Pluto retrograde…

Pluto stated his quick retrograde back into Capricorn on May 1. There will be some of this back and forth until Pluto gets settled in Aquarius next year.

Capricorn is hard work. The way it’s always done. Responsibility, restriction. Traditional work and money themes. Aquarius is new and innovative. It’s about the collective than just the individual. It’s more how will this benefit us and less how will this benefit me.

What has changed in your life since 2008? That’s when Pluto moved into Capricorn. Probably some significant things. Expect more significant changes for the next 20 years. Pluto is about death and rebirth. The falling away of outdated ways of doing things. The birth of new ways. That always comes with some tension. But it will likely be worth it.

Settle in. Some turbulence is on the way. Just let it happen. You’re being moved towards new and better.

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