The excuses you tell yourself…

Be mindful of what excuses and justifications you’re telling yourself when it comes to why you behave the way you do. Why you aren’t accomplishing things or going after goals. That running narrative will keep you stuck and stagnant. Because you will start to believe it.

All it takes to change it, is to start telling yourself a different story. One where you set goals and accomplish them. One where you behave in a way that is becoming and honorable. A way you can be proud of.

It won’t happen overnight. And like most stories, there are edits and revisions. But if you want a different life for yourself, it has to start with what you’re telling yourself.

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Venus in a Capricorn

Just like Mercury, Venus moved into Capricorn yesterday. Keeping with the serious theme…it’s time to get about relationships. What you value in relationships. What you want. What’s important to you.

And also to get serious about your money. Venus likes nice things so she’s also about money. Those nice things cost money, after all. So get serious about how you spend your money. And always know your why. Why you value this over that. It doesn’t have to make sense to other people. But it’s important that you know your why.

Capricorn is serious. It just is. Ruled by Saturn…it’s hard not to be. This placement and these transits are asking all of us to take a serious look at specific areas of our lives. Not for nothing. It’s so we can make things better.

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Mercury in Capricorn

Mercury, the planet in charge of communication and technology, moved into Capricorn on December 6.

It’s time for conversations and communication to get serious. Really serious. More so if it’s about money or work. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn – all things restricted, responsible and money focused.

This is also a good time to really get serious about what you want to manifest. And to speak it out loud. Don’t be vague, be specific. Write it out and read it out loud. Mercury in Cap doesn’t have time to parse words and meanings.

Tarot readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮


Communication is necessary. It just is. If you aren’t getting what you want or need, you need to communicate that. Expecting people to read your mind or intuitively know what you need is ridiculous. You have to ask for it. State it. In some cases, demand it.

Stop worrying about not being liked or being talked about. Stop being more concerned with making others comfortable at the expense of your own comfort. You deserve to have what want (provided it’s legal and consensual and nobody is hurt). But you have to communicate it.

If this is something that terrifies you, start talking to yourself in the mirror. Practice communicating if you will. Sound silly? Actors and people who have to give speeches do it all the time. Once you get used to hearing the words come from your mouth, in your own words…it might surprise you how powerful the words are. And how powerful you feel. Hold on to that.

You have to communicate.

Order a tarot reading from my shop in Etsy, OracleIndigo 🔮

Fresh laundry…

Instead of using dryer sheets, try dabbing some essential oil on a small wash cloth. Throw it in with the laundry in the dryer. I took a towel and cut it into small squares and those are the small towels I used as “dryer sheets.”

A tarot reading might not make your clothes smell good, but it can clear up things that are hazy. Visit OracleIndigo on Etsy and order a reading today🔮

Full moon in Gemini…

There’s a full moon in Gemini today. Full moons are times of completion and accomplishment. Of endings. That’s not to be feared. Every ending is a new beginning.

Gemini is a talkative, witty, smart air sign. All the air signs are known for their intelligence and their chatty nature. Gemini can be changeable. Bouncing from here to there to here and back again with whirlwind speed. They can be a lot to keep up with at times.

Gemini is ruled my Mercury…the planet of communication with technology. Right now, Mars is retrograde in Gemini. So watch your words. Things could get heated pretty quickly.

Something in your life might come to a close around this time. Just as the year is about to come to a close. Welcome this, whatever this ending is. A new year filled with the potential for lots of new beginnings is right around the corner.

Confusion is frustrating. Not knowing is uncomfortable. A tarot reading can shed some light what might be hidden. Order a reading at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Do you like who you are right now?

Do you? If not…why not? What do you want to work on? What needs to be made better? Or eliminated?

Who you are and how you feel about yourself affects every aspect of your life. It will keep you settling for less than you deserve if you think that’s all you deserve. It will open doors for you that might not have been opened if you believe you are as good as anyone else or better. If you believe you are deserving. And the only way to believe you are deserving is if you genuinely like yourself.

It will also keep you stuck in relationships that have expired. It will have you thinking you won’t find anyone or can’t be happy on your own. People who find themselves perpetually unfulfilled and unhappy in relationships get stuck in this cycle simply because they don’t like themselves. Why would anyone good or better like me…if I don’t even like myself?

It’s important. It’s critical to your happiness actually. And the amount of success you experience in your life in all areas.

Tarot and Oracle card readings are offered at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

The conversation you’re avoiding with yourself…

What is it? That long, deep talk you should be having with yourself that you’re avoiding? Does it involve a relationship? With a significant other? A parent? A co-worker? Is it about an addiction or a bad habit? Is it about a goal you set for yourself and didn’t reach?

We always think the conversation we need to have is with someone else. With then. Not with me. Because whatever didn’t work out or fail or ended badly isn’t because of anything I did. It’s because of them.

But that’s only half the story. You played a role in it somehow, too. Good or bad. You were involved. It’s time to have that talk with yourself about how you let yourself down. Or you allowed a bad habit to take over. A time when you didn’t use your better judgement.

It’s time.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮

Neptune Direct

Neptune stations direct today on December 3, 2022 in Pisces. This transit, like all transits, affects everybody. But it will affect the signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. If your natal Neptune is in any of those signs, you’ll feel this more than most.

This is a time when compassion and empathy can be expressed. And just felt more overall. This is also a time when creativity can rise as well. If you create and things have felt stuck, you might become inspired.

Neptune rules the underworld and dreams. So your dreams might be more vivid and memorable and frequent. Pay attention to them. Your guides and angels and passed loved ones speak to you in dreams.

Interested in a reading? Visit my shop, OracleIndigo, on Etsy for a reading today🔮

The dry air…

If you don’t run a humidifier in your bedroom at night during the dry winter weather, you should start. It makes it easier to breathe if you suffer from asthma. And night time is prime time for asthma attacks for a lot of people.

It’s also good for your skin. Make sure to close the bedroom door so the moisture in the air doesn’t escape. But if you experience eczema or just dry skin, this will help.

You can also just dampen a towel or wash cloth and hang it over the back of a chair or hang it over a hanger and hang that on a door knob. As it dries, that moisture is being absorbed into the air.

And if you have plants indoors…they’ll like the extra humidity, too.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy🔮