how our investments are doing. We should check in with ourselves, too.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Mercury direct!

Mercury starts moving direct as of yesterday. It takes a few days for him to be moving at full (regular) speed. Like it takes some people a minute to really wake up in the morning. But things should start to feel a little easier as the days go by.

Communication should flow a little easier now. And your tech equipment should begin working like it’s supposed to. Delays will fade away slowly.

What did it teach you though? What did you “re?” Review, revise, revisit, reconsider? We can do these things at any time, but Mercury retrograde is a good check in time there to four times a year. Take what you learned and use it to guide you into the future.

Phone and zoom readings are always available at OracleIndigo on Etsy. Order one today for some clarity and insight. 🔮

Where is your energy going?

Imagine you start every day with 100% energy. Like when your cell phone is fully charged. As the day goes on, certain things take up your energy. Some things you can’t do much about – they’re life responsibilities. But some things you can.

Really think about this. Where does most of your energy go during the day? Is it to work? Your kids? Is it to worry and anxiety about the future? Is it towards your health? Is it unhealthy habits? Is it toxic relationships?

If most of your energy is going in one direction every day…it’s not going to be good. It is good to stay focused and to put energy into what we want to accomplish. But there needs to be a balance.

And if what you’re putting your energy into isn’t healthy (trying to make a relationship be something it isn’t, chasing more and more money without a purpose, exercising to exhaustion and injury)…well…it’s a matter of time before it backfires.

Try to find a balance. And really reevaluate why you’re putting your energy into what you’re putting it into. Without purpose, without true fulfillment…all you’re doing is wasting your time.

Private readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Essential oil in the dryer…

An easy way to scent your laundry as it’s drying us to dab essential oil on a small wash cloth and throw it in with the clothes. As they dry, it will lightly scent the clothes. And your living space, too.

This won’t prevent static cling. Only fragrance. But it’s a nice, easy way to make clothes smell good…

Phone readings on offer at OracleIndigo🔮


Now that the weather is finally starting to turn (for most of us in the northern hemisphere), it’s a good time to start enjoying it. It can be something as simple as a walk every day. It only takes 5 minutes. The exposure to natural sunlight (even on a cloudy day) and fresh air is a healer like no other.

Or gardening. Don’t let that word scare you. It’s just putting a plant in the ground or in a pot. Watering it. It’s that easy, I promise.

Sleep with the windows open when you can. Fresh cool air helps you sleep better. And it just feels good.

Enjoy it. The sun, the warmer temperatures, the green grass and leaves. The birds singing and nesting. Geese and ducks having their little families.

Natural beauty is all around you.

Phone reading? You can order one at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Have you outgrown your life?

It can happen. Outgrowing your life. And you know it when you’re going through it. You feel stuck and stagnant. You’ve probably picked up some bad or unhealthy habits. You’ve given up on your real passions. Not to mention the usual indicators: not sleeping well, weird appetite swings, lack of interest in the things that used to make you happy.

You’ve outgrown your life. It’s time to shift. To change. It’s time to grow. Along with growth comes some discomfort. But you’re probably not really comfortable now. You’re certainly not happy. You just think it’s safe…that’s why you’re not changing.

But it’s time. If you aren’t doing what you love, start. Find a way. If you’re in an unhappy relationship or if you are chasing sexual encounters to give you a hit of dopamine, it’s time to stop. You might need to get some new friends. Or at least start limiting time with the old ones.

Start eating better (for real, this time). Start exercising if you don’t already. And if you do, consider switching it up. Or changing one of these three things: frequency, intensity or duration.

It’s time. It will only get more miserable if you stay and refuse to change. Accept that it will be uncomfortable at first. But it won’t last forever.

Your new life is waiting.

Order a tarot reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy 🔮

The crowd is lost…

I’m all for turning your back on the crowd. For going your own way and creating the path. Because the crowd is almost always lost.

They’re just following each other thinking “they” know where they’re going or what they’re doing. They don’t.

Most people are simply too scared to go their own way. To make mistakes on their own or be a little isolated. They find reassurance in a crowd for some reason.

But the only real way to find success and fulfillment on your own terms is to do it alone. Scary? Yes. Intimidating? Yes. Lonely? At times, yes. Trust me. Leave the crowd. You won’t regret it.

OracleIndigo offers a lot of different tarot readings. Order one today🔮

Venus in Cancer…

Venus moves into the watery, emotional sign of cancer today. This isn’t really a bad placement. There can me a focus on family. And on creativity.

In relationships it can make people clingy and lacking in self-confidence. Always needing confirmation about “what we are,” and “what direction this is going in.” If that’s not your style, it can be aggravating. But even if it’s typically not, you might find yourself feeling this a bit.

We’re still in the middle of a Mercury retrograde so I wouldn’t get any permanent cosmetic changes done. Like a tattoo of your new baby (family) or the initials if you and your wife. You’ll likely regrets it after Mercury turns direct. If not sooner.

Order a phone reading from OracleIndigo on Etsy 🔮

Pluto retrograde…

Pluto stated his quick retrograde back into Capricorn on May 1. There will be some of this back and forth until Pluto gets settled in Aquarius next year.

Capricorn is hard work. The way it’s always done. Responsibility, restriction. Traditional work and money themes. Aquarius is new and innovative. It’s about the collective than just the individual. It’s more how will this benefit us and less how will this benefit me.

What has changed in your life since 2008? That’s when Pluto moved into Capricorn. Probably some significant things. Expect more significant changes for the next 20 years. Pluto is about death and rebirth. The falling away of outdated ways of doing things. The birth of new ways. That always comes with some tension. But it will likely be worth it.

Settle in. Some turbulence is on the way. Just let it happen. You’re being moved towards new and better.

Phone readings are available at OracleIndigo on Etsy. Order one today 🔮