Limiting beliefs…

What is holding you back from living your dream life?

Or, phrased a different way, what have you told yourself is holding you back from living your dream life? List all the things. Money. Education. Time. Geographical location. Kids. Your spouse. Your parents. Physical features you need but don’t have. Age. List them all out.

Now next to each one, write a possible solution. For some, there may not be an actual solution. It’s more of how to better accept it. Or how to spin it so it’s actually an asset.

You can’t change your age. Let’s say you’re too old for something. But with age comes wisdom. And experience. How can you use your age as an asset?

I’m not saying it will be easy. Or even really fun at times. But I’m willing to bet that most of these limits you think are keeping you back from living your dream life…are actually excuses you’ve been telling yourself so you won’t even try.

And it’s time to stop that and turn your life around. You’re literally wasting your life and your potential.

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