Last day of the first month of the “new” year…

It’s hard to believe it’s already January 31. We’re one month down, eleven more to go in 2023. You all probably already know I use first and last days of a month to reflect on things. What I set out to accomplish…what I did or didn’t see happen. What I want for the next month.

I encourage all of you to do that, too. Those resolutions and intentions for 2023…there’s eleven months left to get them done.

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Ocean as a place of peace…

I envy people who live by the ocean. Not just for the amazing seafood but just for the peace that can be found there. The vastness of it, the serenity of it. And yes, when the turbulence of it. What a metaphor for life.

If you don’t live by an ocean and even if you don’t like to swim in them or eat seafood, I encourage you to spend some time near one once a year if you can. And not just to look at it and say, wow, pretty…and walk away. Really spend a few moments gazing. Spend some time closing your eyes and listening to it. Smelling the sea air.

It really is magic for the soul.

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The problem with accepting toxic behavior…

…is that it will continue. If you are thinking it’s going to change, it won’t. And if it does, it will only be for the worse.

One of my favorite sayings is “what you allow is what will continue.” It’s best to bring up what is bothering you now than to wait hoping it will change. Or stop.

And don’t accept this behavior from people simply to not make waves. Because the waves are still being made. They’re being created within yourself. Others might not see it, but you’ll have to live with it. And nobody deserves to live with that if they don’t have to. And you don’t have to.

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Stop trying to change people…

You know how hard it is to change a bad habit, right? A bad eating habit or a way you react. It’s hard. So hard a lot of people just give up completely.

If it’s that hard to change yourself, it’s even more difficult to change someone else. Because they have to want to change themselves. No amount of lecturing, pouting, withholding, yelling…it won’t get it done. They have to realize they need to change. They have to genuinely want to change.

Give up the fight. You’re fighting a battle that’s not yours to fight. And you’re fighting a battle you won’t win.

Oracle card readings are available at OracleIndigo on Etsyđź”®

Speak up…

It’s time to make your voice heard. It’s time to start asking for what you want and need. It’s time to start telling people what you will not accept. It’s on you to do that. Enough niceness and “going along to get along.” That just leaves you unhappy and unfulfilled.

Speak your truth and stand up for yourself. Stand up for what you want and need. Nobody else is going to do that for you. And if you lose people along the way, they weren’t meant to be in your journey with you. Because they won’t be scared by you expressing your needs. Let them go. Make space for someone who will appreciate your honesty.

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Venus enters Pisces…

Cue the dreamy, romantic, fantasy love. Cue sensitivity. Cue intuition. This is Venus in Pisces.

So yes, very dreamy and romantic. But there can be a tendency towards complete fantasy. And nothing remotely realistic. That’s usually not good. So make sure you’re staying grounded.

Day dream…sure. Don’t get lost in it all.

Intuitive readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy. Order one today…🔮

It’s time to stop pretending…

How many times in your life has someone asked how you were doing and you flashed a brilliant smile and said fine. You said things were good. All is well.

But it wasn’t. And you knew it.

It’s time to stop pretending. It’s time to stop faking happiness. Because reality isn’t always happiness. It just isn’t. Life is full of loss and struggle and challenge. So stop pretending.

But more importantly, stop pretending to yourself. Because you’ll never experience true happiness if you can’t admit when you aren’t happy. If you don’t allow yourself to fully experience pain and loss. It’s not fun or pretty. But it’s the truth.

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Stop arguing…

Just like you need to know what battles to fight, and what battles to walk away from, so too with arguments. Because the unfortunate reality is that a lot of people are argumentative just to stir up drama. It’s a way for them to feel in control. It makes them feel powerful.

And you’ll never win. Because they’re not arguing to understand. They’re arguing just to win.

So let them. Let them win. You know your truth. And that really is enough…

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy đź”®

All planets direct …

Mars and Mercury and now Uranus (as of yesterday) are all direct now. Which means every planet is direct. Nothing is retrograde.

The universe gifts us with this every year. But this year, it’s for about three months. That’s a little longer than usual.

What do you want to see start moving forward in your life? With all the planets moving direct, it’s THE time to make that happen. And if it can’t happen in three months…at least get a detailed (but flexible) plan in place.

And then get started.

All the plans in the world are essentially useless if we don’t act on them.

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Uranus direct!

Uranus stations (goes) direct today. Uranus is an outer planet associated with Revolution, rebellion, shock and awe, surprise. Thing significant life altering transformation. But the kind that can me a little surprising and…not easy to cope with initially.

Planets retrograde can sometimes bring about a stuck feeling. Uranus isn’t any different. When a planet is moving forward, it just feels a bit more natural. Even if it’s an uncomfortable natural. Like with Saturn.

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