Venus cazimi…

That’s an astrologer term for when a planet is within one degree of the sun. There will be a Venus cazimi on October 22. The energy will last for a bit.

Think of this as a reset. Possibly with relationships or love. Or your relationship with money. Venus is all about love and romance. And nice things. And nice things cost money. T

This is also a good time to heal if you are still in need of healing. Your heart, specifically. Healing from a breakup can take years. In a way, it’s no different than a death. Don’t rush this process for yourself. Let it take as long as it needs to.

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Thinking TOO much…

I saw a quote that said anxiety is thinking too much and doing too little. I’m not trying to oversimplify anxiety. It can be crippling and really challenging to overcome and to deal with.

But for those moments when it is possible to climb out of that hole….why not just start doing. Start doing something. Start doing anything. We can get paralyzed by our thoughts. By the fears we create and the rabbit holes we can go down.

But a relatively easy way to snap out if that is to just begin. And maybe not begin the goal or task you’re worried about. But just starting to DO, to be physically engaged in something…it can take you to a different mental space. And out of the darkness of anxiety.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Your new “birth” year…

A lot of us in the western world celebrate January 1 as the beginning of the new year. Astrologers use the beginning of Aries season to celebrate the new astrological year. You can also use your birthday as the beginning of a new birth year.

This can be a time when you set forth new resolutions or intentions for yourself. And you can use your sun signs full moon as a six month check in to see how you are doing. Some people set one or two goals to be met by that six month deadline. And then another one or two to be met by their next birthday.

You can also use your birthday to look back on the year and see what you’ve accomplished. What you failed to accomplish. Why? What you’ve learned. What you want to learn next year. Or what you learned that you intend on carrying forward. Some lessons are “one and done.” Some lessons are lessons you carry throughout your life. Did any of those happen for you?

As a Libra sun, I can tell you that I learned a lot of lessons this past year. And almost all of them I will carry forward for the rest of my life. They weren’t fun while I was going through them, but looking back, they were necessary. And I’m grateful for them. The universe really does have a funny way of giving us exactly what we need, exactly when we need it.

Tarot reading available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero…

Celebrate yourself…

One of the most dangerous things is to need outside validation and attention for your decisions and your life. And one of the best things you can learn to do for yourself is to celebrate yourself.

Your decisions and choices. Your wins. The learning moments. The times you dodged a bullet. The sacrifices you make in pursuit of a goal. Your lifestyle. Your approach to things. Your mind. Your body. What you create.

Celebrate you. For you. Become your biggest fan. You’ll never be without a cheerleader.

Tarot readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Get excited to begin…

When was the last time you were genuinely excited to start something new? When you couldn’t sleep at night because you were thinking about it. Or when you couldn’t stop coming up with new ideas, new possibilities, new options?

It’s time to recapture that. It’s time for you to get genuinely excited about your life. Or at least something in or about it.

So maybe it’s time to start something new. It doesn’t have to be massive. It can be a small change. But something that you want to do. Something that you’re interested in and excited about.

Life is too short to not be excited. It’s too short to always be waiting for Friday and dreading Sunday. To be looking at the clock waiting for it to get to lunch time or time to go home. Find something that excites you.

Phone readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Stir clockwise…

There are countless ways to bring magic into you daily life. One of them is as simple as the direction you stir a drink or food you are cooking.

If you add milk or cream or sugar to coffee or tea or mix protein powder into a shake or stir in anything, stir clockwise to bring in what you want. You can either think about it coming to you or say it.

Stir counter clockwise to banish something or pull it away. Again, just think about it or repeat it out loud. And this isn’t just for coffee or tea in the morning. You can do this stirring food that you cook as well.

OracleIndigo on etsy has a lot of options for tarot and intuitive readings. Order one today🔮

The veil is thinning…

As we get closer to October 31, the veil between worlds is growing thinner every day. If you are a medium, you might notice your abilities becoming stronger. More energy wanting to come through. Or it’s just easier to connect.

But even if you’re not, you might experience some interesting moments. Call them ghosts or spirits or whatever you want…but you may have an experience that can’t be rationally or logically explained. And it probably won’t be scary. None of my experiences and encounters have been scary. I might be caught a little off guard. But that’s it.

I was in Chicago a bit ago and the hotel room I was staying in….well, I wasn’t there alone. I was in the bathroom putting some things away and when I came out one of the dresser drawers was pulled out. Like someone was going to put clothes or something inside. I never pulled it out.

I was unpacking some stuff and when I went around by the bed, one of the drawers to the nightstand was pulled out.

So I stopped and said out loud, I don’t know who else is in here with me, I don’t care if you want to pull drawers out, but I have a big day tomorrow and if you could help me with that, I’d be grateful.

It never happened again. My guess was they were hoping to scare me and once they realized I wasn’t scared, they moved on. The drawers never opened again.

Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy for an intuitive reading today🔮

Another way to clear energy…

If you don’t like the smell of sage or you can’t get to some palo santo (it’s a sweet smelling wood), a super simple way to clear the energy in your living space is just to open a window or door for a few minutes.

You can do this at any time if the year, too. Obviously you’ll probably not keep the door open for a long time in January if you live somewhere cold. But just 20-30 seconds is enough.

You’re literally using the wind to move energy. It does it all the time outside. You can bring some of that energy shift inside, too. And it won’t make your house smell.

Order a tarot reading at OracleIndigo on Etsy today🔮

Sage regularly

I’ve always had a little sage bundle somewhere but I rarely used it. I don’t really like the smell and I never saw a need for it.

Until I started using it. It could just be me, but I think it really does make a difference. It clears energy, removes negativity in your space. You can even Sage specific things: clothes, your phone, jewelry, on and on.

Get into the habit of doing it on a schedule. At every full or new moon. The beginning of the month. The 15th of the month. Try it for a month or two. I bet you’ll notice a difference.

Private readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Mercury in Libra

Mercury entered Libra on October 10. This can be a very nice placement. It can encourage calm, diplomatic discussions. Libra likes balance and trying to find a way to make everyone happy. Conversations might head in this direction.

But Libra also has a hard time making decisions. So there might be some of this back and forth in discussions. In an attempt to make everyone happy, resolution will be elusive. Because at the end of the day, that rarely happens. It doesn’t mean we can’t strive for it, though.

And because Libra rules the seventh house of committed partnerships and marriage, this might be the right time to have that “talk” with a romantic partner or interest.

Relationship tarot readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮