A lot of people are stuck in their lives. Or in a specific area of their life. Their marriage or significant relationship. Their job. The relationship they have with family members. Where they live. Their weight. But in reality, significant change could be made if they would just start making different choices. If it sounds that simple, it is.
But it’s not necessarily easy.
You don’t need me to tell you that you can always get out of a marriage or end a relationship. Simple, yes. Easy, probably not. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Or you shouldn’t consider it. I’m not pro divorce…but I am pro happiness and pro living the life you deserve. If you aren’t there with your current spouse or partner, it might be time to really think about making a different choice.
If you don’t like your job, you can always quit. Literally. If you are reading this at work, you can put your phone down and type out an email to your boss and start collecting your things and be done with it. I don’t necessarily advocate rash moves without thinking them through…but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. If you are seriously unhappy where you work or doing what you do, it’s time to decide to do something else. Or to work somewhere else.
If you want to weigh less or want to weight more, you need to start making different choices and decisions with your food intake. And with your activity level. It doesn’t have to be epic. It can be eating one less “bad thing” a day. Or adding one protein shake a day. Or walking five or ten minutes outside every day. Keep it realistic and you’re more likely to stick with it.
Again, I’m not saying any of these things are easy. Making big changes usually aren’t. But they’re worth it if they make you happier. You just need to decide.
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