What I’m doing with my Jupiter return…

I have Jupiter in Aries in my natal chart. So this is my Jupiter return right now. But for everyone, Jupiter in Aries can be a time of really going after your goals. Like, really going after your goals.

It might feel like it’s time to get things going in some area of your life. To stop wishing and hoping. To stop thinking and re-thinking. It’s the opposite of The Hanged Man energy. No more hanging around observing and waiting. It’s time to move and go.

I recently got onto Pinterest as OracleIndigo. So you can find me there and find all sorts of pins and posts. Quotes, astrology, manifesting…all sorts of things. Videos and even pins of my shop where you can get a reading.

I hope you all find your way there and you follow me…and I hope it encourages you to get a reading from me…🔮

Quick daily astrology…

A lot of planets in Aries. Jupiter, Mars, Venus. That’s a lot of fire energy.

Try to find a way to use this energy to go after your goals. Use it to motivate you.

But be mindful that some people won’t use the energy in constrictive ways. Aggression, combat, violence can all be byproducts of this Aries energy.

Be careful out there…

You can find me at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for private readings…🔮

Finding your purpose…

I believe that everyone is here for a reason. And that reason is to give, to teach or to help in some way. The question then is, in what way?

Once you find your purpose (often directly related to your passion), life takes on a new meaning. Your trajectory is clear and your destination is set. Your choices become based around that final destination. Is what I’m doing getting me closer to that end goal?

If you don’t know what your purpose or passion is…keep looking. It’s likely the thing that excites you. The thing you can talk about for days without getting tired or bored. Sometimes it’s something you wanted to be as a child.

Keep looking. Life is meant to be lived with purpose. And it’s meant to fulfill you. Living without purpose and fulfillment is, well, not really living at all.

Keep looking. Keep searching. Keep asking your guides and angels to show you the path.

I’m available for private readings on Etsy and Hey Hero at OracleIndigo…🔮

Quick Daily Astrology…

The moon, Mars, Venus and Jupiter are all in Aries. That’s a lot of planetary energy in a fire sign. Mars actually rules Aries (and Scorpio). So he’s at home there.

The good news is if you channel this energy in a positive way, you can get a lot done. You can focus on goals and really approach them with a sense of purpose and drive.

The bad news is that if you can’t control the energy in a positive way, it can be destructive. It can be outside aggressive, combative, angry.

And remember that even if you can handle the energy in a good way, other people might not. So be mindful of any aggressive, angry energy out there.

Find me at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for private readings…🔮

When the universe makes you wait…

Patience is hard. Most of the time we want what we want two weeks ago. Or, at the very least, right now. The idea of having to wait is just…no.

But often, the universe is making you wait for good reason. Maybe something better is on the way. Maybe what you think you want isn’t actually in your best interest…you just can’t see it. Sometimes a delay can save your life. Like when people miss flights that ended up crashing.

So keep in mind that divine timing is always perfect timing. It may not be our timing or ideal timing (as we see it), but it’s perfect timing.

Trust in the timing of the universe. And in the timing of your life.

A tarot reading can be insightful…find me at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for a reading…🔮

Quick Daily Astrology…

Mercury is currently retrograde. Mercury rules Gemini, and is known for quick thinking.

Mercury moved into Taurus yesterday. So now we have the opportunity to ground ideas into solid, stable reality. This is good. What might be frustrating is thought process being markedly slower in general.

Taurus doesn’t really do anything quickly. But Taurus is also a sign that rules the second (astrological) house of money and finances. Sometimes we need to be more methodical and cautious about our line of thought. And the actions that follow.

Still expect to same traditional Mercury retrograde issues: travel delays, don’t sign contracts and important documents, tech thuds will break and yes….the ex might come back.

Move slowly and with caution indeed…

Find me at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for private readings…🔮

They’re telling you…listen…

I think it was Maya Angelou who said when people show/tell you who they are, pay attention.

I had lunch with a friend the other day. She went into a new work situation hopeful and optimistic. It didn’t take long before she realized the person she was working for was taking advantage of her. He came out and told her, pretty directly, how little he respected her.

But she ignored it. She excused it and justified it. Because she wanted the work situation to be good and to work out.

But just like a romantic relationship…when someone tells you and/or shows you who they are…listen. And pay attention.

And then act accordingly. Your intuition does you no good if you see the flags and hear the sirens and put up with it. It’s not for you to turn your head or put in ear plugs.

It’s for you to leave. Remember: what’s meant for you will always find you. You can’t mess it up. So don’t be afraid to leave a situation that seems or feels off.

If it’s meant for you…it will come around again.

Private readings always available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero…🔮

Quick Daily Astrology…

The moon shifts signs every 2 days or so. The moon represents our feelings. And our mother. Saturn represents father.

Right now the moon is in Pisces. The last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is emotional, creative, and prone to illusion and delusion. It’s ruler is Neptune.

For artists, if you feel called to create, create. Thus is amazing energy for that. For the rest of us, let’s keep our thoughts and focus grounded. Daydreaming is fine…just don’t get stuck in a fantasy.

For private readings, find me on Etsy and Hey Hero at OracleIndigo…🔮

The way we’ve always done it…

Maybe you’ve heard that phrase before. By your family, your manager/supervisor at work, even friends. If you have ever asked to change the course of something or if you have ever dared to go off script…this may have been thrown back at you.

It’s really a lazy approach to life. To doing things or to thinking of things. To living life. Tradition is one thing…but expecting others to just fall in line because the idea of doing anything else is unthinkable is…lazy.

When employers say this it’s essentially saying that they’re too intellectually lazy to think of doing things differently. Better. It’s just easier to do it the way we’ve always done it.

And when your parents say this…it’s likely coming from a place of jealousy. That you had the courage to think for yourself, to want something different, to go after it…that can be intimidating.

I say to you…be intimidating. Your life is yours to live. If you are called to do something different or “off script,” follow your heart and your own inner guidance. Be devastatingly authentic.

Would you like a tarot reading? Find me at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero…🔮

Time passing does not equal apology…

Time can heal a lot, it’s true. But if you are thinking that letting a lot of time pass somehow erases bad behavior or errors in judgment, you’re wrong.

The adult approach to this is to admit what you did. And to admit it was wrong. Or, not the smartest decision. Accountability is important.

With Mercury retrograde, an ex or two may come back. And a lot of them might think that if some time has passed, it’s all good. Hold them accountable. If they hurt you or wronged you…hold them accountable. Then decide how you want to proceed.

This is also an important step in establishing boundaries. Letting people know what you are willing to tolerate and not tolerate.

I’m at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for private readings…🔮