What three things do you need to stop doing…

List them. What are they. Eating too much candy or junk food? Drinking more than you intended? Trying to sleep your way to relationship happiness? Not saving as much money (or any money) as you want? Bring so agreeable and saying yes all the time?

Whatever your three things are….write them down. Pen to paper. If you’re serious about stopping these things, you can put it up in your bathroom mirror, by your computer, by the coffee maker (if you drink coffee every day)… the idea is to put it somewhere that you will see it every day. To remind yourself.

Then tell yourself in the mirror that you are going to stop doing the three things. And by X month and Y day, they won’t even be an issue. It takes approximately 21 days to start a habit. So give yourself at least 3 weeks.

I wish you all successful quitting.

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What are you thinking about right now?

Right now. What was the thought? Was it something positive? Something that makes you happy? Something good that happened to you? A good message from someone? A goal you achieved or a new one you want to set?

Do this every once in a while. It’s a check- in with yourself…with your thoughts. Because you want to keep them positive. You want them focused on the future, not the past.

And you are what you think about. And then what you do. Keep it positive. And if you catch yourself in a negative moment, snap out if it. Replace it with a good thought. It really will make a difference.

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Grateful for…

Get in the habit of listing what you’re grateful for. Every day. You can write it down or just whisper it before you go to sleep.

Doing this trains your brain to focus on the good and not the bad. It also signals to the universe to bring you more of what you’re grateful for.

It’s a powerful manifesting tool that you can use all the time. Even in the moment that it’s happening. I’m always saying, thank you universe for…whatever just happened. Or whoever helped me. Or whatever little magical moment of synchronicity I experienced.

There is never an inappropriate time for gratitude and reverence. Make it part of your daily life and watch the good you experience multiply.

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Share your skills…

We all have a skill of some sort that we can share with others. Maybe it’s something creative or maybe it’s something more practical.

Giving more leads to a feeling of usefulness and it can lead to fulfillment. And not just giving money. Sharing a skill or a talent or a gift you have.

The world needs your gifts. The world needs the skills you have that are unique to you. Start sharing them.

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What do you want more of in your life?

Notice I said want, not need. There can be a difference. What do you want more of?

Love? Connection? Understanding?

A lot of people are in relationships with others but they lack love. They lack true emotional connection. So they’re empty.

Some people have a lot of money. And a lot of things they buy with the money. But they aren’t fulfilled. The new thing becomes any ordinary thing after a while. Stuff can always be replaced.

Think about what it is you want more of and start seeking out relationships and opportunities that can give you that. Don’t settle for a relationship that isn’t giving you true love or connection. Leave a job that you hate.

It’s time to create the life you want.

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What do you dislike about your life?

How many things did you come up with almost immediately? Or did you have to think about it? Are these things you can actively change? Is what you dislike based on a decision or decisions (plural) you made in the past? Is it circumstance (genetics, hereditary)?

You can’t create the life you live, the life of your dreams if you can’t describe what you dislike about it now.

And if these are things you can change (most are, not all, but most) then the real question you need to be asking yourself is why you aren’t changing it?

Is it fear? Money? Worry about what people will say or think? If I told you that you have 6 months to live…would you care at all about what other people think? Or would you quit your job, travel the world, experience all the things you’ve always wanted to?

Nobody knows how much future they have. If you aren’t happy with your life, it’s time to change it.

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List of positive attributes…

Get some paper and a pen. What three posi tour things can you list about yourself?

Go ahead…write them down. Three.

Did you have a hard time with it? A lot of people do. I didn’t have a hard time with it. At all.

What does this speak to? How much you love or like yourself. What kind of a positive, good person you believe yourself to be. If you can’t list 3 qualities you like about you…that’s a problem.

We teach people how to love us by how we love and treat ourselves. If you don’t like how others are loving you…maybe it’s a reflection of how you love yourself.

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That two year cycle…

I’ve known some people in my life who can’t really stick with anything significant in their lives for more than two years.

They’ll switch jobs every two years. They’ll break up with someone for someone new after two years. They’ll feel the need to shake things up by having another baby, buying a new car, moving house, every two years.

Some might call this exciting or adventurous.

I think it speaks to a bit of problem. A constant unhappiness with things. It likely stems from something within. They aren’t fulfilled with what they do or they aren’t truly connected to the person they’re with. So they keep “switching it up.” Maybe they know what they really should be doing…but they aren’t. Or maybe they know the person they really should be with…but they’re not.

Until inner peace and fulfillment is achieved…nothing on the outside is going to make you truly happy. And you’ll be changing things every two years or so.

I hope you find real peace and true fulfillment.

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Recurrent feeling…

What is the most recurrent feeling you experience? The one that’s always there, lingering in the background?

It can be a good feeling. One of being lucky or blessed. Surrounded by kindness. Or maybe it’s one of constant worry and lack. Not having enough fill in the blank In your life.

Whatever it is for you, it’s time to figure out why it’s recurring. And if it’s not positive, what are you going to do about it.

Is this something from childhood? From a career or job struggle? Is it from a past relationship? Get to the bottom of it. And tackle it. Recurring good feelings is what we’re after.

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Full moon in Pisces

There’s a full moon in Pisces going on. And it’s right behind Mercury stationing retrograde. That’s a lot of energy in two days.

Full moons are generally times of accomplishment and completion. Of letting go. Pisces is an emotional water sign. Known for being creative, peace loving, but prone to escapism.

So the idea isn’t to merely escape from something. If it needs to end, end it. I see this a lot with relationships. People just let them fade away. While starting to date other people. That’s one way to do it, but it would be better to end it. THEN start the new one.

That’s just an example. Let go of what needs to go. It frees up time and space in your life for what matters.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Herođź”®